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Author Topic: EA's Docked a further 70 points  (Read 8961 times)

Marlow Nick

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Re: EA's Docked a further 70 points
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2020, 09:06:02 PM »
That is a very slippery slope. There is no evidence that London House prices are a deterrent given that several players are quoted as moving to London because that's where they want to be. If you're not careful we'll end up paying players more to be in Coventry and Newcastle because they're not as nice as Bath and Exeter. It's all too subjective and anything that opens the door to side payments or special treatment should be avoided. Fundamentally this is a career they have chosen. It's well paid so they can afford above average housing.


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Re: EA's Docked a further 70 points
« Reply #46 on: February 02, 2020, 10:06:46 AM »
Is it? Another sport where cost is an issue - pro cricket - provides accommodation for players - Surrey are providing this per the Evening Standard - and it can't be a surprise as living near the Oval or even Guildford is a load more than near, say, Leics cricket.

And whilst the stars might get top wages, it must be a real issue for younger and academy players


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Re: EA's Docked a further 70 points
« Reply #47 on: February 02, 2020, 12:29:44 PM »
So there I was in a pub in London with an old friend who is an EA fan (to the tune of being a Platinum holder about £1.1k per annum). It took a few pints of London Pride before we tackled the elephant in the room. How did it feel being a cheat? I then had a half hour diatribe on why it was all wrong and the club had been vilified incorrectly. He had read the full report but so had I but counter points were swept aside. It is almost as though they have all had an indepth course at Barnet to counter the Report. I let him rant. When I asked if he thought if Saint Nige had actually done them more harm than good since the original charge he surprised me by agreeing. 
When he took a break for a slurp other friends who are more football than rugby had a further go at him but to no avail.  It really is a very strange mindset they have. You accept some on the internet might be moderately deluded but when you are faced with one you know is normally a reasonable human ranting about the other clubs actions you do wonder about the drug that has been administered. He is not a new fan but not ancient - a Watford footy fan who wondered about rugby and was hooked. Strange strange discussion.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: EA's Docked a further 70 points
« Reply #48 on: February 02, 2020, 01:58:13 PM »
It's almost cult like. Had a similar experience on a date with a Saracens fan a week after the original penalities were announced.


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Re: EA's Docked a further 70 points
« Reply #49 on: February 02, 2020, 04:02:45 PM »
Conversely Iam friends with a South African Sports Coach, who is a Sarries fan and also a friend with one of the Sarries SA players, and the former SA investors.

He feels absolutely betrayed by, particularly, Wray, and feels they should be demoted for 3 seasons to match the period of the investigation. He also feels that Wray should not be allowed at attend any rugby match/event for that period.