Always a Wasp

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Messages - Wombles

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Eddie Jones
« on: August 11, 2022, 09:41:12 AM »
My first degree was as a trainee P.E teacher (secondary and A-Level), and I have to admit when you see the facilities, expertise, time and teaching that can be extended to sports in public schools compared to state it really is striking. It is no wonder that historically that many players come from that background. However the work with state schools and grass roots clubs is there, and players can make it through both routes.

Eddie Jones has always been divisive, and his latest comments do not surprise me at all. I may not like or want him as our head coach as I feel he is the handbrake on our ability to develop into a consistently winning team with his mixed messages, befuddling tactics and autocratic approach, which has constricted the team  rather than letting them learn and flourish. But I can understand why he feels as he does. It is not only the background of where he grew up, but also that his parents, dad Australian, mother Japanese-American means that he has never quite felt like he "fits". When you get this disassociation this can lead to a bunker mentality, and you may view things more differently, and sometimes with hostility.

We all need to feel that we "belong", that we are accepted, that we have a connection. Rugby is Jones' constant, anything that may disrupt that will not be viewed kindly. If he does not feel "connected" to our country or culture, is it any surprise he views it as he does? The problem is that this is also felt by many of us, and why it can be very difficult for us not only to go with him in what he does, but makes supporting our team that little bit harder as we do not feel as connected with them as we should.

Lancaster is the blueprint of how to connect the team to the fans and create pride. Woodward (01-03) showed the blueprint of how to develop a team of leaders who could think and adjust to the challenges on the pitch whilst the coaches created the environment off it. We need to find a future coach who is the best of both of these. My request would be Shaun Edwards.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Would you have WLR back?
« on: August 08, 2022, 10:51:58 AM »
He is a world class full back, but we are not in a financial position to afford him. Also I think the focus now has to be on our squad as it is. Last season our basics of run, kick, pass were at a level you would not accept in Surrey 4, let alone premiership standard. The game plan limited, and sometimes impossible to discern. The coaches have to step up this year, as there is a squad in place that can push top 6, possibly even 4.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« on: August 08, 2022, 08:04:50 AM »
CoDY I certainly agree with you, the right to freedom of protest should never be impinged upon, it is part of what makes a society democratic. It is however the nature of the protest that may step over the line between that of a civilised society to that of a baying mob worthy of a hegemony.

Voicing opposition and getting your opinion heard by many through protest, gatherings, posters/flags and being able to give your side of the argument without seeking to quash another’s through threats and violence is democratic. Marginalising, abusing others, or trying to cause harm,  whether through verbal, physical abuse or trying to place others in financial jeopardy through the simple act of sponsoring those who your feelings are contrary to. Forcing the narrative, deliberately and forcefully stopping opposing voices through threat and refusing to respect the others position crosses that line to more autocratic behaviour.

Like you I would of loved Wasps to remain in London, ideally in Sudbury. However I followed them to White City then to High Wycombe, and I do now to Coventry. Wasps runs in my blood, and as annoyed as I was at the move, when you hear testimony such as new wasp, it places perspective I probably did not really have, even though it was wonderful seeing new Wasps join our family.

We are now in situation where we must continue to grow our support, but we are also now part of the Coventry culture and future (as distasteful as that may be to some). I have absolutely zero interest in football -could not be a more boring sport out there! - but I respect those who love the game and their club as much as I do ours. CCFC and Wasps are better off supporting each other to be successful going forward rather than working against one another.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« on: August 07, 2022, 06:04:16 PM »

How to make friends and influence people! Looks like the SISU apple does not fall far from the supporters tree.

We must remember this is a tiny proportion of the sky blue support, but so far the reaction to the pitch issue and our ongoing problems is;

1: support SISU and Seppla in suing the club

2: disrupt rugby match day events

3: Harass, bully, intimate local people who have decided -freely- to support our club and forcing them not to attend.

4: Put up abusive posters/banners calling for us to go

5: Attempt to force sponsors to abandon their support by individually targeting them and not doing business

Some views there which would get the support of certain Russian or Chinese government autocrats!

CCFC are not really sustainable and more a house of cards, and to be fair unless we turn around our financial fortunes so are we….However our strength is in our measurable assets and multi income stream ability…..but it must improve. Yet before the pandemic we were heading to break even. Both CCFC and Wasps should be working together for the benefit of all as the separate models don’t really seem to be working!

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: More behind scenes content
« on: July 28, 2022, 07:02:26 AM »
Good to see Lee giving younger players like Oghre a voice to the whole squad, you need young players stepping up like this to form long term leadership teams to guide the whole unit.

Also really like seeing the work on passing at catching. Seems mad to say this about a Premiership team but our basics like this were way off last year, and it cost us a huge amount, with so many moves breaking down, looking stuttering due to players having to stop/check their runs. And also not really being able to have a multi phase attack as this core element was so shaky the oppo shut us down and forced kicking more than was desirable.

I look forward to the next update.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: More behind scenes content
« on: July 19, 2022, 09:19:13 PM »
Great to see!
Really liked seeing Lee setting out how he felt last season went, it is things like this and the behind the scenes information that us fans crave!

