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Who are you really?

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My birthday is the same day as NellyWellyWaspy's (January) but I got there before he did - 1937.  Unfortunately, I make that 83, but at this stage in the game I reckon I've gone into red time anyway so who cares.  Still haven't learnt any commonsense tho'.  Thank you  all for all the applauds  and the smilies  -  I  am quite overwhelmed!  A very good collection and I've not done anything to earn them.  You are very kind  ... and thank you for being so long-suffering with all my clangers!!

Lord Sunderland:
Hi I'm David
Been going to watch Wasps with my son since the Adam Park days when I lived in High Wycombe. Now live in Aylesbury but still travel to the Ricoh to watch them ( when we are allowed of course)  and meet up with him there.  Newly retired since last October- my plans to go to more of the away games is of course currently on hold!


Welcome David;  hope you enjoy the site.

Bloke in North Dorset:

--- Quote from: WonkyWasp on October 27, 2020, 09:48:27 PM ---My birthday is the same day as NellyWellyWaspy's (January) but I got there before he did - 1937.  Unfortunately, I make that 83, but at this stage in the game I reckon I've gone into red time anyway so who cares.  Still haven't learnt any commonsense tho'.  Thank you  all for all the applauds  and the smilies  -  I  am quite overwhelmed!  A very good collection and I've not done anything to earn them.  You are very kind  ... and thank you for being so long-suffering with all my clangers!!

--- End quote ---

I think we may have met. My mate , who was a Sale STH, was down for a  game at Adam’s Park, can’t remuer which year.  We sat next to a rather charming lady, Wasps were losing and Serge came on and she turned to us and said something along the lines of “don’t take this the wrong way, but that’s just what we need, a big ugly Frenchman coming on”.

I still smile at that memory every time I see Serge on TV. 

If it  was you, you needn’t have worried, I’m ex Army and my mate was a Matelot and neither of us offend easily.

I  would love to think I'd  sat next to you , but I was very fond of Serge and wouldn't have  called him  anything untoward!  So I don't think it was me  but it's nice to think it might have  been  and that it gives you a laugh.  I do  remember him dropping the ball when it seemed he had a rootin' tootin' certain try,  and then making a face like Donald Duck  - but he wasn't a Wasp  then. We  were in the middle bit of the Family Stand, in the row just in front of  the wall (where the more expensive seats were).  Great days. And happy memories too.


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