General Category > Wasps Rugby Discussion

Morning All!

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Morning all! Sat on a coach on our way to London to visit my dad for the day. Probably not going to get to see the game unfortunately.

It is what Pooh would call a blustery day here in South Warwickshire. The sky is blue and I have just spent 2 hours cleaning after our cats (litter trays etc). The little beggars will wait till I have cleaned one of the trays then use it. Then one of them decided to puke up its breakfast, and before I had chance to clean that up, it eat half of that back up, went to another room, and puked again. I am now trying to persuade the biggest male cat (Mario; they are all named after Mario Cart characters) to eat his breakfast, which is laced with his daily medicine (he hates it).

Then I have to sort out Miss NWW's car insurance. It grated me that last year it was a subsidiary of Allianz that was the cheapest for her (£1100 for me and her on the policy - in her name of course, including full RAC cover). They wanted £950 this year, but Hastings, who I use, only want £700 for better coverage. Still has to have the black box though. I logged in to see her 'history' on the Allianz box. Green for EVERY day of the last year.

I shall be coming up to watch the game, but haven't sorted the parking yet. I need to talk with my dad. We usually park near the stadium on a driveway, but that costs me £13 compared to parking near the railway station, where you can park for £5 for the day. Wasps are making the shuttle bus free today, thus saving £4 per person (return fare cost), and that saves me having to drive through the melee that is Coventry Saturday afternoon Xmas shopping traffic.

Those of you in East stand (I am in E20 AA, the end of the row, maybe seat 30 or 31?), send me a PM with your mobile, maybe we can meet and say 'Hi'.

Quite nice on the South Coast - the sun is actually shining this morning and it's dry. Well, well, who'd have thought it after yesterday. I've no idea what will happen later today. 5.30pm on a Saturday is a ridiculous time for a kick off. We are in thrall to the great god, television. I won't be able to watch it live - wrong time of day - I'll be in the kitchen cooking. I'll watch later.
Hope we come out with a win - preferably 5 points. But we have to stop Toulouse going away with anything which may be harder.
Good luck boys. Play well.

Morning all, best wishes to you and yours. I didn't envy my lad going off to play rugby this morning, as said it is cold and blustery, the cold seems to go right through you. At least it is dry, hopefully that's the way it will stay.

Agree with the other posts that talk about wanting to see a good performance. If anyone heard Johnny Sexton on the Rugby Union Weekly (sometimes cannot bear it for more than a few mins, but this week's was really good) then he said that was the focus at Leinster, seems to be working for them. In my mind it makes sense to focus on what you have control over.

Well, here's to a great game, may the best team win, but COME ON YOU WASPS!!

'Not so'

Morning everyone.

Everyone’s focus has been on what’s going on OFF of the field but today none of that matters. It’s about building on the win against Briz and the decent 60 mins we had against Sarries.
With so many of us heading to Toulouse next week it would be great if we’ve still got something to play for.
Toulouse are going to be very strong and difficult to put away but I’ve got a good feeling today and I think we are going to give them a real fight and I reckon we’ll just edge it!



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