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Author Topic: Game involvement - some stats and stuff  (Read 538 times)

Jac A

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Game involvement - some stats and stuff
« on: February 22, 2022, 11:49:32 AM »
As we're in contact/signing time I've been having a look at our teamsheets and seeing who has been involved, who we're going to need to replace etc and I thought I'd share a bit for anyone who's interested.

I've looked at games when a player has come onto the pitch - obviously some of these are just a few mins at the end of a game (I do have mins played data but I think that's a bit too much). This looks at Prem and Champ Cup (our teams in the Prem Cup were obviously youth heavy), I have also only included first team non-loan players. Format is Name; Games played; Percentage of games played (from a total of 19).


Cruse   13   68%
Oghre   13   68%
Frost   10   53%

Nothing unexpected here except Oghre has had plenty of back-row involvement in here (three starts at 7 and one at 20). Cruse still seems main hooker with 10 starts but only having three first team hookers has meant three loans with van Vuuren already involved in 4 games and likely more to come with Cruse and Frost out. Can Dan Eckersly provide the necessary cover next season?


West   11   58%
Harris   3   16%
Hislop   16   84%
Alo       11   58%
JTA      14   74%
Scholtz   5   26%
EM-M   8   42%

Don't think many expected at the start of the season that Bomber would have the most games and the most minutes. Credit to him, he has done well but is one of the most heavily penalised players in the Prem (23 penalties - one every 29 mins he's played, by comparison West has conceded one every 48 mins, JTA every 55 mins, Alo 41 mins and poor Zac Nearchou every 14 mins). We have needed Nearchou for four games, Martinez 3 and Gordon Reid for 1 but this is understandable considering the injuries. Next year having four LHs with Martinez I think we'll been in good shape. Prob losing two THs this year but quality replacements so no issues.

Second Row

Launch   3   16%
Gaskell   8   42%
Stooke   17   89%
Fifita   14   74%
Cardall   12   63%

No surprises here either. Stooke has been immense, every prem game. We have needed de Chaves three times and Shields filling in but have been without Launch and Theo. Will come back to this in a bit.

Back row

Willis, J   1   5%
Shields   17   89%
Young   12   63%
Willis, T   12   63%
Barbeary   9   47%
Carr   13   68%
Morris   8   42%
Curran   2   11%

Shields is a given, absolute trooper and despite our back-row talent still got to be in if fit. What might surprise is that Carr has played in the next most games - he may have only started 5 he has been used quite a bit despite a full SH season. I would like to see more of Curran. Only other thing of note is that Tom Willis has very high mins played, usually goes the distance.


Robson   10   53%
Hougaard   8   42%
Porter   16   84%
Wusty   9   47%
Umaga   11   58%
Atkinson   8   42%

Porter's involvement stood out for me, only not been in 3 match day squads and has been a huge factor in our late game performances recently. Hougaard has only started one game at SH, but four on the wing. Gopperth had three starts at 10 and Umaga two at 15.


Booj   10   53%
Mills   2   11%
Gopperth   17   89%
Fekitoa   3   16%
Odogwu   6   32%
Spink   9   47%

Jimmy has only missed 2 games for us and has played a huge part in his final year  :'( This shows the disruption in midfield we have faced this year, the number of different combos etc. Not included is Simonds start against Sarries, four games for McHenry, and Bassett playing 13 on three occasions. Also 4 of Odogwu starts have been at 14 but I had him in the centres as that's where Lee said he saw him long term...

Back 3

Bassett   18   95%
Watson   13   68%
Kibirige   11   58%
Mehson   3   16%
Minozzi   3   16%
Crossdale   12   63%
Miller   6   32%

Bassett is awesome, may not have scored tries this year but so reliable. Elsewhere this is a bit all over the place. Add in four games for Hougaard, four for Odogwu and two for Umaga. This is going to be common, the cap reduction will mean players being adaptable and playing in more than one position so it's good we have those players. Bassett has been consistent at 11, Marcus, then Zach, then Hougaard now Odogwu at 14 and 15 a bit all over the place.

What does that mean for next season?

Fekitoa is defo off. Game time suggests he won't be missed on the pitch that much - so far three games, 134 mins and injured again (I'm sure he's a huge part of the squad and adds a lot in training etc but I'm just looking at time on the pitch). However, we have started seven players at 13 this year, we need some consistency - certainly for defence. Spink for sure could be the mainstay but he has had an awful injury record so far. Odogwu at 13 is fine by me but we would need to get another winger IMO. Odendaal is more of a 12 but could cover. Outside of them, Booj (if he's staying) can cover but hmmm I'd rather he stayed at 12 and Ma'asi White isn't ready. I don't think we will sign anyone else but we need a fit Spink.

Gopperth is off too and we will miss him. I think we are fine at 12 through. Odendaal will add leadership and I hope will fit in nicely, a fit Ryan Mills will be great and then we also have Simonds (again fitness) and an excellent prospect in Hartley. So sad to sad goodbye to Jimmy but confident 12 will be all ok.

Fifita has been great, admittedly off the boil against Quins but this will be a good one season cameo. Obviously he could be seen as injury cover for Launch but Joe has injury issues and (esp with Kruis retiring and Lawes now settled at 6) if fit will be with England. Stooke, Gaskell and Cardall is fine, Theo not really had a chance and Bell promising but I think we could do with another lock (we have been linked with a South African IIRC).

Youngs is another that we can cover - sad he's off, on his day he was the best openside in the Prem for a time. But, Jack is back (I had my doubts at times) and we have a load of good youngsters in Curran, Pichardie, Tunny, Brown, Cripps and Fisilau; granted not all of them will make it but I don;t think we need any BR signings.


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Re: Game involvement - some stats and stuff
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2022, 11:59:22 AM »
Nice summary thanks.

One point on Hislop and penalties  - he has played on with injuries in at least a couple of matches to spare the sub too much of a pounding. In these he has given away a disproportionate number of penalties just to survive. A fully fit Hislop is a weapon in the scrum and around the pitch.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Game involvement - some stats and stuff
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2022, 12:30:45 PM »
Great analysis. Bassett, Shields and Stooke look like the glue that’s held it together. The Carr stat did surprise me.