Always a Wasp

Author Topic: A new dawn!  (Read 707 times)


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A new dawn!
« on: October 27, 2021, 10:48:20 PM »
Our first few games demonstrated our defensive soft underbelly had been turned into something more muscular, something more resistant...less chocolate fireguard, more resistant barricade. Yet by round five, like a garrison under constant shell and shot, our numbers had dwindled. The majority of our generals had taken hits, yet the line was holding....And then came Saracens looking to pillage and plunder! What did they face? Well the black and gold line had some more than capable Captains, a few regulars and a large contingent of reserves and conscripts. No one -not even the supportive legions- gave them a chance to hold back the tide. Although the points were captured, those Saracens could not take away that which really mattered, that which makes pride, determination, resilience and identity was not only held on to, but set in concrete.

We have taken the knocks, but the more you knock us down the stronger we become! It is simply reinforcing that which we already know. We are forever! that which attacks us reignites us! We go forward in the knowledge that a new dawn will only lead to a brighter and never ending day!

And now we face Bath, a team beset with the injured in battle numbers that is matched only by ourselves. Whilst they are manning the barricades we have rested reinforcements returning. However it is the new dawn factor that currently differentiates those from the spa to us from the nest, not only in performance but in fortitude! Beware a injured Wasp they say! I say beware everyone as these Wasps are only just getting started!! We may of lost the recent battle, however we are going to win the war! we are stronger! WE ARE WASPS!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS A Wasp!