Always a Wasp

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Messages - bigad82

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 16, 2022, 12:50:25 PM »
In the grand scheme of things, Shugs, I agree 100% - however, I'll admit that it bums me out a bit to keep being accused of something I'm not.

You know something ironic? One of the things I strongly dislike about football (no offence, SBSam!) is how tribal it tends to be, with all the 'us vs. them' stuff and the bile that often entails; rugby stole me away from football a looooonnnnnggggg time ago, in large part due to the camaraderie it engenders among fans of all clubs and nations. Now a bunch of fellow Wasps fans think I'm a football enthusiast :D
Unfortunately for you and SBsam you have only come on to post about one thing.
Suspicion is bound to be raised we are human after all.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 16, 2022, 12:45:49 PM »

I wouldn't use West ham's rental of the London stadium as a comparison for anything.

We're regularly told that that was the deal of the century and should have been multiple times more than it was

Apples and pears. The London stadium cost £701 m. Let’s say the Ricoh (as was) cost a net £100 m. That would put a pro rata to build cost at around £350k.

I’ll stick with the Swansea comparison then, £300k for a groundshare
Liberty stadium cost £27 million to build so times your figure by at least 3.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 16, 2022, 08:45:09 AM »
£12.2 million from the WMCA is sure going to be helpful.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 16, 2022, 07:02:17 AM »
Crikey - how many times can the same points be made. SBSam at least you’ve been honest about your allegiances. CODY - come on now, you’ve not really been fooling anyone, we’re all enjoying the debate but just be transparent. You can still make your points as a City fan. We should all be on the same side anyway. CCFC’s only chance of playing at the CBS is inextricably linked to Wasps being successful.

Et tu, Brute?

Shugs, you seem like a good guy, so please know that I say this with no malice whatsoever - I'M NOT A FOOTBALL FAN.

Feel free to send me a PM if you like, and I'll attempt to prove my Wasps bona fides! Not sure how, but I'm happy to try.

I just felt that bigad82's last post was unseemly and said as much, that's all.

As for the rest of my involvement in the recent discussions, I'll readily admit to being disillusioned with Wasps at the present time; however, that doesn't make me any less of a fan, and it certainly doesn't make me a CCFC devotee!
In what way was it unseemly? your just making stuff up now.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 15, 2022, 10:12:06 PM »
CCFC want Wasps to spend £500k with zero money from CCFC (maybe a small a loan) to lay a pitch that will tear up like a carpet the moment a rugby match is played. At which point CCFC demand Wasps pay to lay another new pitch at a cost of £500k.  Repeat the process 16 times for the 16 home rugby matches and Wasps have spent £8M keeping CCFC happy. And they'll still find something to complain about.
Is this a SISU plan to bankrupt Wasps? 🤔

Do we know that a lay and play pitch can’t be provided to meet the needs of both sports? Wasps need to provide a safe surface for CCFC, and Wasps are quite capable of bankrupting themselves without any help from CCFC.
We only have the EFL telling us the pitch is dangerous.Who told CCFC to play the game on that date?
That's right the EFL who knew the CWG had the stadium for as long as they did.
Sky Blues fans have been telling us how crap the EFL have been for the last 10 years.
Are you another one who has done a 360 when it comes to the EFL?

We have an independent agronomist, paid for by the EFL and agreed by Wasps, telling us the pitch is unsafe. Did the EFL know the detail as of the agreement between Wasps and CWG - I don’t know and I suspect neither do you.
I have never expressed a view on the EFL who have been as tolerant of CCFCs nomadic existence as the RFU and Premiership Rugby have been of Wasps tour of England. So no, I haven’t done a 360.
How do you know it was agreed with Wasps?
The EFL were close to kicking them out of the league they have hardly been tolerant.
You haven't expressed a view on the EFL because we all know there is where the blame lies for much of this.
This has been nothing more than a willy waving exercise by the EFL.
They have used CCFC supporters, unfortunately most don't seem cleaver enough to see it.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 15, 2022, 08:43:11 PM »
CCFC want Wasps to spend £500k with zero money from CCFC (maybe a small a loan) to lay a pitch that will tear up like a carpet the moment a rugby match is played. At which point CCFC demand Wasps pay to lay another new pitch at a cost of £500k.  Repeat the process 16 times for the 16 home rugby matches and Wasps have spent £8M keeping CCFC happy. And they'll still find something to complain about.
Is this a SISU plan to bankrupt Wasps? 🤔

Do we know that a lay and play pitch can’t be provided to meet the needs of both sports? Wasps need to provide a safe surface for CCFC, and Wasps are quite capable of bankrupting themselves without any help from CCFC.
We only have the EFL telling us the pitch is dangerous.Who told CCFC to play the game on that date?
That's right the EFL who knew the CWG had the stadium for as long as they did.
Sky Blues fans have been telling us how crap the EFL have been for the last 10 years.
Are you another one who has done a 360 when it comes to the EFL?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 15, 2022, 07:19:08 PM »
CCFC want Wasps to spend £500k with zero money from CCFC (maybe a small a loan) to lay a pitch that will tear up like a carpet the moment a rugby match is played. At which point CCFC demand Wasps pay to lay another new pitch at a cost of £500k.  Repeat the process 16 times for the 16 home rugby matches and Wasps have spent £8M keeping CCFC happy. And they'll still find something to complain about.
Is this a SISU plan to bankrupt Wasps? 🤔

SISU have nothing to do with the state the pitch is in.

CCFC rent a stadium and expect a playable pitch, sadly it's unplayable so I'm pretty sure Wasps will be in breach of contract.

Whichever way you dress this up, I'm afraid this is all Wasps fault.
They were told 3 months ago the pitch was not going to be relaid.Its a bit late to be crying about it now.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 15, 2022, 04:28:11 PM »
He seems to have forgotten 3 months ago he was told the pitch wasn't being relaid.
I'm certainly not falling for the SISU gameplan.
SBT is in meltdown at the minute I think the penny is finally dropping.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 15, 2022, 10:49:13 AM »
Anybody else think this is turning into a EFL/SISU f**k up?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 15, 2022, 08:55:05 AM »
Isn't it funny how the CCFC fans have gone from calling out the EFL about everything to the EFL being always right.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Commonwealth 7s - Pitch
« on: August 14, 2022, 10:45:34 AM »
What has happened to the joint pitch committee that was set up?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Derek Speaks
« on: August 13, 2022, 07:36:52 AM »
I'm beginning to think CODY is Grendel.

Think away, but you'll be wrong!

Is this seriously how the forum operates - anyone who disagrees with the common consensus is decreed to be an SBT plant, no matter how polite they may (or try to) be?

And if Grendel is the one of whom I'm thinking, I'm frankly offended that you think I could ever have such a poor grasp of grammar and syntax.
How do you know who Grendel is then?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Derek Speaks
« on: August 13, 2022, 12:13:13 AM »
I'm beginning to think CODY is Grendel.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Derek Speaks
« on: August 12, 2022, 09:18:57 PM »
Short is best I'm 5ft 6.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Oh dear part 2.
« on: August 05, 2022, 07:20:35 PM »
I take your point completely Neils. But to be honest I’m fed up of the football club expecting everyone to bend over backwards for them. These are people who had us in court not so long back and obviously do everything possible to undermine us. They just don’t like us and as such I have trouble drumming up any sympathy or goodwill for them.
well said it's not like they didn't know the 7s was taking place.

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