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Author Topic: Morning All  (Read 1149 times)


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Morning All
« on: May 07, 2022, 06:56:48 AM »
Morning All from a dull Edinburgh

Currently listening to very haunting call from the Zoo behind the hotel. Hope that isn't an omen for today. The referee group were in the bar last night but politely declined any comment.

Hard one this. Speaking to an Edinburgh STH they are confident but wary. Too many injuries and players like Darcy Graham not quite fit yet. We are probably as strong as we can be but this small new stadium plays against us. Going to be interesting.

Safe travels to all (seen a few already).

Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2022, 07:23:52 AM »
Morning Neils and all Waspies from a pleasant Guildford. A much anticipated trip to the local pub was abandoned last minute last night due to one of my best friends family commitments, which, while very understandable, was hugely disappointing as we were overdue a proper catch up and, I hope, it is not a portent on todays game.

Make no bones about it i am nervous, last week was Jekyll and Hyde at its finest. We went from the sublime to the ridiculous. Effective to inept, cohesive to collapse in less time that it takes me to warm the oven up for the Sunday roast. A team that gives up a 25 point lead os never going to be one which can feel comfortable in itself, and we are now left wondering whether their well earned perennial discomfort for this season will inhibit or enhance them.
Away at Edinburgh is no easy task, winning this trophy is going to be a phenomenal fight given what we saw of Sarries last night. If our club want to be taken seriously as a top team capable of winning trophies then this journey must start today. Every player (especially the bench) will need to strain every sinew to get a win. Do it well, show that throughout 80 minutes, and when the inevitable replacements happen standards can remain high, then perhaps we can move on from last weeks late capitulation. Fail this test and the whole squad from coaches to the players need to consider if they really are good enough. This may sound harsh, but with the facilities that these guys now have at their disposal excuses of “learning from defeat” and “coming back stronger” no longer hold water, they are oft used sound bites to the media that are not worth the paper its written on. It is now a time to put up or shut up, and prove they are a team moving forward capable of winning titles and trophies. If they are the team we want them to be today is the day it begins!

Come on you Wasps!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp.

Rugby by birth. Wasps by the grace of God.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2022, 07:27:28 AM »
Morning all from a gloriously sunny Hastings. Wishing I was there with you. Fortunately my regular streaming service is showing the game. It must have been a late decision as it wasn't showing up on Thursday. I think we will be so resentful about last weekend that we will take it out on Edinburgh. Good luck to all.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2022, 07:58:33 AM »
Morning all from a bright and breezy S Glos. I share the nerves on this one - it's a knock out game and one we need to turn up for 80 and unlike Glaws last night, take our chances in the "red zone"

I don't expect to win, but I do expect a reaction to the debacle of the last 15 last week.....and I will be on the sofa with the dog who loves a game over lunch....probably not necessarily for the rugby.....



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Re: Morning All
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2022, 08:07:03 AM »
Good morning everyone.  It's a beautiful morning here,  free-range chicken from the Mill across the field has been visiting, the washing is already on the go and kate and sidney casserole quietly defreezing for lunch.  All looking good so far but whether that will extend as far as Edinburgh at mid-day I hae ma doots.  I would love a W of any kind obviously but I'm not convinced it'll happen.  I hope I'm wrong.  If we do win it should restore any lost confidence.  Have a great time up there Neils.   Loud Allez Allez Allez please, good luck everyone, safe journeys everyone  ......................   C O Y W  PLEASE.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2022, 08:25:11 AM »
Morning All.

This match it difficult to call from a Wasps perspective. We are Jekyll and Hyde. We can do it but as the final 15 mins last week demonstrated, just how we can drop over the edge, in an instant.

Paddy Power have us at 8/11, Edinburgh 6/5. We shall see!!!

Safe travels and enjoy the the trip to all those going to the game. For the rest of us, watching from behind the sofa perhaps!!



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Re: Morning All
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2022, 08:27:56 AM »
Good morning everyone, having a new kitchen fitted, which is turning out to be a nightmare. Currently have no kitchen and the new kitchen is in the sitting room blocking the tv.

I would really like to see a reaction today and by the sounds of it Edinburg are missing a few players, as we are now making consistent team selections we must surely have a decent chance. Are we not a very good team, let’s show it today


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2022, 08:29:12 AM »
Morning all. Lovely bright blue sunny morning. Just got up, fed the cats. My porridge awaits.

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: Morning All
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2022, 09:12:23 AM »
Morning all,

Chilly down here in Portland Harbour. I haven’t followed much rugby outside the Prem so no idea what to expect.  Not that that would help given our mercurial tendencies.

I’ll be spending the day on the water, hopefully it will be very quiet as I’m doing safety boats. I wasn’t there but there was a death at an event last week, a sobering reminder it’s a serious job. 

I’m hoping to see the match later without hearing the result.

Safe travels and have a great day all those at the match. 


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2022, 09:17:15 AM »
Morning all from a dull but looking a bit brighter Essex . If that is how Wasps manage to win today I’ll be all for it.

 As an aside just popped in to see mate filling in his Koi pond on the patio with around 4 tippers worth of rubble . His story of his wife going to Australia is starting to wear thin.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2022, 09:42:02 AM »
I hope he took the fish out first.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2022, 09:44:03 AM »
Morning all from a dull but looking a bit brighter Essex . If that is how Wasps manage to win today I’ll be all for it.

 As an aside just popped in to see mate filling in his Koi pond on the patio with around 4 tippers worth of rubble . His story of his wife going to Australia is starting to wear thin.

I am guessing those fish looked well fed?


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2022, 09:44:08 AM »
Morning all. I fancy us to win today. Little perplexed over Odogwu not making the starting line up again, but I still fancy a w.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #13 on: May 07, 2022, 09:50:28 AM »
I hope he took the fish out first.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2022, 09:52:17 AM »
Morning all from a dull but looking a bit brighter Essex . If that is how Wasps manage to win today I’ll be all for it.

 As an aside just popped in to see mate filling in his Koi pond on the patio with around 4 tippers worth of rubble . His story of his wife going to Australia is starting to wear thin.

I am guessing those fish looked well fed?

Sold them to a bloke up road , biggest was about 18lb