Always a Wasp

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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Sale recruit
« on: December 20, 2021, 05:28:52 PM »
Can possibly see the Sale one but I can’t see how Bristol can realistically keep Piatau, Hughes, Radradra, Sinckler, Luatua, Vui and Sheedy when they are also adding McGinty and Genge.
I guess that's for Bristol to figure out and until it's reported as fact, we should be concentrating on our own recruitment challenges.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Sale recruit
« on: December 20, 2021, 03:17:54 PM »
Confirmed as Johhny Hill.

Salary cap???? What salary cap!
Someone signs a high profile player then it's a salary cap comment.
By the same logic Wasps must be ignoring it by signing Koch?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: December 12, 2021, 05:34:29 PM »
People can moan about the ref or our bad luck but the problem at the minute is we are a poor side quality wise added to that absolutely no confidence. People on here will roll out excuse after excuse but the brutal truth is the teams we put out just aren’t good enough
Language like this is prohibited, it one of the other hundred reasons that we lost/lose.. Please ignore the facts

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps v Munster: Post match thoughts.
« on: December 12, 2021, 05:25:06 PM »
Mine is that you put this thought together before the match started.

Poite to ensure we lost, but we were architects of our own demise, neither injuries or covid had a hand in some of the play on display today.
They gave everything, no complaints there, but he sum of everything isn't near where it needs to be.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP
« on: December 11, 2021, 06:00:36 PM »
We don't need yet more forwards, we have a pack that's about right now.
We need some intelligent, ball playing backs, players that make a positive impact whenever they touch the ball, a point of difference.. and MUST have sound rugby basics.
Say what you like about our backs but they appear devoid in most of these elements...I'd happily clear out at least a couple.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 10.
« on: December 06, 2021, 07:38:43 PM »
Hymenoptera - to be fair I think most of us a year or so ago were recognising the flaws but hoping that time/more experience would iron them out and we would be left with a seriously talented 10. He is a talented 10. If you look at the bare stats from Friday he could be motm. Unfortunately we’re still seeing some of the inconsistency or rather poor decision making that we were a while back and the game management continues to cost us points. As a footnote not everyone agreed I’m sure those who did just felt the same way as I did.
Trust what you see and ditch the hope...hope got you to the end of last season before acknowledging the state we were in.
He's a good player for sure and isn't solely the reason we are not winning, but is he a good enough long term 10...not for me. He's a space player, he'll do great things in space but the prem doesn't give you much if any space, there is so much more required from a 10 in terms of management..that's without going into the place kicking and basic mistakes. Charlie looks a more rounded 10 already.
Umaga is the new Rob Miller, good multi positional back coverage that is just below being good enough to command a position.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 10.
« on: November 29, 2021, 12:50:27 PM »
We appear to have nailed our colours to the mast on this but having just got back  from the game tonight it seems obvious if unpopular that Umaga is just not good enough at 10 for a team that should be a serious top 4 prospect. Forget the place kicking - albeit that regularly costs us 6-12 points per game. Dropped passes, aimless kicking, fizzed passes and bizarre decision making smack to me of a lack of competition. There was one incident where Jacob idled towards the perimeter of our in house goal area and attempted a ridiculous kick which served no purpose and actually instantly put all of our forwards offside. Glaws subsequently scored a try through our massively spaced out defence. Ultimately that play cost us the game. How long can we continue to indulge our talented but game costing 10? Because don’t be fooled by the score line - this was dreadful.
I was saying this over 12 months ago and got my usual lambasting on everyone suddenly agrees because you say it..amazing but not unexpected.  ;D
Charlie is the 10 that will drive this team..i'll comeback in 12 months and you can all agree with Shugs again

I am Scottish, and that is usually abreviated to 'Scots' or 'a Scot'

British - Brits

Why is the shortened term Paki for Pakistan considered so offensive? It means Pure.

I suspect that it's because you wouldn't call a shop a Scots shop, a Brit shop, or similar based on the possible nationality of the people that run it.

