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Author Topic: OT Contact Tracing  (Read 642 times)


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OT Contact Tracing
« on: December 01, 2021, 02:47:28 PM »
As some of you know I help run a Gymnastics Club, and am the main contact, in that anyone wanting to contact any of the coaches does so via me using the Club's email.

Was suprised to receive an email, using the club email, saying I was a contact of someone who had tested positive by PCR and was required to self isolate.

It appears that one of the gymnasts who attended last Saturday took a PCR on Sunday and tested positive. When asked about contacts her parent said she had been at Gym the day before, and only contact details her mother could supply was my name and email.

However I no longer coach, as I suffer from a syndrome called CMT which affects lower legs, feet and I have little balance any more, so was at home when she attended gym.

Went on-line to try to sort situation out, but there is no way of stating you were not a contact, and it is a legal requirement to do whatever they say you have to do. In my case it said I don't need to self-isolate, as fully vaccinated, but have to book a PCR

Looks like that could be a situation that might affect other sports clubs.


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Re: OT Contact Tracing
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2021, 03:01:26 PM »
At my wife's place of work, there are just 3 office staff. One works 3 days there now, my wife and the other work one day each. My wife has her own office area. The other worker who comes in the one day tested positive, and the contact tracing people asked my wife and the other worker to get tested. My wife ordered it online, it turned up the next day. She took it, sent it the same day (the instructions on how to seal the bag are quite poor, you would have thought they could make an online video, but I couldn't find one), and got a text later the following day with the negative result (same with the other worker, surprise surprise).