Always a Wasp

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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: ex vs lei
« on: September 18, 2021, 06:47:40 PM »
just watching the game, what a boring arrogant team EX are, how many kicks at goal have they turned down  to do their boring bash bash, I hope LEI win this game and I don't say that very often, well never actually. Looking forward to watching Cipps. play for Bris.
To be fair, Ex were always chasing the game so needed the bigger points..I thought they played alright, just rusty.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol vs ES
« on: September 17, 2021, 09:24:14 PM »
this is the most awful game of rugby I have seen for a long time.
I have to agree..if this is the cream of the prem on display it's going to be a long old season on the eyes.
Sarries seconds against Charles Piatau, I didn't know Bristol could play this badly, utter gash. This same Sarries side got smashed by Ulster...go figure.

Focussing away from Smith’s narrative, which I agree is somewhat sensationalist, the quotes from Dallaglio (who is a club non-exec director) do add credence to the view of a fair few supporters on the club’s squad quality & depth. No one said spend serious money on star names but mixing a few more experienced (and heavy) heads with the upcoming new talent is critical. It’s a fine balance I don’t believe we’ve quite got right yet.

There is clearly confidence in the club going forward (hence the recent off-field investments & developments) but surely investing a bit more in the squad (be it retention, additional depth or strengthening current positions) is just as, if not more, prudent. Completely appreciate the strain on cash flow at the moment, but financial success comes off the back of on-field success. It’s that old adage - you need to spend money, to make money.
This doesnt apply to rugby. The best outcome is spend more to lose less. I'm not sure spending another million on players, ending up in the top 5, is going to see an additional 2 million in kits, sponsors etc..
A well coached and drilled team will close the gap on a million quid spend easily...
The money topic is a red herring. I notice a distasteful tone on the Semi thread with a discord towards money bags Bristol, unsubstantiated claims of financial wrong doing, which isn't a good look, reeks of jealousy from posters that were quite happy for us to bag the WLR and Beale's of the world, but now our neighbours car is better than ours they are suddenly haters..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: the curse of English rugby
« on: May 21, 2021, 10:43:47 PM »
The curse of English Rugby? More like the cash of French Rugby. No limits over the Channel and lots of rich benefactors.
The OP is referring to the style of play, which costs nothing, not the result.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Vailanu to Worcs?
« on: April 25, 2021, 02:55:19 PM »
He was injured for most of his Sarries stint good or bad, if he can't play it weakens us.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Worcester they say no!
« on: April 24, 2021, 01:50:44 PM »
While i, like most of you, would have loved to see a live game and it would have been easy for me to do do living in Coventry, it might be controversial to say but I just wonder how successful and revenue generating a Monday night game would actually be?
The point is we'll never know, it's poor form and it's less about revenue and more about getting fans back.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol v Exeter - spoiler alert.
« on: April 24, 2021, 01:45:36 PM »
You were both clearly out on the piss last night. If you think we put in a better show than Bristol or it in anyway elevates our 7 try capitulation, then I'm lost for words and really...good luck to you both.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol v Exeter - spoiler alert.
« on: April 24, 2021, 01:55:53 AM »
Just finished watching Exeter v Bristol. If you need a context check from last week this is it. Bristol literally never laid a glove on Exeter who were imperious. Bristol entered the Chiefs 22 but twice. Bristol tried to run everything but made a significantly worse job of it than we did. Chiefs once again look a cut above but in terms of the rest there really isn't much in it.

 Am i missing the sarcasm of this post?
We shipped 7 tries, our only try was a fortunate charge down, we ran and created nothing last week. We lost by 30 points, 2 less than the cumulative total for todays match, which was 3 tries to 2 and the gulf in class was there for anyone to see, that knows anything about rugby.
I don't understand your thought process, delusion, denial, not sure ...this is a truly bizarre posts.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The most important week of the season?
« on: March 28, 2021, 11:08:05 PM »
I disagree it's the lowest point of the season...take your pick of games, they have all been the same performance with different opposition.

