Always a Wasp

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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade to Exeter - TRP Rumour
« on: June 02, 2022, 01:21:08 AM »
Ross, I won't quote you so as to take up the entire page..but I'm not clear on the relevance of the article to the discussion, perhaps because there is none.
Yet another 'woe is me' article that fails to mention he was not selected by 3 England coaches, not just Jones.
As for labeling him a Galactico..this thread is getting more bonkers by the second.
As Shugs says, I don't care where he goes or what he does, inside or out of rugby, but please god just make it stop...Maybe just one more article and Dacia will lend him the free car he is coveting...

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade to Exeter - TRP Rumour
« on: June 01, 2022, 04:40:49 PM »
Do you think it's a ticket sales opportunity? - I don't. I can't identify the demographic that has been away for a few years that would suddenly invest in a ticket because he's signed up. Outside of the Wasps Wade fanboy club, of which most are members of this board, I'm not sure he's particularly relevant. He's no longer even a rugby name ..nor the bare minimum of being an ex International.

This has just been a profile exercise for me...with his 'Dream' now splattered, he's reverted to the only other thing that peaks peoples interest in him, the game he dislikes..sorry, loves so much. whilst plugging twitter trying to get a free car to use while he's here of course.

Harsh and grating as are too many of your posts, H'optera. If you think he's no longer even a rugby name then you are just plain wrong.
What's harsh? Harsh because you don't agree or because you're overly invested?
He may be a rugby name to you, but to the average someone who is contemplating whether they go to watch a game or even invest in a season ticket, he's not a dial mover..he's not a Habana, Beale, Pollard..his name doesn't expand beyond existing, invested Wasps supporters. What % of those invested Wasps supporters would need to decide to attend for him to be classed as an opportunity, I reckon every single one that has decided to stay away.
Hold him in whatever esteem you see fit but i believe your misguided in thinking he means anything to everyone. I suspect we'll never know if I am right or wrong, so you do you and i'll do me on this one.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sad Reality for Players
« on: May 31, 2022, 07:53:03 PM »
Mike - completely agree with your post. The problem is, as Wasps fans, we’ve now got six front line props being West, Harris, Martinez, Koch, Ryan and Alo. So, as much as I hate the scrum being used as a penalty farm I’d like it to remain that way for a season or two!!
Lets hope we have 30 scrums a game then, that only leaves about 20 mins of backplay to have to endure.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade to Exeter - TRP Rumour
« on: May 31, 2022, 07:50:57 PM »
Do you think it's a ticket sales opportunity? - I don't. I can't identify the demographic that has been away for a few years that would suddenly invest in a ticket because he's signed up. Outside of the Wasps Wade fanboy club, of which most are members of this board, I'm not sure he's particularly relevant. He's no longer even a rugby name ..nor the bare minimum of being an ex International.

This has just been a profile exercise for me...with his 'Dream' now splattered, he's reverted to the only other thing that peaks peoples interest in him, the game he dislikes..sorry, loves so much. whilst plugging twitter trying to get a free car to use while he's here of course.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade to Exeter - TRP Rumour
« on: May 23, 2022, 11:07:36 PM »
The warning signs are all there in the comments. “he left to chase his dream” “he’d become disillusioned with the game” etc etc. A disillusioned, demotivated Wade trying to get back for a couple of years is a massively different beast to the hungry, committed player that started out. For me head needs to rule heart in this one.
Totally this.
People seem to have 'Heard or Understood' a few things. Postman updates aside, he left us mid season and Dai was quoted as surprised and unprepared from a recruitment standpoint to fill that position, that doesn't strike me like a situation a club or business would knowingly put themselves in knowing some 6-7 months in advance.
As Shugs says, he was disillusioned with rugby, blaming others for the fact that he didn't make the Intl stage when fact is he just wasn't rounded enough. He didn't take his Saxons or Lions opportunity to stake any definitive claim. Every winger wants to play intl rugby and ultimately fails without blaming other other factors. If my memory serves me, his last season or so was some what of a nothing contribution.
Don't get me wrong, he scored and created some sublime stuff, some utter brilliance...but IMO he's held in an esteem he doesn't deserve and for me, showed the club little respect, only servicing his own needs.
Having not achieved his ultimate 'dream', he's sniffing around the game again having quote: built up an appetite? - How did he do that?
I'd never date an ex that cheated on me.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade to Exeter - TRP Rumour
« on: May 23, 2022, 05:04:32 PM »
I am a little surprised at the people who don't want him back because of how he left.  When he went it was a mutual decision, and he has stayed in touch with the club both management and players.  So it certainly wasn't acrimonious. He wanted to chase a dream, and we supported him in doing that.

Haskell left and came back, Danny left and came back, I see no reason why we wouldn't welcome Chris back with open arms. He's going to be fitter, faster, and more professional then he ever was before, even if he is a little rusty.

Once a Wasp and all that...
They both left at the end of contracts and seasons, not mid way through a season leaving the club with little movement. When you say it was mutual, you mean he said he wanted to leave and the club had no other option than to grant that leave? If it was such a dream, do it at the end of the previous season instead of seeing what you can manufacture in the meantime then when you get a sniff, you leave the club hanging.

The sentiment around this player is boggling.

Once a Wasp doesn't mean an ever open door..especially now you realise you weren't good enough at something else.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: We have a chance for HC rugby.
« on: May 22, 2022, 04:19:36 PM »
Well we have a shot at it. A point last night would have made a difference.

