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Author Topic: OT Journey Back  (Read 561 times)


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OT Journey Back
« on: June 13, 2021, 01:08:24 PM »
Wind Power - 69 windmill things on our journey back and not one turning. Yes we have counted them.

Great day out yesterday. Stayed local at the Novotel and spent the evening at the Longford Engine on the Coventry Canal. All nicely walkable. Met friends for first time in 15 months and enjoyed much alcohol. Journey back this morning a peach fastest journey we have ever made.

Nice to re-engage with Wasps after such a long time via the telly.
Let me tell you something cucumber

Steve from Cov

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Re: OT Journey Back
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2021, 01:22:12 PM »
Wind Power - 69 windmill things on our journey back and not one turning. Yes we have counted them.

Great day out yesterday. Stayed local at the Novotel and spent the evening at the Longford Engine on the Coventry Canal. All nicely walkable. Met friends for first time in 15 months and enjoyed much alcohol. Journey back this morning a peach fastest journey we have ever made.

Nice to re-engage with Wasps after such a long time via the telly.
