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Author Topic: Wasps boss Dai Young admits he must hit the reset button and build a new squad t  (Read 6138 times)


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In my day, it was 14 slices of orange and a fag for the full back.


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Article on CovLive again stating that he doesn't see where a new coach can be afforded. Also although a few players are yet to be announced there is no more funding available so slots will be filled from the Academy.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Haven’t read the article, but it this as we haven’t made the Champions cup we’ve had our purse strings tightened?

If not, I’m not sure why it’s news. Spent up to the cap, next year we go again.


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'Failures' to consider. I imagine our lack of semi final place, lack of progression this year in the Champions Cup, and participation next year in the Challenge Cup only, plus I would guess disappointing attendances this year (paid ones) and lackluster Season Ticket sales (guess) have resulted in significant purse tightening all round. Dai may not have had the total budget he wanted even for players. Cap, plus EQP and academy credits plus marquee salaries x 2 could theoretically be over £8m, but I would hazard he has been pegged well back from that.

I would be surprised if the total team related budget hasn't been cut by much less than £2m, which is what I would guess was lost by the above mentioned 'failures'.

I wouldn't mind betting that the number of 'south'-based fans who have or intend to purchase season tickets for next year has seen a significant drop, plus some new local fans will not have renewed after the dismal home record this year.


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It wouldn't surprise me that we have a self imposed budget restriction due to only making the challenge cup, rather than the champions cup.
Although it could be said that if that is the case, then we're potentially making it more difficult for ourselves without needing to - but it's easy for me to say that because it's not my money.

I do however, recall an article where Dai was talking about the salary cap and how it's remaining static for a couple of seasons.
As the cap isn't rising, it becomes more difficult to offer new contracts to existing players because every new contract is always for a higher salary.
I'm sure he also mentioned that with the World Cup on the horizon, it would be difficult for teams to bring in new talent that shines at the tournament.

When I read it, it made me wonder if we would purposely stay below the cap to give ourselves some maneouvering space after the RWC


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When I read it, it made me wonder if we would purposely stay below the cap to give ourselves some maneouvering space after the RWC

That may be true.


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And manoeuvring room to offer the likes of Launchbury and Robson new deals next season


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Now that would be good planning.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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And manoeuvring room to offer the likes of Launchbury and Robson new deals next season

Anyone remember when we didn’t have to pay top dollar for a player to join or stay with us? We were obviously winning championships and Heineken cups which helped but did that come first or was it the culture? Here’s hoping we can develop something similar soon or else it’s gonna cost us a lot of money !


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Have thought hard about the implied budget restrictions and see this as something that will potentially force Dai's hand to develop the crop of Academy lads getting promoted. I'm not fully on the page that Dai has only blooded youngsters when forced. Yes I know we can all point to clear and obvious occassions when thats been the case (the season we skirted with relegation being the obvious) but I can also appreciate the fact Dai is working in a results driven business and needed to not only play superstars but also win at all costs to ensure crowds grew rapidly following the move to Coventry. Therefore has had to drip feed younger players in.

I think the situation we now finds ourselves in could actually be a great thing long term and make us form a real core of Wasps homegrown talent to build on.

The recent A League results have been great but we must remember this is A League and there is a significant jump up to Premiership level. So next season must be handled correctly and not just chuck them in the mix. I trust Dai to do this. Skirker looks a prospect but as stated by the coaching team (who see him day in day out in training) is on a 2 year transition from 7's to 15's. So I think we need to respect that judgement and accept next year will still be a transition season for him. We have recruited well to date and if there are no further 'starters' but only 'squad players' to come in, then the Academy lads will have a real shot to impress in training and get opportunities in all competitions.

Am I concerned by the comments made about the budget restrictions? YES! But can this potentially work out better for us in the long term... I think so. So I'm trying to be positive  ;D
« Last Edit: May 21, 2019, 11:13:10 AM by Rory87 »


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The sooner as we begin churning out Academy prospects the better. We've got a solid base in there now and its beginning to bear fruit again.

We had two issues:
1. Josh, Lol et al all retired at once and left a bit of a void which got filled by academy and we nearly went down. They all got exceptional exposure and performed incredibly well, but it was very generational and they've all moved on over the last 18 months except Launch. The lack of cash impacted the academy at this point too.
2. Moving to Cov disrupted the academy, that had already been hit by the cashflow problem and so we dont have growth from within. It won't solve all of our problems, but where you have the odd bloke getting exposure, keeps them engaged for longer and they commit to ways of playing as they see the results.

Once we get it settled and running through with Maso and Evs, the bulk of the squad should be Wasps own and then you supplement where you have gaps with signings. I'd back those two to recognise talent and when it is ready.

I agree with Rory 87, this could be us on the cusp of cracking it for the long term. When you get people committed and staying, its remarkable how much less you can pay....