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Author Topic: Munster still in SA  (Read 4300 times)

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: Munster still in SA
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2021, 08:14:11 PM »
Our World in Data defines CFR as:

The case fatality rate (CFR) is simply the number of confirmed deaths divided by the number of confirmed cases.

This chart here plots the CFR calculated in this way.

When the number of actual cases and deaths is not known – as is the case for COVID – one has to be careful in interpreting the CFR. In the sections that follow we explain what we can and cannot learn about the mortality risk based on the CFR.

They also state on their example chart:

Case fatality rate of COVID-19
The case fatality rate (CFR) is the ratio between confirmed deaths and confirmed cases. The CFR can be a
poor measure of the mortality risk of the disease. We explain this in detail at

Here's a chart of a selection of European countries and it currently varies between 1.5% and 2%. Interestingly the pariah state Sweden who refused to lockdown has the lowest rate at  Sweden currently the lowest rate at 1.26% with Germany at 1.79%. EU average 1.9% so there's some fairly high CFRs out there.

You can add delete countries to you hearts desire.

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: Munster still in SA
« Reply #46 on: November 30, 2021, 06:30:47 AM »
For a board that generally enjoys balance and reasonable exchange of views, I'm surprised by the tone of your replies VV which feel particularly hostile, bordering on rude/aggressive.

One thing the WHO/'s figures don't seem to break down (and I'm asking sincerely out of curiosity rather than a loaded question) is the impact of Flu jabs on the death rate of Flu.

Does anyone know if it is a simple total deaths / total cases calculation that is used, or something more nuanced?

Is the 0.001 fatality rate comparatively low because it's a less-deadly virus, or because those most likely to be vulnerable to severe illness or death from catching it are vaccinated each year against what is anticipated to be the dominant strain or is it simply that even with vaccination status taken into account I'm simply 20x less likely to die from Influenza than COVID?

The latest ONS Data released at the beginning of the month which looks at data from January to September suggests unvaccinated individuals are 32x more likely to die from COVID19 than those who are fully vaccinated (2x doses at the time of the data being captured).

Interested to learn more on how we've arrived at these statistics and whether COVID is more deadly because it's simply more deadly or because there's overall lower immunity and fewer treatments for it than Influenza.

The ONS has published an article explaining that the 32x figure is not a measure of vaccine effectiveness and that the figure changes over time.


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Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Munster still in SA
« Reply #48 on: November 30, 2021, 07:59:49 PM »
Going OT.

Risk of the virus spreading and the lethality of the virus should be the key issues in the decision making process.

Politicians will always want to add their two penneth.

In the Sunday Times today, there is an article regarding an IC doctor. She says that 95% of her patients are unvaccinated. That alone should send out the alarms bells. But, some citizens seem to be blinkered and do not care. It's almost as if it is a badge of honour to some of them, but in reality, they could be signing their own death warrants.

A new varient related to Covid was always going to garner concern and panic as the media would be guaranteed to jump on the story immediately and using titles and headlines with key words dedicated to causing alarm.

What is sad is that by throwing that out in the first instance, the key messages and counter balance is lost to the casual viewer as their anxiety is already heightened, thus the amygdala in the brain "hijacks" our emotional response...and what more anxiety causing than a pandemic!

I would counter this concern with regards to the Omicron variant. The name personalizes it, however this was always going to happen as this is how viruses behave. It happens all the time in nature as they want to survive and thrive. Yes they can mutate to something more serious, however they also mutate to become more infective and less severe, as there is no point bumping off your hosts as they will also be eradicated as well.

We also have this every season with Influenza. Flu variants emerge at a speedier ratio of 2:1 when compared with Coronavirus. And every year we track the most likely strain to be dominant in society and vaccinate for it. Some years are worse than others in regards to illness and mortality (kicking the bucket), others are much less severe. We never splash this all over the media and giving it names to personalize it, nor do we suddenly shut society down due to this, and we should not for covid, because as sure as night follows day, we will have a new dominant strain next year of both covid and influenza.

What is great is we know what covid is at a genetic sequencing level, we have genomic sequencing to track any varients, and we have pharmaceutical agencies who can adjust their vaccines to cover for the dominant strain.......just like influenza. This is not to play down the impact of this pandemic, I would never do that, as I would not the H5 N1/Spanish flu pandemic, or the Influenza epidemic of 2013 which we estimate caused 33,000 deaths at an average of 300-400 per day in the UK. But we must learn to live without fear, as to hide away, repeat hugely damaging lockdowns that affect massively both health and the economy is no way to live at all.

I will continue to practice hand washing, mask wearing & vaccine taking approaches (and improve my exercise again)...But we should all live, spend time with friends, families, and fellow rugby and Wasps supporters, and seek out the joys of life in companionship, friendship and love...otherwise we would miss out on spending time with people with GOMS like our own NWW!  ;D

Now I am off to worry about how we are going to beat Worcester this weekend!!!!

Great post Wombles