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Author Topic: Top 6 still possible?  (Read 938 times)


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Top 6 still possible?
« on: February 26, 2022, 08:32:17 AM »
I’m not sure.

For the club to continue to grow champions cup rugby is hugely important, not only in attracting and retaining players, but also commercially through gate attendances, sponsorship, tv exposure and increased revenue.

I must admit even with our short return to the top 6 2 rounds previously Our performances were not filling me with confidence. Wins dragged out of defeat can show spirit, but if you do not build upon it and grow your game then their value rapidly declines to irrelevance as we have observed. 

Injuries were a reasonable assessment to justify our form in the first half of the season. But it is worrying that neither the coaches nor the players are able to put a 80 minute performance together. Currently as sure as the sun rises our team will either lose discipline, intensity, accuracy and control in a match, sometimes all at the same time, and sometimes for extended periods.

Certainly our midfield needs time to bed in, but we need our 2 tens Jacob and Charlie playing at 10 all the time, with one benching when the other starts. Jacob is doing a fine job at 15, but Eddie Jones assertion that anyone can play anywhere is folly to any of us who have played the game. Each position has certain attributes and nuances that when mastered makes you a top player, but if not fully grasped can make you vulnerable. Jacob is best at 10, and every game out of position is a step in development lost.

Our front 5 are once more struggling, Biyi is full of potential, however against Marler last week and Bristol this week he has been shown how far he has to go. However West had a night to forget last night. Gabi still has much development to undertake, but his game looks chaotic, he is eager, but just watching him so much energy seems to be going in the wrong direction. If we can get him focused on running straight lines, carrying hard, knowing when to offload and when to take the tackle and set up quick ruck ball then he will start flying forward in ability. Currently he reminds me of the child in the playground who runs around everywhere haphazardly with so much energy, but doesn’t really do anything with it.

Turnovers are also a problem. Young Young even before his injury had gone off the boil for a while in this area. Jack is still early from returning to the game and will need time to develop that part once more. But overall no one is mastering this area. We get a couple now and then, but to often we don’t get in a position to turn over, and more recently are struggling to slow the oppositions ruck speed. From here we lose the gain line. It was a worse problem last season, but it is still an area where we are not competitive enough.

Defence speed as also slipped. At the start of the season our line speed and tackling was persistent throughout the game. Last night was a demonstration of where we currently are. It is there in fits and starts, but too often goes missing and we end up in our own 22 and conceding points. In rugby there are two non negotiable, defence and set piece strength. Get those and you can build everything else around it. We do not have those building blocks in place. They are there, but rather than being foundations dug deep into our playing psyche, they are like Lego bricks, they can be in place temporarily, but it only takes someone with a strong thumb to flip them over when desired.

We are lauded for our attacking threat. But our ‘tries of the week’ contenders masks a ongoing problem, and that is we are always trying for the unstructured. The problem is we have not mastered the structured part. Unstructured moments do occur from long ball in play time, or later when fatigue starts to develop. But the majority of the 80 minutes is structured, with defensive lines set, set piece play invaluable and attacking based upon plans and phases. If you do not compete in the structured then there is little point waiting for the unstructured as more often than not you will lose. I am reminded of England 2001-2003. For many test matches the first 40-60 minutes were close. Sometimes we were ahead, sometime behind. But Woodward’s art was creating a game plan which everyone bought into. In the structured part of the game we either were ahead or only just behind. Thus when the unstructured part arrived with fatigue, substitutions, injuries we capitalised. The work was already done to put us in a winning position and we took those opportunities. Last night for us was a case in point. We lost the structured part heavily, sitting 28-7 behind. And even though we won the unstructured 12-3 it was to little to late. We had not earned the right to win because we are not good enough as a structured team.

Perhaps where we are evolving is a core leadership group. There are players in Launch, Robbo and Shields that can lead and guide a team. We have though to enlarge this group. Players like Gaskell, Stooke, The Willis brothers, Jacob and Charlie, West, Cruise need to become key lieutenants and leaders in their own right. You need a leadership team large enough to have at least 1-2 always on the field to guide the larger squad. There are moments I can see that, but the true evolution of this will only be apparent if we start winning as that will be a direct reflection on this part strengthening.

