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Author Topic: Bris game thread  (Read 11391 times)


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #45 on: December 28, 2019, 09:33:43 AM »
Well that was a very enjoyable night, my first game at Bristol.

I thought we did pretty well, just need to cut out the individual errors.

I know Jacob didn’t kick well in the first half but I really do like him as a player.

Fekitoa was much better, definitely his best game for us.

Thought Pearce was very poor.

Launchbury, Willis and Carr were bloody good.

Well done lads, let’s build on it


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #46 on: December 28, 2019, 09:59:49 AM »

And was it just me or did Ugo Pointless Pundit Monye seem massively disappointed we had turned it around at the end, please can BT sport just ask Ugo to step away from the microphone for good?

Ugo is terrible. He is not insightful at all and half the time he states the obvious or pointlessly criticises players just to try and make a point because he hasnt thought of anything to say for 10 minutes. So many better pundits out there I'd be furious if he was getting work over me.


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #47 on: December 28, 2019, 10:02:26 AM »
Great result - and better than that - a good performance in the main with real motivation to make tackles and compete.

Cold light of day - its still only matching the "must win one of the next 4" that many of us had said when hoping to beat however great my celebratory malt tasted last night - we have to back this up. Last season, Newcastle were only 2 from 8 and we need to improve on that.

However, the starting XV and the bench all played their part and the spirit shown by those watching from the bench suggested that Wasps fighting spirit is alive and well. But it will mean very little unless we back this up. And looking at the game - we did get two scores from individual flair - which is great - and now we need to look to keeping the "team play" at a similar standard too.

Final point - the ref had a 'mare. Basically wrong on about 5 or 6 occasions in Bristol's favour. I'm not surprised Launch was looking a bit pissed with decisions - when he'd done nothing wrong. Too often allowing hands in the ruck...contrary to the Laws....surely refs have actual read Law 14 and 15?


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2019, 10:11:55 AM »

It's also interesting that BT Sport threw up a stat early in the game that we have the best scrum in the league.

Considering we've historically had a shit scrum, and been without so many locks for so many weeks, and are without some of our front line front row options, that's a fantastic achievement.

However, I wonder if it's more about us getting the ball out quickly by the 8, rather than actually being dominant in each scrum

At the end of the game when we'd made all our forwards replacements, we were about to be demolished, but Vailanu got the ball out really quickly so that scrum counts as successful regardless of whether it's actually a good platform for us.

Regardless of whether we deserve to have statistically the best scrum or not, I'm absolutely over the moon for it not to be a weak point for us any more.
We will win more games if we know we have a stable platform to work from.


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2019, 10:48:14 AM »
I will make this a question. Are our ten and thirteen now nailed on for the forseeable?

I think the answer is a huge, unarguable yes. Fekitoa might still miss tackles, but he offers something going forward we lack without him, and when he lines people up and hits, they stay hit. As time goes on I think he will become more familiar with the system, the rushing and missing will become less frequent.

At the risk of downvotes from mentioning the ten shirt, at ten for me it is Jacob all the way, we look more threatening with him than with the alternative, simply because of where he plays.

On 9, Robson had a curate's egg of a performance. The runners were frequently static. He had one snipe himself. His kicking was inconsistent but not awful.

MM impressed me somewhat too.

There is no question our strength lies in the forwards and in particular the back row, but last night the backs came to the party.

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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #50 on: December 28, 2019, 11:48:32 AM »

While I'm at it.

Charles showed great speed, power and technique to stop Marcus Watson scoring in the corner

However he seemed to be plodding through treacle when Jacob broke through and scored.

I suspect that young Umaga is actually quicker than he looks, but the camera angle certainly made it look like Piutau was just jogging

The difference between the ex All Blacks Piutau and Fekitoa was continuing effort IMO, Piutau's effort levels were lower than Fekitoa's who was relentless in attack and defence, he also looked like he had plenty in the tank. Charles was good in parts but didn't match Malakai's work rate.

I have just re-watched the game on BT Sport, Dai's use of replacements was key in the last try, Jimmy makes the yards, Sione flies in to distract Bristol and Tim Cardall provides the cover for Dan to get the ball away and out to Umaga.

