Always a Wasp

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Messages - JF

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Will he be known as Biyi ‘Alo Alo’ seeing as its a French club…?

I’ll get me coat…

Given that their name is pronounced "Rassing" I've always felt that they should go the whole hog and change their name to "Rassing Frassing Rick Rastardly" in honour of Muttley and the rest of the Wacky Races teams.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: BB - Administrator Confident
« on: October 18, 2022, 10:27:36 PM »
If a deal is concluded quickly, you also have the nucleus of the squad and so have a much more competitive squad than buying a cheap Championship club and having to build.

Would require deep pockets though (for rugby).
They're all out of contract. If you have the money just go direct.

Steven Vaughn indicated that they are offering some players the option of a contract next year with them being free t find a team in the interim.

I suppose it's too much to hope that this is all an elaborate ploy to have our players play for other teams for half a season then return to a phoenix-like Wasps armed with our opponents' tactics.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: BB Breaking - Announcements
« on: October 18, 2022, 03:15:13 PM »
The problem in London was the lack of marketing.

I remember one game at home to Quins where there must have been 15,000 attending on the back of some actual marketing.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: BB Breaking - Announcements
« on: October 18, 2022, 08:06:10 AM »
If anything does come out of this we'll have to do it ourselves. The rugny world seems to be happy to just stand to be one side, shake their heads and make meaningless noises.

I don't understand the concept of a "no fault" insolvency as it is applied here. Was covid our fault? Maybe Wuhan and Wycombe were twinned. If covid doesn't meet the "no fault" criteria what the hell will? World War III?

Whatever shape of rugby team comes out of this I hope it comes back to London. Maybe a ground share with Barnet at the Hive? Bees and Wasps together?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Feeling quite melancholy
« on: October 16, 2022, 09:15:43 PM »
I started to watch the Gloucester game on Saturday but gave up around half time. It just didn't matter.

Not so much melancholy as empty.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Stuart Barnes in The Times - I'm furious
« on: October 14, 2022, 07:30:35 PM »
Here's part of the toxic dwarf's article today:

Saracens are a template for clubs kicked out of the Premiership for irregular off-the-field practices. In their first season back, they were seconds from becoming Gallagher Premiership champions.

I've long disliked his pub bore musings, but this takes the biscuit. "Irregular off field practices"? Factually inaccurate and potentially defamatory.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps facing relegation
« on: October 14, 2022, 11:43:50 AM »
After a suitable period of mourning I will watch rugby in the telly because I luke rugby, but going to Prem games? Where?

I don't live that far from Copthall Stadium (I don't care about sponsors' names, it was Copthall when I was at school and it will remain Copthall). On what planet am I likely to think "oh well, Wasps have gone, la-di-da, I'll watch £aracens from now on"?

There are people running the game whose heads are so far up their own backsides they could join the circus as a contortionist.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps facing relegation
« on: October 14, 2022, 10:19:02 AM »
I can't see that a ten-team league will generate more income unless you either get more bums on seats, cut your costs or increase telly revenue.

Regular fans will remain regular fans. Comparing ten teams to twelve, you will have to generate two games' worth of extra profit in the ten remaining home games just to stand still. And standing still is, for many clubs, loss-making. Where will the extra fans come from?

I don't need to use Excel to work out that this is insanely and unrealistically over-optimistic.

Reduce costs or increase revenue. It just so happens that 37 years ago today I started my accountancy training. In that time nothing has changed that formula for profit.

It may well be a short career for players. Yes, it's hard, and there is a risk of life-changing injury. But paying players more than their efforts bring in is madness.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps facing relegation
« on: October 13, 2022, 02:53:09 PM »
Club rugby has to be self-financing (from funds generated within the game), it cannot be funded at the whim of very wealthy people. There needs to be a re-balancing, but you suspect that even if that happens some clubs may try and play the system.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps facing relegation
« on: October 13, 2022, 11:41:21 AM »
If the cheats were the last man standing then they would have to play with themselves.

Which is what many have been suggesting for some time.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps facing relegation
« on: October 12, 2022, 09:03:57 PM »
Just heard on the Beeb that other clubs may be in a similar position.

What would happen if, say, half a dozen clubs all went into administration? Would the Prem shrink? Would there be a mass promotion from the Championship? Would the relegation rule become unworkable if so many clubs went into administration. Would they have to tear it up, let the clubs find an acceptable equilibrium and let everyone start again?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps facing relegation
« on: October 12, 2022, 04:10:39 PM »
As much as I feel for those whose livelihoods gave disappeared and for myself and fellow Waspies whose rugby needs will no longer be met, I can't help but feel anger at those who have had control of the club going back 25 years or more.

It's been one calamity after another.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: October 09, 2022, 05:00:13 PM »


Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Match Thread
« on: October 09, 2022, 03:03:38 PM »
D'oh! First penalty given away within 20 seconds.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Morning all
« on: October 09, 2022, 02:23:33 PM »
Just back from a lovely walk through Brunswick Park and Arnos Park here in north London.

About to settle down and watch what I hope isn't, but fear might be, one of our last games.

Allez, allez, allez!

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