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Author Topic: Exeter player refuses jab  (Read 5343 times)

St Bruno

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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #30 on: May 28, 2021, 03:56:24 PM »
IIRC, he's not the only anti-vaxer at Exeter. Didn't their two props also spout some such nonsense?


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #31 on: May 28, 2021, 04:56:08 PM »
There’s a huge amount of judgement flying around here.
I thought this board was created to get away from the name calling and create more compassion.

Today in the butchers (between customers and the butchers themselves) I heard about of 3 people who had died as a result from taking the vaccine (two of those had pre-existing conditions).
I hear similar stories from a few people I know in the medical world.
And you have to realise that there will be many more having died or suffered from side effects that are deliberately not being publicised in the press. But that doesn’t mean they’re not happening.
And that means families are deeply impacted and people are hurting.

So how can you judge people who may have previously had bad reactions to vaccines, who have existing autoimmune issues and other complications. Or indeed friends and family of those that have had bad side effects?
Some people are living in fear and are very afraid.
I’m not sure belittling them is a healthy approach to the situation, just because they won’t comply.

People make decisions based on previous experiences and the level of understanding, education and awareness they have.

On the flip side, you’ve got people who are not afraid.
People who spend hours and hours each day putting time and effort into creating a healthy, trim, fit body.
They eat brilliantly. They work out. They sleep well. They don’t regularly drink beer or eat sweets and crisps..
Consequently their immune systems are about as rock solid as you can get.
So it’s no surprise that with the immune system they’ve worked tirelessly to create they’re getting peeved off by fat, overweight, unhealthy people criticising them for not wanting to put a foreign entity into their rather pure bodies.
So I can understand where they’re coming from.
If we all had the bodies they had worked hard to create...we wouldn’t be in this situation and society would be much healthier.
(Madness that in lockdown gyms and park runs were shut down and fast food restaurants and off licenses were kept is that healthcare?)

All I’m saying is that there’s a human story behind everyone’s viewpoint.
I’ve suffered with ME and autoimmune issues for the past 18 years and I’ve worked tirelessly to reverse it all. In April I started feeling properly human again for the first time in 6 years (most of which I’ve been housebound for). 
I then had my vaccination and I haven’t felt the same since.
Trust me...I’m worried. I don’t want to go back to the dark place I’ve just worked so, so hard to escape from.

The simple thing is we simply don’t know how our bodies are going to react, especially for people with autoimmune issues, as yet another foreign entity can create a bit of an internal storm.
Obviously for the majority of people - life will be fine and dandy.
And let’s hope they’re won’t be any issues further down the line (for which we have no evidence yet).

But rather than judge those that either decline the vaccine or spend time pondering over it, why not display a bit of compassion...and understand that there’s a human story behind each person you’re currently calling a moron.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #32 on: May 28, 2021, 05:16:33 PM »
I am afraid the arguments about people being fit and thus having great immune systems  are simply untrue. Fitness fanatic healthy  eaters do not have a super turbo charged immune system.

The death rate due to blood clots was so low it was hard to identify it statistically at first from the blood clot rate in the general population. I do not doubt people may have died and blamed the vaccine, but the odds of a butcher's shop being in contact with three people who died of the vaccine, regardless of preexisting conditions,is near zero. The death rate due to clotting from the vaccine is ridiculously low.

I do not believe the world's press is deliberately avoiding bad news vaccine stories. Science works to establish the risk and side effects of vaccine, and publicises the results via peer review as usual. Death rates estimates due to clots are already published.

Sadly the pandemic has seen a bunch of leading  journalists weigh in on scientific matters such as lockdown, vaccines, etc. despite holding no qualifications above GCSE in science. Most of the sceptical ones  have been writing in the Telegraph, and yes, I have googled every journalist in that particular paper because some of their output was borderline Trumpian in accuracy with regard to the pandemic.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #33 on: May 28, 2021, 05:55:59 PM »


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #34 on: May 28, 2021, 06:48:54 PM »
Great post, Skippy. I remember you at Loftus Road - pint in one hand, needle in the other ;D

...and a few minutes late as well!! I tried toi work out how long ago that was a while back and had to take my shoes and socks off to count the years.

Slade now appears to be backtracking a bit.

I just wonder if, when his age group has been vaccinated and he still declines to have the jab with no scientific basis to his reasoning, and team mates or opponents might be less willing to play with/against him.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #35 on: May 28, 2021, 06:59:27 PM »
I take any story of dying due to the vaccine with a great big pinch of salt. Died within a few weeks of the vaccine, sure. Because of? That takes a lot of investigation and determination.  Even with the number of deaths reported within a few weeks of getting vaccinated, it would be a bit of surprise to hear 3 people due to it.

My mum works in a medical setting, and has heard all sorts of stories from what people have supposedly had happen to them due to the vaccine, whether they got it yesterday or 3 months before whatever symptoms have now besetted them.

I suspect it's much like how the majority you talked to early in this pandemic seemed quite sure that the cold/flu they had around sept-Feb 19/20 must have been covid, rather than just another cold/flu.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #36 on: May 28, 2021, 07:28:49 PM »
Henry Slade issues a statement.