I think the Irish was the one. It would have been all done by now.

2 weeks to work on tactics, which doesn’t seem to have been the case too much this season.

I really hope Fifita will be available. I don’t want to see a centre partnership of Gopperth and Fekitoa
Your suggesting we have tactics?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wade to Exeter - TRP Rumour
« on: May 22, 2022, 01:53:59 PM »
Why must we be talking to him? This isn’t the Wade that left - mid season let’s not forget when we had little chance to replace. I really don’t get the clamour. Absolutely fantastic, brilliant, one off talent. No doubt about it. But that was then.
Im not enamored with our current winger crop but reardless, 100% this.
People remember the good times and nothing in between, he was good at times, and not at other times.. Wade is a part of history, good luck to him, but he did what he did, HOW he did it, he lost my affection and I was over him at that point. We hold his reg but regardless, Ex are welcome to him


I don't know that I'd completely rule him out based on lack of distribution.
While our wingers are of average quality not passing to then probably doesn't hurt as much as it otherwise would.

His highlight performances typically came from running good supporting lines which is a key skill for both a winger and an outside centre.
Power and footwork are handy, but it's crucial to get the defensive positioning right, and that comes with training and experience.

As for Brown at full back, I can certainly see where he'd benefit us, but he's the wrong player to be championing when you're criticising someone else's lack of distribution in the same post
Erm..because MB doesn't play 13, we weren't talking about 15 in those theads mate.


No idea why I do paragraphs like that on my phone. I don't do it on the computer.
Probably some deep rooted psychological reason

Anyway, I suppose the real question is, was it right to even try Odogwu at 13?
We were struggling with injuries, and I believe MLB had filled in there too.
While Odogwu has some weaknesses in his game, it's undeniable that he brings some power and quick feet, and he always looks like a lot is happening, even if it isn't. He had a run of games where he was breaking the defensive line time and again which will always catch the eye.
Once a player does that, I can see why you'd continue to try them in the position.
Can a player learn a position in a dozen games? Almost certainly not, but hopefully a coach with an eye for talent should be able to see if a player has future there.
Dog's lack of distribution is the main reason he can't be a 13 for me, it's actually limiting our game by having him at 13 for that reason. His attributes don't tip the scale enough to the positive. Anyway,,we need a 15..back on subject. Mike...give us a call


This forum is always joking about trying Alfie at 12.
But more seriously often suggesting, Jacob or Charlie at 12, Odogwu at 13, and probably some others I can't think of.

We've actually seen Bassett at 13, MLB and Fekitoa playing 12 or 13, Miller at 10 and 12, Oghre at 7, and many other unusual positions.

So many positions require comparable skills where a good player can move
Also, with younger players, they'll have often recently played other positions before breaking into the first team
And older players may have the intelligence and experience to adapt their skills to various positions too

Is playing Jacob at 15 as ridiculous as Oghre at 7?

Odogwu had some very good games at 13 that brought him onto the England radar, however, before that he was a winger that looked like he might have quick feet and some power, but he's now considered a winger / outside centre.

You only find that by trying players out in positions where their skills might translate....... But with so few dead rubber games these days it's incredibly difficult for a coach to try that.
Firstly, whats with the paragraph breaks?
Ogre at 7 was the only one that kind of worked. For me Dog is not and will never be a FT 13...evvvveeerrrr.
No issue with Jacob at 15, if he improves the core skills, that's where a Mike brown would do wonders.

Unless the position has changed, isn't a #1 pre-req of being a 15 having the ability to catch a ball? That being the case, we currently have no 15's in the squad.
I used to think Mike Brown was a dull 15 because all he could really do was I'd give anything to have him for a season or 2 (as per Shugs).

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Teams Up for the Fish - Ali Starts
« on: May 19, 2022, 07:09:48 PM »
Disagree. Hougaard makes eye catching tackles but he’s often out of position. There have been lots of instances of him stepping out of the line for a hit allowing easy access outside him. He also lacks the pace going the other way and doesn’t have Odogwu’s power.
Dogs 'Power and Pace' hasn't shown up all season and while Hougaard might have been out of position, that's better than Dog being in position and still failing to tackle. Hougaard all day for me..or better still, let's give Mehson a go. The season is already a dumpster fire.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Arundell
« on: May 17, 2022, 07:14:47 PM »
I have no idea, but it's par for the course, and I completely agree with DGP.  Nothing changes
Except it does, they lost some good players, one of which is coming to us. Time for people to move on and concentrate on our own issues.
Agree with Peej, odd post.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: How bad is our 10 situation
« on: May 08, 2022, 04:19:11 PM »
Isn't it more likely any problems at 10, if you can call it a problem, seems a bit of an over statement, stem from a lack of form at 9.
Robson is in shocking form, it's not Atkinsons fault he is kicking out on the full, kicking 2 meters and making terrible decisions.
Affirms how much of a clown Blackett is having told the media how Robsons back to his best..the guys playing like a drain and it took 73 mns to realise it yesterday. The statement goes a long way in explaining why we are so shit..he's clueless.
We have a coaching issue... If it weren't for our work rate or moments of individualism, we'd have lost more games than we have this season. Our coaching team is hiding behind both.
As for Atkinson, not even sure why there is a dedicated thread, the talent is clearly being coached out of him.

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