And was it just me or did Ugo Pointless Pundit Monye seem massively disappointed we had turned it around at the end, please can BT sport just ask Ugo to step away from the microphone for good?

I thought Charles dropped of significantly after his facial injury and having his nose packed. It's got to affect your ability to breath...
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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #51 on: December 28, 2019, 12:05:00 PM »
I for one woke up in a much better mood this morning than I did last Sunday. It certainly felt like the Wasps of old last night and I never felt, even when Bristol went ahead with that joke of a penalty, that we were going to lose. The way we played in the second half made me feel we could find a way through their defence.

I spent much of yesterday in contact with Andy, an old neighbour from when I lived in Bristol, who is head coach for a club in Bristol. His criticism of Wasps last year was that there was a group with a culture where the next night out and money was the priority rather than winning, lead by Nathan. He feels Nathan has brought that culture with him and whilst there has been plenty of opportunities to do the flashy stuff so far, when the opposition turn up wanting to play and Nathan's clique need to work for the win they are found wanting and the lack of quality in the rest of the squad gets found out.

I can see what he meant last night. Nathan played like he did in the last two years he spent with us: did some flashy stuff, but made a lot of errors and became a stroppy brat. Piutau was another one who did some flashy stuff but was defensively caught out not even close to position in all but the last try where he failed to make the tackle. Madigan they've simply given up on.

Whilst last night was a significant improvement, there was still an element of Bristol underperforming and I don't expect us to beat Northampton. That said I do think we're on the right track.

Umaga has nailed down the 10 shirt, but needs the support of a good 12. Booj isn't that and I'm not sure Jimmy has the legs for anything more than a 10-15 minute cameo at the end of the match (I felt we started to stutter when he came on as a blood replacement for Minozzi against Quins). Juan doesn't suit our style playing at 12 and I don't think we'd be giving Jacob the support he needs if we played Spink at 12. I'd like to test out Lima there in the Challenge Cup matches and see what happens.

Fekitoa has been getting better and better each week. I think we forget how difficult it can be to move to a new country with a new style of rugby and fit in instantly. I do think he will get better and better in 2020. Same goes for Minozzi.

Whilst it's great to see Jacob coming through, I am concerned about how Billy Searle has fallen down the pecking order. Last season he was the future until his injury. I do worry given his omission from the last A League game that he is still suffering the effects of that injury. I do hope this Worcester rumour proves to be false though as he and Jacob could be the pair of 10s that takes us forward over the next 5-8 seasons.

That all said, I do continue to have concerns that some of our coaches aren't good enough and that Dai's time at Wasps has run its natural course and to progress both sides need to move on. I don't see us challenging for the playoffs again and Champions Cup qualification is the best we can hope for, for as long as Dai remains.


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #52 on: December 28, 2019, 06:25:34 PM »
Squeezed in the match this morning before going to visit relatives… When Pearce gave that penalty against Launchbury my wife asked in all seriousness, “should we go without you?”. As it turned out, I was delightful company for the rest of the day.  8)

Of course, I never doubted the lads… and I’ve been nothing but positive since joining this site. ;)

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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #53 on: December 28, 2019, 08:32:26 PM »
Fekitoa played last night the way I remember watching him play in NZ before he joined Toulon. Hard tackling & running and good at making hard breaks.
Glad the NZ player appeared last night.


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #54 on: December 29, 2019, 07:44:49 AM »
I'd rather we not put ouselves in a position of winning or losing in the last few plays of the match but we've been doing this for a few seasons now with the odd exception.

We've been missing a back like Fekitoa (combatitive, hard running ) for a while now so its good that he's started to feel at home and click with the rest of the backs.

12 is a connundrum but there's nothing we can do about it now but I have a feeling Gopps will start to play better outside a flatter Umaga who seems to have more deception to his distribution.

It will be interesting to see how we fare against saints


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Re: Bris game thread
« Reply #55 on: December 29, 2019, 09:07:26 AM »
Judging by the sound of his voice on Saturday on BT, I don't think Gopps was entirely well. He sounded like he was getting over a cold or flu. Which may have been why he was on the bench. Maybe he will be recovered and start next week?