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Messages - Hymenoptera

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Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Other Games This Weekend (Spoilers)
« on: February 14, 2022, 03:17:25 PM »
Exe 24 Glos 15. FT

Sale 36 Wuss 12. FT. I wonder who Dimes will blame this time ;)

The Exe result puts our win down there in a bit more context. An in form Glou got beaten by a very similar Ex team that we beat.
It doesn't at all. That's like saying we beat Toulouse so are the best team in Europe now.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: The Phantom Smiter - And changes to the forum
« on: February 01, 2022, 10:13:30 PM »
Thanks for the change VV. But, I would have actually preferred a like/dislike button which refers specifically to the post and not the poster. I've seen plenty of posts replying "+1" but never seen a "-1" :)
You've just removed something that I was winning at..I'd like to keep mine please. I didn't post for a couple of months and accumulated 60 smites from the 'fake woke' brigade.
I dislike this idea more than I disliked the smite facility. Why does someone need a pat on the back for a post? - Some radical thinking here, but why not have some debate instead. The smite thing was just a debate and conversation stifler, let's not have another version of it.
Q for VV. Given this fundamental change, will there be a relaxing of the Opinion Policing? Or do we all still have to ignore our differences and pretend to get along?

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Looking ahead to the Chiefs
« on: February 01, 2022, 09:58:36 PM »
Given our performances in 3 of our last 4 matches, does anyone else think we have chance of turning the Chiefs over at Sandy Park on Saturday. I have a good feeling about this match. The squad are really showing their mettle now.

Chiefs have 5 in the England squad 3 in the Scotland squad.
No. I think the results have been better than the performances.
At the weekend, Alex Goode was Wasps MVP...a bounce here or there against a much weakened Sarries side and we'd have lost, plus we were at home. When we start to consistently beat strong opposition then we'll be ready to go to Sandy and win but not sure we are there yet.

If Sam Hill is fit then he and we might find a match. I saw him a lot for the U-20's (Eng) and he looked the part. Seems to have lost his way rather. But if we ended up with a fit....and hard tackling 12, it would be worth it - so long as that fitted our preferred strategy. Such experience would be valuable next to Jacob and Charlie....but if fit....
This is craziness Mike..sorry

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: TRP
« on: January 30, 2022, 04:03:03 PM »
We simply don’t have that quality of insight and experience in the backs.

Our backs need some experienced glue to gel them together.

Been said by me many times over the last 5 years. But, experience isn't the factor. It is about having a rugby brain, being able to look up and react to what you see, and redirect your forces. It should be the 10 or 12 (usually), but none that we have in that position have that vision and leadership. It is generally there by 20/21 years old.

Marcus Smith has it. Fazzer and Ford have it. Cips had the vision, but I am far from convinced he had the leadership. It is something the SH clubs seems good at developing in youngsters. Something Sopoaga did not have. Beale also has that vision, but not the leadership.
Totally this, which is why it blows my mind that many people are talking about Sam Hill (or even a Sam Hill type player)..squad player at Ex, squad player at Sale yet he's somehow going to progress at Wasps. If we want a take it to contact, basic rugby type player, still with Booj ...I for one want some rugby IQ, creativity, a football player, a Curtis Rona player that makes the ball do all the work.
If Sam Hill is the answer, people are asking the wrong questions and we will remain a decent side on our day at best.
I'd welcome a line hitting FB, i'm happy with our 10 options.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Teams Up for The Cheats - Joe Starts.
« on: January 28, 2022, 07:37:54 PM »
Watson is a little disappointing for me. Joe straight in a worry.
Pretty solid team.
Same..a kicking team like Sarries fills me with dread with Watson at the back.

Sam Hill is a no from me but agree with either James bros. Oli Morris at Worc too.
Anyone from the Pacific Isles.

Hymenoptera: Not sure how you justify Mills having a whole series of injuries. Evidence? He came from Worcester with a good record and we, including us on this site, were glad to have him.
Its not a case of being 'glad' or not. A not injured Ryan Mills in his prime was one of the best 12's in England...but so what.
I'm not here to plug your knowledge gap, go do your own homework.

It's not like Mills has had lots of injuries a la Fekitoa, he's just had one really bad one that has kept him out, a complete freak event really - even by our team's standards!

I think you'll find his entire career has been mostly injury, hence his lack of England caps.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: We Have Lost Fifita!
« on: January 11, 2022, 03:09:37 PM »
Referring to it as the Ricoh doesn't alter the information presented, lot's of people still do. I just find it hard to imagine we'd offer such, especially to a NZ  player, coming from half way around the world, who could have likely secured a gig elsewhere without much an employee, it doesn't seem that appealing, especially with a family. Your one bad injury away from nothing after a few months. Given it hasn't been reported anywhere that it was a 1+1 and that is pure conjecture, we have to go with what has been reported until confirmed otherwise.

Is it pure conjecture because it isn't in a newspaper? Or is it because I said it on a forum?

I was told by someone who should know that he did not break his contract. The implication was it was a 1+1, it could be a 3 with a 1 year break clause, it could even be that there was a financial penalty that has been covered and is under an NDA.

