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Author Topic: Are Bristol the new Exeter?  (Read 2707 times)

Vespula Vulgaris

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Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« on: December 02, 2018, 08:59:20 AM »
They clearly had big names, but if we learned anything from London Welsh it is that chucking a bunch of internationals together in the same strip does not make a good team.  But Bristol have been a revelation.

They started off as clear relegation favourites, but are currently sitting happily in the middle of the table.  Admittedly it is looking pretty tight with only three wins between 3rd and 12th, but it's hard to see them going down based on the last month or two.  The rest of their season looks like they'll pick up several more wins, the question is can they even make it into the top 6?  I wouldn't be at all surprised if they did.

My prediction for the top six is that it will be the same as it is now, if not in the same order.  If Quins don't manage to keep up the form they are currently showing they might not make it, but they've been underperforming for a long time, so I'm betting they'll keep it up.

What do you think?
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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2018, 09:18:38 AM »
The top two will obviously still be top two at the end then I would think Wasps and Glaws make up the top four. After that I have no idea whatsoever. Worcester probably favourites to go down. Sorry I couldn't be more insightful but it is a bunched up table.


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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2018, 09:50:01 AM »
I think Bristol will stay up. They've assembled a good squad. As far as I'm aware they don't lose anyone to international duties and have a very rich and passionate backer. I have a feeling it will be one of the big names that will go down this year, and that, along with the potential CVC deal may start the ringfence process


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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2018, 10:03:44 AM »
Even in the early games that they lost, Bristol had periods of domination against everyone.
They're definitely a team not to be taken lightly by anyone.

However, they need a succession plan for the likes of George Smith and Piutau.

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2018, 10:08:24 AM »
Even in the early games that they lost, Bristol had periods of domination against everyone.
They're definitely a team not to be taken lightly by anyone.

However, they need a succession plan for the likes of George Smith and Piutau.

Smith is obviously not going to be there for long, but do we know how long Charles signed for?

Lets face it, if they finish top 6 and continue to have a backer willing to spend whatever it takes then they'll likely pick up some more top level players over the next year or two.
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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2018, 10:15:02 AM »
I think what we are seeing is two sides that have got a style that runs deep through their squad. The other ten teams have realised that they need to follow those examples. Maybe not THE style, but the ethos of having a squad deep in the same style.

Their recruitment starts to reflect that. Sure, they still try to buy in the Galacticos and big stars, but their focus is in their academies and recruiting quality discovered elsewhere (like the Championship). It's in their training, at all levels.

You can see it changing at Wasps. To an extent, and quite obvious at times yesterday, it is still forced, artificial. But it is starting to happen. For me, in their Premiership games, Wasps have been steadily improving towards a cohesive unit. It is painful at times to watch, but you can see where they are headed. The more they play, the more the team plays as a team, and buys in to this ethos.

That is why you have (after today, and let's assume it is a win and not a draw) half of the table (6 teams) all on 3 wins out of 9 games. And four teams on 4 or 5 wins. And the two at the top. Nobody is unbeatable, on the day. Heck, we COULD have won that game yesterday. We didn't because our new style is too fragile, our team not fully a team, not fully believing.

But, as the season unfolds, those ten teams will each get better, the games closer and more exciting, more cohesive and flowing.

Bristol, under Pat Lam, have clearly learned from their up and down previous two years. He is building that side up, week by week. With some ex-wasps that are not looking so shabby.

I think what worries Dai is that, here we are in December and still no announcements of contract extensions. January will be here soon and I fear we will see players leaving; too many. I don't want to see him bringing in stars to replace them for the sake of it. I want to see rough diamonds coming in, like Brookes and Matthews, who will slot in to our new style. I want to see academy guys, like Willis, Porter, Sirker, Umaga and many others, coming through to the main squad. Have you really seen any of them that have pulled that shirt on that haven't shown the potential to be in the main squad? I haven't. Bring some stars in from the Championship as well. We have seen how well Booj and Rosco have stepped up and shone.

Sure, there will always be some big names, like Sopoaga and maybe Fekitoa next year. But will they stay? Look at Beale, WLR. They came, they went. We might like them for the posters, but I am not sure they added anything to the future of Wasps. Those 'lesser' players, to whom we give the chance, may well turn out to stay longer, and be the backbone of Wasps for the coming years. By now Dai must have a good idea of what positions he needs to fill, after promoting the academy players. Fill your boots from the Championship, Dai, where there are plenty more heroes to be found. Poaching from other Premiership clubs is pointless, although every club will let go players from their academies, or young main squad players, sometimes because they have no room for them in their positions, or they don't fit the club 'style'.

That's what I think Dai should be doing. Less expensive players equals a bigger squad, and a higher EQP ratio. It has to be the way forwards.

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2018, 10:23:03 AM »
I agree that we are finally starting to build a style and a team philosophy that is more than just one or two good players, but I'm not sure I agree with the idea that the big names we've had haven't added to the team.

I think Smith, Piutau, and Beale all brought their own blend of magic to the squad, and had an effect on the rest of the players that has lasted long past thier playing tenure.

Would Youngyoung be the player he is without a year under Smith?

Would Miller have been able to step up the way he did last season without having played alongside Piutau previously?

Would Elliot have become the world class nailed on Lion without having played alongside Beale and seeing the magic he was capable of?

And on the subject of WLR firstly he hasn't gone yet.  It looks highly likely that he will, but he has given several years to the team, and has been responsible for dragging up the level of the entire team.

Players like these are exactly what we need to give our academy prospects, and Championship signings the motivation and inspiration to excel.

I agree we need a bigger squad, but not at the expense of proven talent at the very highest level.  We need a few genuine stars to show what is possible.
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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2018, 10:28:33 AM »
Dai needs follow the Exeter model. Bringing in expensive short term SH players doesn't seem to benefit the club in the medium term. I hate to say it but WLR looks like he's mentally already left the club (perhaps he's jaded after travelling 3 times around the globe playing in the summer and early Autumn for SA?). Some of the new signings (Booj, Neale, Morris, Atkinson) look like they're prepared to run through brick walls for the team in comparison.

I don't know what to make of Daly at the moment. Apart from kicking the occasional long penalty he hasn't really performed this season yet.


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Re: Are Bristol the new Exeter?
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2018, 10:44:20 AM »
Dai needs follow the Exeter model.

By signing Hogg have Exe started to break their mold?