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Author Topic: Match Thread  (Read 5801 times)


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Re: Match Thread
« Reply #90 on: September 20, 2022, 05:43:49 PM »
6878 bums on seats

According to RiL

That's barely 20% capacity, and season ticket holders could bring a friend for free on Saturday too.
How many STHs do we have now?
How many of the rest were paid for?
I know we'll probably never know the answers to these questions, but it is a massive concern.  The atmosphere on Saturday was non-existent, and can't help the players. 

Wasps fans broadly fit into 2 categories:
1: Long standing supporters who continue to travel up to 200 miles/4 hours round trip for a home game.
2: Relatively recently converted Coventry locals who aren't as invested in the club. (With apologies to some who I'm sure don't fit that description, but this remains a fact for many.)

Unfortunately both of these categories are susceptible to disinterest when the match day experience stops being fun.  Poor catering provision/service; long queues due to lack of open turnstiles; no fan village or any pre/post match activity; lack of atmosphere; and of course disappointing performances and results on the pitch.  I certainly went home on Saturday wondering more than I ever have since the move to Coventry whether it was actually worth the time and expense.
Not quite right. STH’s can bring a friend to one of the four opening fixtures. The atmosphere felt fine to me - when there was something to cheer. That was the problem. Head’s disappeared into hands every time we dropped it.