I don't know, and I don't really care. I just know that he was given an offer we couldn't match, and neither he nor the club have messed the other about.

I wish him all the best, he's been great for us. But he's not part of the future of this club so my focus is now on the players who are.
Everything is conjecture until it's confirmed directly but decent print like the Telegraph tends to be more reliable than a mate of a mate or 'source'.
Like you, I don't care,  I just said it was an odd situation for him to decide to come from NZ on those terms and if print is correct, then there would surely be a financial component.
He goes, we move on, no biggie if everyone is happy.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps v Tigers: Post Match Thoughts
« on: January 10, 2022, 06:47:01 PM »
On the game, I'll say it, the rotation of 9 changed everything. 'Wusty' is slow, ponderous and makes bad decisions. As soon as porter came on and the ball sped up we had a different tempo, more time to make decisions, Charlie had an extra second and Tigers weren't constantly set.
To say it's easy to come on and make an isn't, it's the opposite in fact, else we'd have won more games. Had Robson been playing, or Hoogs at nine, that game would have been a lot easier.

Thats what everyone said the last time Porter started and Wusty came off the bench.

It is clearly the tactic.

"Blackett said: “In the dressing room afterwards I couldn’t speak as there was huge emotion as our whole performance was based on loads of energy and emotion.

“It wasn’t pretty but it was gritty and we scrapped throughout.

“Our young half-backs, (Charlie Atkinson and Sam Wolstenholme) managed the game really well and that’s what you have to do against Leicester.

“At half-time, we emphasised that we had to stay in the kicking game, be patient, and take the opportunities that came our way."
I'm not sure what the copy/paste represents.
I'm dealing with the facts as they were presented, Wusty was all of those things this game, the last game and the game before that, so I'm not sure what your point is.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: We Have Lost Fifita!
« on: January 10, 2022, 05:17:53 PM »
He was offered significantly more by Scarlets and we couldn't match it.

Is that fact? (not suggesting you're lying, just not seen that written anywhere with authority)

If so, can't blame him, he has a young family to provide for and we all know rugby careers can end suddenly.

Yes, I can say with great confidence that it is fact.
Widely reported he's on a 3 year surely there is a buy out conversation, or partial, otherwise it make's no can't rock up somewhere and then go, oh, these guys are offering more so i'm I missing something?

This is all very strange.

The 3 year deal was originally mentioned in an article in the Daily Telegraph. Anywhere else must have got it from there (I believe), though I am happy to be proved wrong. I wouldn't actually give the DT's author much credence as he twice states we are still playing at the Ricoh. So I think he was just guessing as to the length of Fifita's contract.
Referring to it as the Ricoh doesn't alter the information presented, lot's of people still do. I just find it hard to imagine we'd offer such, especially to a NZ  player, coming from half way around the world, who could have likely secured a gig elsewhere without much an employee, it doesn't seem that appealing, especially with a family. Your one bad injury away from nothing after a few months. Given it hasn't been reported anywhere that it was a 1+1 and that is pure conjecture, we have to go with what has been reported until confirmed otherwise.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: Wasps v Tigers: Post Match Thoughts
« on: January 10, 2022, 04:41:03 PM »
Genge is an average prop. Alongside that he’s just a wannabe yob, a posturer and a wind up merchant. I’ve never believed the hype around him. Tigers fans are actually seeking to excuse him as Hougaard “said something to him”. Pathetic.
Hang on..Gouge is a pretty dislikeable human being and optimises his chav persona, but he is no average prop, there is no hype. I can't stand the guy but from a purely playing perspective, there aren't many as good as him, he can do it all.
As for the Tigers fans..Myopic doesn't even begin to describe then. I think they'd rather lose any number of games as long as they don't lose to FaCov. It's hard not to poke the bear and watch it retaliate, at least that's my week sorted.

On the game, I'll say it, the rotation of 9 changed everything. 'Wusty' is slow, ponderous and makes bad decisions. As soon as porter came on and the ball sped up we had a different tempo, more time to make decisions, Charlie had an extra second and Tigers weren't constantly set.
To say it's easy to come on and make an isn't, it's the opposite in fact, else we'd have won more games. Had Robson been playing, or Hoogs at nine, that game would have been a lot easier.

Wasps Rugby Discussion / Re: We Have Lost Fifita!
« on: January 10, 2022, 04:27:58 PM »
He was offered significantly more by Scarlets and we couldn't match it.

Is that fact? (not suggesting you're lying, just not seen that written anywhere with authority)

If so, can't blame him, he has a young family to provide for and we all know rugby careers can end suddenly.

Yes, I can say with great confidence that it is fact.
Widely reported he's on a 3 year surely there is a buy out conversation, or partial, otherwise it make's no can't rock up somewhere and then go, oh, these guys are offering more so i'm I missing something?

This is all very strange.

Maybe use his proper name rather than claiming your two choices are not critical. And have you forgotten tht his mother, never mind his father, might also be offended?
How about I call him what I choose and you concentrate on getting your information right, what with your Jenifer Perl gaff.
Lane, in , stay, your.

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