Always a Wasp

Author Topic: This says it all  (Read 915 times)


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This says it all
« on: April 17, 2023, 04:15:40 PM »

Skulls Wasps
It has been 6 months now... 🖤💛🖤💛🖤💛

Wasps Roller Coaster

Wasps Rugby, a team of might,
A roller coaster ride, with highs and lows in sight,
On the field they battle, with passion and pride,
Their fans cheering loud, with every stride.

The highs are sweet, like a victory won,
The lows are tough, like a battle lost and done,
But they never give up, they never say die,
For Wasps Rugby, they'll always try.

The roller coaster ride is full of twists and turns,
But they stay strong, through the ups and the burns,
They fight with all their heart, they fight with all their might,
For Wasps Rugby, they'll always fight.

So here's to the highs, and here's to the lows,
To every victory, and every battle that goes,
For Wasps Rugby, they'll always be strong,
A team of warriors, who did nothing wrong...

?2022 Skull
Let me tell you something cucumber