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Messages - NellyWellyWaspy

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Did I miss it in all that blather, but was there any mention of funding? Promotion/relegation was there, with the usual almost impossible ground and facilities requirements.

The other two sticking points were funding, and that the RFU intended (implied but not stated) to invite Wasps, Warriors and Irish (thus implying some existing teams would be bumped 'down').

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Treasure Island back on the market
« on: May 17, 2024, 09:56:32 PM »
Derek bought it in 2017 from Felix Dennis' estate (a man of many talents, in later years trying to purchase land to replant the 'Heart of England Forest'):

Yours for just ?3.65m, just 15 miles from Chez Nelly.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Ex Wasps signing for new clubs
« on: May 17, 2024, 08:49:47 AM »
Thank you for that Neils.  I had been wondering what had happened to Westy and Tom C, and am so pleased to know that it is good news.  While you are wearing a deerstalker hat and clutching a meershaum ....  any info about Jake Super Woolley?  A super bloke.  Think he has retired.

Yes, he retired in early 2022. Pure Sports Medicine posted a video of him on their treatment plan. He still posts lovely pics of him and his missus around the world on holiday. He regularly takes part in fitness style events.

I think he now works at a company called Kefron, as a 'Finance Transformation Specialist', involved in Project Management. Was that what he studied at Cardiff Uni?


I await the stony silence that the long respected RFU is known for. Their motto being (in Spanish of course), 'Que ser?, ser?.' (Come on now, sing along children ...)

Watch out for long winded statements, that use fancy words to give the impression that they will look in to it, analyse it from every angle, appoint a committee ... (shades of 'Yes, Minister'), but in reality promise nothing, and DO nothing. Long grass, ball and kick come to mind.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Jack Willis Interview
« on: May 03, 2024, 11:28:33 AM »
Not a chance. Ever since I played as a kid in the 70s, and probably from long before, if your face did not fit, you had no chance of selection, at any level within the RFU system.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Dickson
« on: April 28, 2024, 10:37:02 AM »
But should Dickson, a Quins Player before retirement, have been the referee for such a high profile match.

I have seen nothing to suggest that has ever been and issue for him, or any other ref. The job is a very difficult one to do, one that I do not envy. There are very few that make regular game changing misjudgments, but, hey, we are all human, and the rules say that the ref's decision is final. Unless they change their decision, which I have seen the better ones do. Indeed, THAT is probably the mark of an excellent ref, and when they do it with humour. The game moves incredibly fast, and it is all very well for thousands of spectators to watch, each with a slightly different view of the play, or the TV pundits with dozens of camera angles, slow motion replay and image zoom.

Running through their head is the question, is it important enough to stop the flow of the game? It is the same reason they 'coach' players. 'Leave it', 'Hands away', 'Stop' - you hear them all game. In an attempt to avoid infractions happening that would stop the game's flow. Nothing in the laws that says a ref cannot do this. Whether that tends to encourage an unwanted two way conversation is another issue. If the ref start talking to the players, they will tend to talk as well, so a talkative ref has the good sense to put up with this, to an extent.

Is Mr Dickson the best at this craft? I don't think he is, but he is getting wiser. Some bug (or used to) the heck out of me with lack of vision skills. Wayne Barnes with his 'I didn't see that,' or 'That didn't look high to me,' type of remarks. He used to miss some howlers, which tells me his eyes were pointing the wrong way, and he was in in the wrong place. A lack of game awareness, that many ex players would have. If you focus on where refs are in relation to the play and the ball, and what they are looking at, some are better than others. It has been most interesting to watch the Womens 6 Nations, and how much better at their craft the female referees seem to be at this.

Some referees simply don't have what it takes to be at the top level. I am sure we can think of a few that regularly 'get it wrong'. Karl Dickson is not in that group for me.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Tier 2 Update - RFU
« on: April 23, 2024, 09:29:25 PM »
It?s unlikely I?ll get to home games so I?m hoping that there?ll be a Wasps TV which was hinted at in the survey we can sign up to. That could be a good revenue stream given the way Wasps fans are dispersed.

I would sign up for that, and get to any games local to me (ish). As long as they have motorbike parking (you too Coddy)?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Sunday Times
« on: April 15, 2024, 05:07:03 PM »
To me this smacks of "we've got nothing to say, so let's put out a placeholder until such time as there's actually something of substance to say".

The domestic game needs a cold, hard, independent review. Until such time as that happens we're just in putting sticking plasters on the chairs on the Titanic.