Lee HAS to find a starting XV consistently who can play together and develop trust and relationships. He has to have a bench that will lift standards and a wider squad who know how we want to play the game and slot in when needed. If you do this standards rise, consistency in performance evolves, games are won more regularly and chances for trophies and titles occur. People criticise Exeter, but Baxter is a phenomenal coach. His game plan may be narrow, but it has won titles and trophies. 6 finals in a row is mightily impressive. And to knock his style is to underestimate how good he is. He gets a team playing from the same hymn sheet. It did not need big names, it needed the ability to recognise good players who work in harmony and are stronger than the sum of their parts. One player went off another slotted in seamlessly. That takes skill to develop, and Lee and our coaches have yet to find that.

Where we have a wonderful opportunity to achieve the above is in facilities. This club wants for nothing now in regards to stadia and training facilities. Our management have provided such wonderful world class infrastructure that no coaches, support staff such as S&C or medical, or the players have any excuses not to achieve at the highest level. Indeed when the facilities are this good you can remove excuses and start to sort the wheat from the chaff.

We all would love to see Wasps lifting trophies again, but we have a long way to go based on our performances as noted above. I would love to be proved wrong, but with our away form and the above top 6 is a long shot at best, and unless we see a change we will be somewhere between 8th-10th come seasons end.


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp.


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2022, 08:36:54 AM »
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2022, 09:33:10 AM »
In theory, yes. In practice, no.

I'm torn on if we actually are good or not, because we won games against good teams, but really didn't look that good. Where as Munster imo showed us what a good team looks like. I think we're on the edge on top 6. But I do think the current top 6 are better than us.

I stand by it, injuries and returning players haven't helped establish our gameplan or identity. Because it feels very much forwards driven with less emphasis on backs. But then again might just be like 2018-19 which was awful to watch due to injuries. Urgh.


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2022, 09:48:57 AM »
Do we not have to finish in the top 8 this season to get into the Heineken cup?

I'm so unsure how good we are, I look at the players we have and at times I believe we can beat anyone but so often we lack in intensity, especially the first half.

Maybe its because player are coming back from injury and are not up to game speed, which does make a difference.

At this level it all about the 1/2% extra that a good team consistently finds to win matches. For me we are so inconsistent


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2022, 10:09:39 AM »
To be honest, that was too many words for me :)

My feeling on champions cup rugby is that it's generally seen as very important so the club can attract the best players.

However, in reality, we actually want a squad built of in house players, not overseas mega signings.

That being said, Leicester are league leaders at the moment, and would have been relegated a couple of seasons ago.

London Irish are top 4 at the moment and haven't been regulars in three champions cup for a while

Quin's weren't in it a couple of seasons ago then won the league 2 seasons later

Conversely, Bath have regularly been in the competition and aren't exactly pushing for league honours.

It's likely important from a financial perspective (although it's probably not cheap organising and getting to some of these games), but I'm not sure it's so important from a domestic league perspective.

I'm fact, a complete reset, such as that which Leicester and Harlequins have been through may be more beneficial


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2022, 10:22:38 AM »
Top 4, Top 6, Europe.

To me not really important. Might be financially to Derek.

I just want to see a team run out, and play like a team. Simple goal.


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2022, 10:32:30 AM »
Our next game in 2 weeks time, looks like we could possibly only have 3 players on the injury list, ( Frost, Cruise and Martinez) Frost has a chance of making it, so it could only be 2.

That could be interesting on team selection


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2022, 10:39:11 AM »
But, whatever team IS selected, will it play like a team?


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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2022, 11:31:18 AM »
I think we’re clearly good enough to finish top six. But there’s probably 9 other teams that are as well. We were a bit patchy against Bath and poor v Quins and Bristol where we got smashed at the breakdown. Shields didn’t play in either of the latter games. When he doesn’t play we need someone to do what he does. It’s not pretty stuff but a lack of it means you get beaten. It’s not a one man solution. I wonder how much Atkinson has missed Gopperth in the last two games? There are positives - the likes of Spink, Willis, Mills, Launchbury and West continue to get game time but we have to switch from injuries being the cause and re-integration being the cause to playing consistently. We’re definitely good enough for too 6 though.

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: Top 6 still possible?
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2022, 11:50:27 AM »
It was a pipe dream before we played Quins.