Always a Wasp

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Messages - Hymenoptera

Pages: 1 ... 84 85 [86] 87 88 ... 95
Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: And So On To Worcester at Home
« on: April 03, 2019, 07:52:27 PM »
So no one is calling for Miller at 10 nor backup given his recent run...interesting given the gravity of this game.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sops leaving?
« on: April 03, 2019, 06:29:42 PM »
Whilst i'm glad he's staying he needs to start producing, 1 good thing every 6 games isn't doing it for me...not given his stature, he should have more in his locker no matter if its a new environment or not.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sops leaving?
« on: April 03, 2019, 03:03:47 PM »
Any interview he has done will polar opposite this strap line..I'll eat a hat of your choice if this is true, more Wasps nonsense, from start to end of the season.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Exeter's Flybe Sponsorship?
« on: April 03, 2019, 02:15:54 PM »
How much trouble is the budget airline in and will it affect their sponsorship of the Chiefs? Anyone got any ideas?

I'm sure their main sponsor can plug any gap...given it's the owner, to ensure they continue to show a profit  ;D

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Christian does a speed test
« on: April 02, 2019, 02:25:41 PM »
Shame the decision to drop his Wasps contract wasn't as quick...

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Injury Update
« on: April 01, 2019, 08:32:20 PM »
I hate to see the word specialist...

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wow the A Team
« on: April 01, 2019, 07:03:08 PM »
Some nice play there, like the fact that Umaga is a thinker with that solo from 5m out.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: And So On To Worcester at Home
« on: April 01, 2019, 02:19:18 PM »
No way Shields starts for me, decent work rate but just doesn't make any impact other than defensive errors. Willis/Nemo 6, YY 7.
I'd start with Hughes to take the energy out of them, he is a genuine gain line threat and Worcs do challenge the ruck in a major way, then bring on Ash to lead the team in the final 30.
Never thought i'd say it but I'd start Miller, he has at least matched Lima and for that he continues..Lima just hasn't turned up and we are nearly closing out the season, very disappointing.
12/13 is a head ache, prob JdJ and Daly, Worcs have some big centre carriers. I'd also take Neal over Basset on the wing. ...maybe.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Ben Morris signs on again
« on: March 28, 2019, 08:09:09 PM »
I think any player on the planet automatically gets linked with us, I read nothing into it and see no place for yet another unavailable intl

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Continuing CCC/SISU saga
« on: March 28, 2019, 07:41:44 PM »
Bit embarrassing in that it appears to be written by a 12 year old, is this really the best they could have put out, grammatically incorrect and poor choice of words all over it...

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Injury Update
« on: March 28, 2019, 01:58:12 PM »
Has it been confirmed that ED wants to play 13 or just assumed because I have read nothing to that effect.

The fact that he plays for Eng in the back 3 tells me he's happy being utilized there to justify his ongoing selection.

Also, took this from the Bristol site..intreseting:

Following on from a very similar post around Dan Thomas, another train journey gave me time to see how Nathan Hughes compares to his peers.

Looked at a sample of other 'out and out' number 8s (Hughes, Billy V, Ben Morgan, Sione Kalimofoni, Zach Mercer, Josh Strauss), and normalised for minutes played in the Prem this year.

Nathan Hughes comes out as follows;

> Metres per 80 mins played - Ranks 1st, with 63m (average is 39.6)

> Carries per 80 mins played - Ranks 2nd, with 17.7 (average is 16.0)

> Offloads per 80 mins played - Ranks 1st, with 1.25 (average 0.9)

> Tackles per 80 mins played - Ranks 5th, with 10.4 (average 12.4)

> Turnovers per 80ms played - Ranks 1st, with 1.25 (average 0.52)

Breaking down his carrying a little further into how effective his carries are;

> Metres per carry - Ranks 1st, with 3.6 (average 2.5)

> Defenders beaten per carry - Ranks 2nd, with 0.27 (average 0.17)

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 12:30 Player Re-Signing news
« on: March 28, 2019, 01:45:22 PM »
Max Clarke has re-signed at bath so that quashes that rumour..i'm ok with that.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: 12:30 Player Re-Signing news
« on: March 28, 2019, 01:14:14 PM »
Basset nor Daly would have scored the last couple of tries, that alone tells me he deserves a shot.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Latest Injury Update
« on: March 28, 2019, 01:13:01 PM »
The problem with ED is he is talked about as World Class, which he just isn't. He's not even the best 13, 14 or 15 in England..I have for some time scratched my head at the hype that surrounds him and I think he has started to believe this own hype, hence the petulance.

He has good moments, but they are here and there and certainly don't deserve his tag. I'm not as upset as the masses that he's off...that said, I think he gets in the team over Bertie at the minute, for long range kicks if nothing else.
WLR has to play, he's not had a great season but he can produce something out of nothing still.
Hughes also, he offers a bit more go forward that will tie in and tired defenders...he starts over Shields for me who is a major disappointment

If we dont beat Worc we are in serious trouble, I don't see a winnable game after that on form and agree bonus points will be critical..we have the hardest run in of the bottom 5. If we play as we did against Glaws I honestly believe we'll take the win but the guy's will be super edgy and I hope it doesn't show in their play.

I predict Falcons with 3 potential home wins.

Worcs with 1 in the form of Sale.

Tigers with 2 home wins.

Bristol with 1 win at home to Sale.

Bath with 2 wins, us being one of them. The decision to play Bristol at Twicks as their home game is a big call.

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