Always a Wasp

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Messages - ricohchezwasp

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Ruck
« on: April 30, 2020, 11:50:35 AM »
I find the Ruck much like a coronavirus update, often just a rehash of old stories, how many times do they bring up the Josh Lewsey / Danny Boy Punch up..... boring speculative journos with nothing better to do

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Matt Mullan seems to be doing well
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:01:42 PM »
One of my corona fuckit list items is not to put on weight ...... 😄😄

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Matt Mullan seems to be doing well
« on: April 07, 2020, 08:14:47 AM »
I am worried during the lockdown I will be going the other way, I am already 1lb heavier than two weeks ago !!

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Morning all
« on: April 02, 2020, 09:54:37 AM »
yes pretty well considering, having reached 60 now provided me with free prescriptions if i need any and a free bowel cancer testing kit which came back yesterday negative, the NHS are doing wonders in the circumstances.

today excitement revolves around the arrival of a water softener engineer, my March Billing, considerably less than usual !! My April Schedule, that should take two minutes unless lockdown ceases and clearing my office oh the joy.  None the less a still have my rose tinted glasses which i wore through 16 years of watching Wasps to see me through the Pandemic

take care and hope to see you all soon


Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Morning all
« on: April 01, 2020, 07:10:08 PM »
Quite late in the day to this thread but first and foremost i wish everyone and their families a safe navigation through these troubled times.

It been a funny year, turning 60 and thinking perhaps i should retire and bugger off to Spain........

Then the Local council decided they would like to licence my dog boarding business, lots of stupid rules that make no real sense, but a real prospect that they would completely scupper a very successful business..... Perhaps I should just retire and bugger off to Spain........

Anyway lots of paperwork and procedures later, a concerted effort to restructure my business for the new dawn, an application for a licence sent to Royal Windsor and Maidenhead Council in February , and so far diddly squat in return,  i guess right now they have something else more important but pretty sure they have not gone to Spain!!

So after a lovely week in Turkey whilst the country went into loo roll panic i arrived back about 12 days ago to a very different world.......

Within 7 days  my weekly income had dropped to my daily income, and 5 days later my daily income is now my first walk of the day income..... thankfully whilst been dumped unceremoniously by most, a few did offer a retainer which i refused,  i am left with 3 dogs collected daily in the safest possible way, no human contact and a short some might argue unnecessary trip although i can't actually do my job sitting on my backside at home.

All deposits for Future business either returned or set off against future boardings ... you don't shit on people when they are down....

Our first lockdown weekend allowed us to walk our own dog for 2-3 hours, although i am not sure he was that impressed!!

The biggest loss for me was not Rugby but Golf as last Tuesday they shut the course, whilst I understand the reasons , lets face it we are bombarded where ever we turn with Social Distancing Stay Home etc etc, with proper sensible policing (quite difficult with the average UK citizen) the course could have stayed open in my view. No club House no pro shop and family golf could have been quite safe and nit that busy cos all the oldies would be at home so that about 50% of the membership.

So how am I finding "Lockdown" .... to be honest I am quite enjoying it, I am currently creating a "CoronaFuckit" list of things to do, helpful that a) I live in the countryside b) the wife is still on full Pay so ... we can get by  c) the government handout in June and delay of my half year tax Bill, Porsche Service ouchee !! and MOT on Dog Car means I can be totally reckless in the short term and die by the sword in the future...... or I can listen to the long suffering Michelle (wife partner and best friend for 36 years.... ..........fat chance.

Most importantly for the first few days of lockdown i had my Son Alex a serving Policeman in TVP and my Daughter Olivia home from Uni, short lived as Alex moved house last Thursday and there was a certain amount of relief, that a)  it happened and b) he meets some right dodgy sorts in Front line policing and privately we miss him but also we don't want to catch anything off him either. So I have it easy two grown up children two isolated wrinklies fairly safe in the local village and lots of time on my hands.... you'd think, time to binge on Netflix eat loads of bad food and turn into a right lazy git.

But you'd be wrong, still getting up ridiculously early, partly because Shiloh my dog has a built in Alarm clock that goes off at 6 every morning. Coupled with that, every bloody job that we have put off because we are too busy !!! has now been added to my Fuckit list and thank god for that .... So far we have created the base for the new shed, arriving in two weeks, cleared out the garage, dismantling all sorts of metal and wood framework, spent a few quid on retail therapy shed, sand paving slabs golf practice net, new golf bag for wife , Ping Driver, its not all doom and gloom you know.  The question now is can I fit a Golf Studio in my garage, first world problems but I can only deal with what is in my control. and despite the horrible nature of the Pandemic, the mounting deaths and misery for many we all have to make the best of the situation however we can, because some time not very soon .......the Rat Race will begin again, People will return to being sh!t with one another , Planes will fly (hopefully to Spain... I have my reasons) and life will continue....

My dog business will return to hound me, lets face it all my customers will need a holiday, so not desperately worried on that front... as for the rugby season i think it should end now with Saracens relegated, Newcastle Promoted and as we are in 5th place qualification for top tier of European Rugby.

To Quote the Sergeant in Hill Street Blues "lets be careful out there"

Cheers Richard

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: England 23
« on: February 01, 2020, 08:47:13 PM »
A week of golfing in Turkey will ensure I miss the first two rounds :D
Are you playing in Belek, which courses and hotel, we go in March for second year in a row

The king is dead long live the king, replacing Wray with the former salary cap miscreant Ed  griffiths says everything you need to know about the situation 😱😱

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Alex Rieder retires
« on: December 12, 2019, 04:34:26 PM »
The season just got worse if possible

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Morning All
« on: December 06, 2019, 03:29:26 PM »
Not made this European trip this time, partly because it's Friday night but also, remain somewhat underwhelmed with Rugby at the moment and not just watching Wasps, which is increasingly difficult..... No trip to Agen in January either which will probably mean the first year in 15 that i have only made one European away trip. Good luck to all the supporters who have travelled and of course good luck to the team........

Wasps Rugby Discussion / So who is going to Bordeaux
« on: November 14, 2019, 07:14:19 AM »
I will be there with at least 10 others😄😄

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Morning All
« on: November 08, 2019, 02:44:12 PM »
Afternoon all from sunny Mijas, Airbnb has BT Spprt so I can shout at the telly in my best Spanish

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Team's up
« on: November 07, 2019, 03:24:41 PM »
Not confusing him with Tom Curry perhaps

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Saracens docked 35 points
« on: November 07, 2019, 03:23:03 PM »
Many years ago I worked for a company who offered a chance to go on a company holiday, unfortunately HMRC cottoned on to this as being a perk and I paid the appropriate tax for the perk (additional income). A lot was made of the Saracens away trips bragging about team building, it was just a freebie holiday, I wonder who paid for all that !!

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Salary Cap
« on: October 23, 2019, 12:58:58 PM »
They remain in a big river in Egypt over this, i met a supporter in Japan who trots out all this academy shit .......

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Bordeaux Away Tickets
« on: October 17, 2019, 04:30:29 PM »
we have tickets although i don't know where so will keep an eye on the weather forecast before packing, i remember Toulouse a few years back!!!!!!

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