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Author Topic: Lee post-game comments.  (Read 1033 times)


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Lee post-game comments.
« on: June 12, 2021, 06:25:01 PM »
With thanks to Adam Dickinson.

On the end of Wasps' season

"We've been happy with the last two months, we've fought our way back in from being out of form, we've played our way back into some kind of form but I just thought today's game we were too sloppy with the ball.

"In the scrum they were on top a little bit there and in big moments, we put the ball into touch a couple of metres out in a crucial moment, on the stroke of half-time putting a penalty down, they were probably crucial moments within the game that made a difference in the end."

On injuries this season

"What it felt like at the end [of this game] was how the season felt, in terms of: we had three hookers in the field and we were fighting and scrapping with a load of guys going off the field obviously with the HIAs, people going off injured.

"So we had a couple go off with HIA, a couple of injuries and had to move things about all the time.

"That's probably how this season's felt, we're a team that's had, let's say our fair share of knocks and we've been scrapping and fighting the whole time."

On Wasps' run-in

"When you're not in the group, when you're not seeing it day-in, day-out, 12 weeks ago we were in trouble. I looked at the boys and I felt emotionally we were, we didn't have much left in the tank."

"I remember standing in meetings, looking at them and these boys are going 'let's go let's go' and they're wanting to go for you, and you're seeing them and they've got nothing left in the tank."

So I think the whole club, staff included they fought through that difficult period and they came out the other end and we've won 50% of our games.

"3 out of the 6 and you'd like to think all those games we lost, one away at Harlequins which was two and a half minutes into injury time, Northampton game we know, and today.

"They were winnable games, and probably just a couple of percent off fighting at the top end of the table, and we want to be a team that fights for Europe."

Is the European qualification a consolation for today?

"It is, we all want to play in Europe. So yeah we're delighted to be in Europe but it's going to be hard watching the games next couple of weeks considering last year we were fighting and we were in the final, this year we've got through a lot of challenges and that's, I don't want to sound like a losers' mentality.

"I am proud of the fight, the fight among the players and the staff to keep going when it was tough - it was tough at times.

"Probably in reflection you look at the Six Nations period and the Autumn and we didn't win many games in those periods and that's the thing we've got to keep working on."

On silver linings

The beauty of this year with the injuries is, a lot of squad guys played a lot of gametime. When you look at Jacob Umaga coming up to 50 today, you've got Gabriel Oghre [46th Wasps appearance today], I'm reading up myself and I can't believe how many games they've already and they've only been at it a season and a bit.

"So they'll have a lot more experience and hopefully they'll be better for it."


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Re: Lee post-game comments.
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2021, 06:44:23 PM »
I do think we need some higher standards set and the coaching team to be a bit more ruthless in their management of all proceedings.

I don’t want a Sarries robotic game plan or a Steve diamond style approach from Blackett but I feel across the whole set up we’re generally too nice, too accepting of mistakes and lacking a clear set of game plans meaning we’re far too loose in most facets of our game.

Hopefully we will build on this next year and this will develop more and undoubtedly more solidity will come I hope with everyone being another season wiser, Hougaard will be another experienced voice and hopefully Mills will be back too. Keep Shields captain and and hopefully players coming back from injury, new signings and younger players will keep the first team regulars on their toes.


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Re: Lee post-game comments.
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2021, 07:51:51 PM »
Agree with everything Blackett said really. A really testing season. We have the nucleus of a really good squad when all are fit - but this season they haven't been .


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Re: Lee post-game comments.
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2021, 07:56:36 PM »
Agree with everything Blackett said really. A really testing season. We have the nucleus of a really good squad when all are fit - but this season they haven't been .

Indeed especially when the game plan is based around high tempo rugby, when players are running on empty and no consistent set piece or dominant forward play to go to it is going to be difficult.


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Re: Lee post-game comments.
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2021, 08:56:02 PM »
In the scrum they were on top a little bit?
That is a bit of an understatement.
Were were ruined at the scrum and could have won if we did not concede penalties at the scrum almost every time in the second half.
Agree with the rest, of course.


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Re: Lee post-game comments.
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2021, 08:55:30 AM »
In the scrum they were on top a little bit?
That is a bit of an understatement.
Were were ruined at the scrum and could have won if we did not concede penalties at the scrum almost every time in the second half.
Agree with the rest, of course.

Brookes was totally bossed by Genge, but our lineout was good. Our maul was not so good (neither was theirs), but it was in the loose ruck that Tigers really beat us, robbing us of ball or quick possession time and time again.

Their backs did what they had to, defend the first phase very well. Our line defence was poor and disjointed in the first few phases, and then often completely fell apart. One issue we had was our persistent attempts to run round or through them on first phase, whereas Tigers pulled us this way and that and hit us a few phases in when our line had fallen apart.

Umaga had yet another of his 'moments of brilliance' games, where brain farts were too frequent. I mean, THAT cross field kick. Really? If I was Brad I would have been sorely tempted to smack him hard across the back of the head to try and knock some sense in to him.

And the number of times he tried to jink around someone well in to our half and got smacked in to the ground, totally unsupported, instead of thinking, safety first ... he HAS to stop doing that. Teams must have that now as a 'Jacob ALWAYS does this, so watch for it and smack him hard and steal the ball and some easy points.' Tapping a quick ball over the top is pointless if there is a sweeper covering it. These are all brain farts he needs to unlearn and fast. He needs to distinguish when being creative can lead to a score, and when it would most likely cost us points, and to realise that opportunities for that creativity do not come on first phase ball.

He is young, so he has time to learn, but not long. Look at how Smith is so much better than Jacob already, and how it is these types of decisions that Smith gets right.

Overall, I thought our backs were better than Tigers.

I was quite pleased with the game. With time, those left standing, rejoined by the war wounded, should make a strong team. Maybe Atkinson needs to learn that head butting forwards is not the best of ideas though.