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Author Topic: What Happened to Our Optimism After the Final?  (Read 2062 times)


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Re: What Happened to Our Optimism After the Final?
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2022, 01:03:10 PM »
That seems fair. With the pack that we'll be able to put out, we'll have the opportunity to play more like Leinster do with their power game via a mobile but strong pack and look to play tactically better when we get ball.....

Looking at how the "Stats" people looked at France's win vs England last season showed it was the choice of when to play, fast and with accuracy. What they found as that choosing when to play from a "less than 2 second ruck" was more important than how many times.....And that's what I hope the coaching and lead players will look towards - making good choices and then playing to strengths. And looking to be a bit like France and Leinster is a decent ambition....

We've been too often poor at making decisions. This may be connected to what official allow/don't allow but watching another SR this morning, what was very clear was that the decision making at the tackle was very precise. Not going in if in danger of invoking Law 15's requirements and keeping both the players on feet and fewer penalty awards. Perhaps something we could look towards - given the quality of our players and back row?