On top of that, not all of the small shops that are referenced that way are run by people of Pakistani origin.
A lot will be from other Asian countries, and more recently a lot will be born in Britain
Absolutely not true, here in the US and Canada, they are referred to as exactly that, Brit or British shops..regardless of the items they sell or who runs them.
So, should those shop owners take the same offence.?
I'm with Bacdoc, on the face if it, appears a double standard.. Context and connotation is everything here.
Whilst being of a certain age, lets call it Fools and Horses vintage, I am not offended by the term Paki, as I have been institutionalised to it, but recognize it's now inappropraitism, so wouldn't use it.

Miracle is a bit strong. Whilst the bench was weak and we had a loanee at 13, the starting 15 weren't far off a starting 15 on any given Sunday, injuries or not.

Quins did was Quins do, Wasps did what Wasps do.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: More Bad Injury News
« on: October 26, 2021, 10:37:09 PM »
At the risk of playing "my injury list is worse than yours" what's the general opinion on Bath injury quality? It looks like we have similar numbers injured but gut feel is we've lost more first XV players. Is that correct?

Watson, Joe C, Redpath, Obano, Stuart, De Glanville, Spencer, Underhill, Stuart, Ewels, Spencer, maybe Faletau and Bayliss.

They're missing a lot of first teamers.

Underhill isn't injured but is with England and you have Stuart Simpson if he doesn't pass RTP.

Wasps: Charlie Atkinson, Alfie Barbeary, Malakai Fekitoa, Dan Frost, James Gaskell, Ben Harris, Joe Launchbury, Michael Le Bourgeois, Rob Miller, Ryan Mills, Paolo Odogwu, Will Simmons, Dan Robson (maybe), Sam Spink, Theo Vukasinovic, Ben Morris,  Jack Willis, Ben Harris.

The fact they haven't had to dip elsewhere to put out a team tells me we are winning this little battle.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: More Bad Injury News
« on: October 26, 2021, 10:29:23 PM »
Hymenoptera and Vespula Vulgaris interesting that a team that's 0 from 5 with similar opposition to us and rock bottom of the league are being talked up - that we should be wary and they've been unlucky but that Wasps are under-achieving.

I'd say Bath's issues are coaching and motivation.  Despite being ravaged by injury, we've managed to look like we're playing for each other and our coaching looks decent.  Our execution in the Red Zone is letting us down.

Bath have the talent to be competitive, but I don't see why we should be so fearful of them.  I don't think we need to be over-confident, but Saints, Chiefs and Bears all have talented squads and we came out alright against those 3.
Unless i missed something, in reply to earlier posts, I merely stated that Bath are no gimme, especially at the Rec..
People formulate their opinion based on a glance at the table, gut feel, results or performances. I choose the latter and based on this, I don't think they are as bad as others suggest.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: More Bad Injury News
« on: October 26, 2021, 03:25:08 PM »
Bath is absolutely a game we should win, they should be a team we're targeting to beat home and away.
Agreed, but likely that Bath, having seen our injury list plus last weekend's loss, will also be targeting this game. It could be an uncomfortable watch on Saturday
Anyone got a reliable stream for the game?

I can see no reason to consider this match an easy win for us. Bath have too much potential, and we are under-performing too much for me to think it is in the bag even a little bit.
Have to agree, I have been watching them and don't see a whole lot wrong apart from results.. the drubbing aside, they were a dodgy ref call from beating Sale away, could/should have beaten Bristol away, looked decent against Quins away and much like us, got ground out by Falcons.

At the rec they can beat anyone on their day, they are a quality side with few injuries and not to be taken lightly. Even at Wasps full strength, this is no gimme.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: October 16, 2021, 03:54:17 PM »
Robson, Umaga, Frost, Willis, Shields all having good games.
Dont forget JTA who's work rate continues to be off the scale..Matt Mullen with better ball skills.
Frost really adds something different, really nice looking player so far.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Mr Barnes at the CBS this weekend...
« on: October 14, 2021, 01:52:08 PM »
Not sure this is a pleasing fact. Can kiss offside goodbye.
Urban myth as the best communicator maybe, best ref..hardly. Makes plenty of poor decisions, so I'm not thrilled by his appearance.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps v Northampton: Post Match Thoughts.
« on: October 10, 2021, 05:34:35 PM »
We'll lose more games than we'll win if we can't kick sticks. How is Jacob not a better kicker with Gops at his disposal is curious..
Robson is by some margin the best English 9 based on current form.

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