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Messages - Number 12

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Euros Will Not Be Abandoned
« on: January 11, 2021, 01:35:03 PM »

To be completed later - stupid methinks. Play now or cancel the lot. Play without the French!

I never post on either forum any more. Mainly I don't want to pick forum fights anymore! But I'm going to break my posting duck. Not in an attempt to single out this post, but it's one of a few posts I've seen on recent subjects around postponing competitions where there's a throwaway line of 'just cancel it'. At least one in another thread, from another poster, around the Lions, and I think it's worth a counter-view.

My response would be - it's your passion. It's many, many people's livelihood. If you cancel a tournament or tour, thousands of individuals lose money. Not Unions, players or corporations. From the programme vendors to local F&B businesses to stadium support staff, to those working within unions, broadcasters corporations to deliver these events, sponsorships and keep the money pumping into the sport. And yes, that includes the French programme sellers who have everything to lose and no stake in the decision-making if we played without the French.

Cancelling the ECC, 6 Nations or Lions Tour will bring financial hardship to hundreds if not thousands of people who are entirely reliant on these tournaments going ahead in some form. The way they end up being delivered may not be perfect, and they may not be what purist fans would want (and I totally get that). But if it keeps money going into the pockets that need it then anything is better than cancellation.

I thought Mullins made this point well in the Quins game in response to the question about a need for an announcer in an empty stadium. If it means he or she gets paid, it's a good thing.

No further posting. I hope this isn't taken either as a personal dig, or worse as trolling but as a healthy counter-debate from a different viewpoint.

Cheers. Let's hope we get some rugby to watch, and some continued Wasps momentum this coming weekend, whatever rugby that might be!

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