Massive +4 from me regarding scrum pens. Scrums were always a way to simply restart the game. You look at a game from the 90s and although it looks a bit messy compared to today’s version it was certainly far quicker and far more effective saving time and continuing momentum.

Bring back that and bring back shoeing, stop players flying into the ruck and we will have a better game.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Pathetic Excuse from Jones.
« on: July 03, 2022, 06:58:49 PM »
Heres a genuine question. Has Jones ever realised a players true ability? Or has he simply caused every player to stagnate and regress?

I honestly cannot think of one player who has become a better player when entering into national squad since Jones has been in charge, and even with his huge other faults that is probably one of the most damming thought of all!

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Pathetic Excuse from Jones.
« on: July 03, 2022, 08:31:24 AM »
A great head coach would want to win everything, not just aim for a World Cup. Eddie Jones has an outlook that is not compatible for a team that wants to win things. You go into the summer tours, A.I’s, six nations and world cups wanting to win everything and treating each with the passion and commitments it deserves.He does not thus should not be in place a moment longer.

There must be a way we can get rid of him after the tour at the very latest…to be honest it would be no bad thing removing him before the next game, it can’t get any worse.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Pathetic Excuse from Jones.
« on: July 03, 2022, 07:39:38 AM »
For a head coach who is meant to be a unifying factor Eddie Jones is a divisive and frankly unpalatable individual. I remember one of my old coaches telling me when I was young ‘don’t judge someone by how they win but by how they lose’. His comments post game reflect someone who really does not deserve to be in charge of our national team, and if anything his own personality and style -or lack of- rugby he is trying to establish is making us more remote from the team.
I just really really wish we can get rid of him.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Weekend games - Spoilers!
« on: July 02, 2022, 06:51:29 PM »
Ireland looked a distance off today, but equally the ABs are not the force they were.

Oz determination and grit gave them a deserved win. England have a squad who could win, but you can see Eddie Jones coaching out talent, ability and instinctiveness game by game. We will only win if he goes. Great coaches and teams go out to win everything, the moment he said he was aiming for the World Cup only the board should of got rid of him.

Wales…well their ability to snatch defeat from victory continues. That was likely their best chance at a victory as the Boks were so off for the first half whilst also being in and out of the game for the second forty. Not sure they will be caught cold like that again this series.

Only Scotland left to spare our northern hemisphere blushes for the opening round now.

The equation is simple now, Eddie Jones is the problem, thus the solution is simple, remove him, and do it now.

The playing squad is there to win…It is the head coach that is the problem (although we did not need this result to know that). Fast Eddie will either play it down or blame the team, which will be incorrect. Please Eddie do the decent thing and resign, or the board grow a pair and remove him.

Australia will be painful.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Prem final. Spoiler alert.
« on: June 18, 2022, 07:32:13 PM »
Tom Youngs lifting the cup was absolutely deserved...we take our other halves for granted too often, and although as a NHS medic in general practice (and 13 years in emergency medicine before) we deal with it every day, it will never prepare any of us for what he -and countless others- go through. I absolutely admire him and his family and what Tigers did today.

The final was how they can often be, tight, nervy affairs, a arm wrestle with mistakes aplenty and a moment to remember. But it really is great to see Tigers back winning only 12 months after bottom gives hope for us all. The darkest of the night simply means starting the journey to the brightest of day!

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Season attendance stats
« on: June 09, 2022, 07:00:40 AM »
A game of rugby should feel like a day out, that starts with the excitement of the morning, getting to the area around the ground or in the city, where fans are in coffee shops, pubs, or families are eating meals, kids playing throwing rugby balls around etc. A stadium should have concessions offering food, drinks and entertainment, a club shop to visit and spend your hard earned, history of the club should be everywhere, having large TVs showing live Q and A’s, highlights of past games not only that season but from decades before. The stadium itself should be bedecked in the clubs colours and history. To visiting fans it should be obvious that this place is Wasps. We have said about seat colours before (and this is one example of many) but it is things like this that make it home. It should feel like a place you want to go and spend time before and after a game. It should feel like an event every time. It should feel like home where we want to go and spend time with others every game, and fans feel that we are throwing open the doors to them to join us and celebrate our sport whilst they support their team. Our stadium feels more like roll up, watch the boys, head home. That is not good at all, it does not engage the fans. You have to feel the club in your heart, develop that emotional connection where the club becomes not only important to you, but part of your identity. We will not encourage paying support or indeed new support if you cannot do that.

Yes the pandemic has had an impact, but until our club get the above sorted we are in trouble. Our club is engaging well in local clubs and schools at grass roots. But we now need to engage the city and surrounding areas on a commercial level (pubs, restaurants etc). HQ has the patch, and a plethora of pubs, restaurants and clubs we all frequent on match days, we need to start this in Coventry.  Yes it will involve financial investment, huge amounts of commitment and time, but if you do not have a club that people will take to their hearts then that is the death knell to any club in any sport. Our attendances are a warning sign we cannot ignore.

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