Yes, but those chairs were wooden and floated. The ones the RFU are patching up are cast iron and will sink without trace.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Sunday Times
« on: April 15, 2024, 11:32:09 AM »
I think its more likely that the Champ clubs ... are trying to use that as a bargaining chip to get a better deal.

And the RFU has said 'No,' already, but the clubs are not backing down, so the RFU is upping the ante. The thing is, the RFU holds all the cards.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Sunday Times
« on: April 14, 2024, 10:53:24 PM »
It does make me wonder whether the RFU will simply say, 'Here it is, Premiership 2. If you want to play in it, sign this contract (which gives the RFU the right to invite who we want in to the league). If you don't want to join in, that's up to you. But, we are disbanding the Championship, and any team not taking up this offer, that is currently a Championship team, will be moved in to their local league below that. Now, what do you want to do?'

Interesting to note the rugby creditors comment. A big chunk of that would be the player's wages for the rest of their contracts. Most have now mitigated that, and it is quite possible most have signed a letter to waive their right to claim as 'rugby creditors', but would still retain their rights as creditors. As I recall, the phoenix team for each of the 3 clubs were told that it was their responsibility to identify the rugby creditors, and as the term isn't fully, legally defined ...

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: overseas player
« on: April 13, 2024, 06:29:17 AM »
we are going to see more and more talent leaking out at the academy end of the conveyor belt. .... ..Sweeney is actually saying, if the premiership clubs don't want them, or can't afford them, or simply can't find space for them, then we write them off.

Actually I see it as a reverse situation to the current one where huge numbers of academy players every year don't get a premiership contract.

The financial pressures on clubs makes academy players comparatively more attractive e.g. Exeter's recent squad rejuvenation

You think they will let (say) a senior player go, to replace them with two or three academy players? Maybe. Which, if true, would mean a lot of senior players being let go earlier in their careers. Where are they going to go? Does it mean an already short career (especially for forwards) becomes even shorter? Would that mean fewer taking up the sport as a career?

From a coaching POV, that would mean you would need more pitches, more coaches, more equipment. More pitches is unlikely, so I guess existing pitches would get more intensive use. Maybe the same with coaches, working more hours with multiple sets of players. A slight increase in equipment costs. But, at some point, this larger cohort would also be 'let go', to be replaced by new, younger players.

Likely this would happen at the age where the player becomes most likely to be selected for the national team, when their 'value' rises above what the club can afford.

And so the drain is shifted. Currently it is those at the upper end of their twenties and into their thirties. But, we could see that lower point shift more towards 25 or 26 years old.

Is there a point to this? Not really. Unintended consequences is the focus of the pessimist (and that is me). There is no 'solution'.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: overseas player
« on: April 12, 2024, 07:02:57 PM »
While his word do sound very patronising is he actually wrong?
Out of the English qualified players not playing in England how many would actually be in the squad?
Marchant, Arundell & Willis perhaps, but any others?

It isn't so much of the situation now, as to where it will lead. With the reduced number of Premiership clubs (and how many more will go under?), and their budgets under great strain, we are going to see more and more talent leaking out at the academy end of the conveyor belt. They will likely not have played for England, and after a few years (say) in France, could qualify under residency rules. Sweeney is actually saying, if the premiership clubs don't want them, or can't afford them, or simply can't find space for them, then we write them off. Forever. Not that I care any more. Not that I ever cared about the RFU, and my dislike for them and their old boys network goes back 50 years, and my views have certainly not improved. When the game went professional, I simply saw bigger, and more, snouts in the trough.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: So what do we think is happening?
« on: April 04, 2024, 05:06:26 PM »
In any scenario I reckon that a 28k stadium is more than a bit optimistic. 18k more like.  On a good day.  With no rain.

It was rare at the Ricoh if they got over 20k, even with all the free tix. If not in the actual Prem 1, I can't see anything more than about 15k being needed.

Unless there is strong political pressure (from the PM), HMRC simply ignore any requests and pleas. You owe it. It is due. Pay or we will see you in Court. Soon. They do not care for the societal consequences.
As far AIUI this isn't an HMRC issue, its a loan from DCMS. So as long as the clubs are paying their taxes it should be none of HMRCs business.
However the HMRC are acting as "collection agents" for the DCMS. If I remember correctly it was them deciding that we were likely to default on tax (which they had previously came to an arrangement about) and the DCMS loan that brought about our demise.

Yes, they are the collection agents for these loans.

Unless there is strong political pressure (from the PM), HMRC simply ignore any requests and pleas. You owe it. It is due. Pay or we will see you in Court. Soon. They do not care for the societal consequences.

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