I might have more belief in those words if Slade hadn't also shared the anti-lockdown post(s) from either Harry Williams or Alec Hepburn.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #37 on: May 28, 2021, 10:35:00 PM »
There’s a huge amount of judgement flying around here.
I thought this board was created to get away from the name calling and create more compassion.

Today in the butchers (between customers and the butchers themselves) I heard about of 3 people who had died as a result from taking the vaccine (two of those had pre-existing conditions).
I hear similar stories from a few people I know in the medical world.
And you have to realise that there will be many more having died or suffered from side effects that are deliberately not being publicised in the press. But that doesn’t mean they’re not happening.
And that means families are deeply impacted and people are hurting.

So how can you judge people who may have previously had bad reactions to vaccines, who have existing autoimmune issues and other complications. Or indeed friends and family of those that have had bad side effects?
Some people are living in fear and are very afraid.
I’m not sure belittling them is a healthy approach to the situation, just because they won’t comply.

People make decisions based on previous experiences and the level of understanding, education and awareness they have.

On the flip side, you’ve got people who are not afraid.
People who spend hours and hours each day putting time and effort into creating a healthy, trim, fit body.
They eat brilliantly. They work out. They sleep well. They don’t regularly drink beer or eat sweets and crisps..
Consequently their immune systems are about as rock solid as you can get.
So it’s no surprise that with the immune system they’ve worked tirelessly to create they’re getting peeved off by fat, overweight, unhealthy people criticising them for not wanting to put a foreign entity into their rather pure bodies.
So I can understand where they’re coming from.
If we all had the bodies they had worked hard to create...we wouldn’t be in this situation and society would be much healthier.
(Madness that in lockdown gyms and park runs were shut down and fast food restaurants and off licenses were kept is that healthcare?)

All I’m saying is that there’s a human story behind everyone’s viewpoint.
I’ve suffered with ME and autoimmune issues for the past 18 years and I’ve worked tirelessly to reverse it all. In April I started feeling properly human again for the first time in 6 years (most of which I’ve been housebound for). 
I then had my vaccination and I haven’t felt the same since.
Trust me...I’m worried. I don’t want to go back to the dark place I’ve just worked so, so hard to escape from.

The simple thing is we simply don’t know how our bodies are going to react, especially for people with autoimmune issues, as yet another foreign entity can create a bit of an internal storm.
Obviously for the majority of people - life will be fine and dandy.
And let’s hope they’re won’t be any issues further down the line (for which we have no evidence yet).

But rather than judge those that either decline the vaccine or spend time pondering over it, why not display a bit of compassion...and understand that there’s a human story behind each person you’re currently calling a moron.

Well, I heard, from my neighbour's dog's best friend that he heard from the cat across the road that some parrot had just repeated the same story .....

Apocryphal stories I can do without. Do YOU personally know 3 people who have died DIRECTLY as a result of having had the vaccine? Two people? Even one? I mean, not read in the 'Press', not on Facebook, Twatter or whatever ... ?

No, just tittle tattle in a butchers. Of course, if you want to believe it is true, good on you. As someone pointed out earlier in this thread, there are people who still believe the earth is flat.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #38 on: May 29, 2021, 09:56:50 AM »
In short, the plural of ‘anecdote’ is not ‘data’.

JF — we’re just a season away from needing the feet of a Fen Dweller to have enough digits to count the years.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2021, 10:28:53 AM by Skippy »


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #39 on: May 29, 2021, 10:12:47 AM »
In short, the plural of ‘anecdote’ is not ‘data’.

JF — we’re just a season away from needing the feet of a Fen Dweller to have enough digits to cunt the years.

Interesting typo, Chris. (That's if my aged memory hasn't let me down) ;)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2021, 10:14:45 AM by Rossm »


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #40 on: May 29, 2021, 10:14:56 AM »
In short, the plural of ‘anecdote’ is not ‘data’.

JF — we’re just a season away from needing the feet of a Fen Dweller to have enough digits to cunt the years.

I assume you meant count!
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #41 on: May 29, 2021, 10:29:34 AM »
Fixed that one. The perils of typing on a touch screen.


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2021, 10:34:15 AM »
I take any story of dying due to the vaccine with a great big pinch of salt. Died within a few weeks of the vaccine, sure. Because of? That takes a lot of investigation and determination.  Even with the number of deaths reported within a few weeks of getting vaccinated, it would be a bit of surprise to hear 3 people due to it.

My mum works in a medical setting, and has heard all sorts of stories from what people have supposedly had happen to them due to the vaccine, whether they got it yesterday or 3 months before whatever symptoms have now besetted them.

I suspect it's much like how the majority you talked to early in this pandemic seemed quite sure that the cold/flu they had around sept-Feb 19/20 must have been covid, rather than just another cold/flu.
That last bit happens to describe pretty much everyone I met at the start of the pandemic. Everyone had it already. There is a little evidence that the disease may have been around earlier than Nov 19, but it seemed to me that half of Sainsbury's would tell you that they already had it.
Later in the pandemic they were probably the ones who removed their masks to cough....


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2021, 10:34:26 AM »
Fixed that one. The perils of typing on a touch screen.

 :) :) :)
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Exeter player refuses jab
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2021, 10:39:43 AM »
Fixed that one. The perils of typing on a touch screen.
Could be worse. I have seen teacher's exercises with the same typo. A mistake most teachers make just once..... :(