I've said from the beginning of the season, game 1, we were shocking, even in the wins, only to be told how many positives there are, how unlucky we have been, how its the ref, how we are the only tired team in the prem and how close we are...we are a top 4 side. I've been 'smited' off the forum for identifying and expressing this malaise against the opinion of the delusion brigade...which is ironic given the change of tone now that we are 15 games in.

Our rugby is so route one, basic, creative-less..i could be watching a pub team, its so dull. With the individual errors that killed us early season now corrected, it only highlights how badly lead and coached we appear to be. Leadership has always been an issue, never more so than now. Shields appears to be the only leader we have and has single handedly carried this team this season and with our only game changer out injured long term, we appear to have run out of hiding places.

Passion, fight and energy are tangibles that you can create with little effort and no skill at all....we have none of these in anything we do, from line speed to kick chases, the only thing we excel in is taking contact and giving penalties....something is very wrong.

'Next Week' was last week, and the week before that, and the w...

The one positive is that covid has saved fans the indignity of watching this garbage in person.

I'd disagree it would be good for Wooly and Porter as I think it would be the death knoll for one of them. To be fair Hougaard signing for us would be an admittance that Dobby's stand in's haven't been up to the grade.
The truth isn't always a pleasant reality...had the opportunities been taken, this wouldn't be a requirement.
Hougaard is a top draw 9 and i'd welcome him and his white Lambo to the Ricoh.

Let's be honest, he could give them a month off and it might make no difference. What they really need is a win. That would do more than anything energy wise. A run of defeats and you start looking at things like this - he said it himself last night. We just need to go back to basics a bit and grind one out.
;D love this one from Lee, if our rugby isn't basic I don't know what is.

Lets see what next week brings..

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol V Wasps: Post match thoughts.
« on: March 13, 2021, 04:26:07 PM »
Is Atkinson injured at the moment or just being protected? He's at least as good as Umaga right now and is gonna be much the better player in short order. It must be disheartening for his team mates right now watching players breeze through Umaga.
Totally agree with Atkinson status

You know thats not what i am saying.
Without knowing the cause, you'll never solve the problem. If its affecting just Wasps, knowing why is a must.
Without fact, it appears Lee is clutching at straws...which isn't a good look.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol V Wasps: Post match thoughts.
« on: March 13, 2021, 03:49:15 PM »
Aside from indiscipline our main issue in attack at the moment is playing everything through a predictable nine. Porter has good aggression but for me is very easy to read. That won't get fixed until we get Robson and to a lesser extent Wolstenholme back. It's indisputable that we're losing at the moment but we could easily have won at least the Glaws, Irish and Saints games. I was re-assured by the intensity last night which is a good indicator of where a team are. I genuinely don't think we are far away. As for every facet of our game not working I thought we were ok at the line out and possibly edged scrum time. Defence was decent bar one missed tackle. Obviously lots to improve on but we're no lost cause. By the way Hymoneptera I've put my lottery ticket in a safe place!
Ha ha...touche.
I agree with the 9 statement entirely, Robson will hugely improve this, so im not worried about it, what does worry me is what's not happening beyond the 9. There are a plethora of options outside of crash bludgeon, someone needs to tell the players. Like i keep saying, the wins, losses or nearly's don't interest me, it's the level or performance and even certain individuals i have a problem with. Someone has to lose, its sport, but what counts is how you got there and our play is borderline unwatchable.
Anyway...almost got it out of my system until next week.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bristol V Wasps: Post match thoughts.
« on: March 13, 2021, 03:30:50 PM »
Then we agree Wasps. If its not quantifiable, lets not make excuses or uneducated guesses, lets stick to the facts, the facts are we are playing awfully in every facet of the game. Winning or losing isn't the issue, the manor of the losses is the issue.

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