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Author Topic: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal  (Read 5612 times)


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Re: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal
« Reply #30 on: January 04, 2020, 01:44:21 PM »
Neil I think you’re right, a club other than Sarries getting relegated is going to open a big can of worms, therefore the likely outcome is the league is ring fence due to Sarries cheating the league for at least 5 years.

I really do wish Sarries supporters can understand what they club as done to other clubs and fans, but they won’t

Sadly I agree. I have a close friend who is a STH (£1k+ shows more money than sense!) who cannot see they have done one thing wrtong - it is always "For the good of the Game". Total sh1te!


Its basically arguing that its ok to defraud you and me "for the good of the game" And whilst Daly probably went for many reasons - wasn't it Dai who said " no one leaves for less money" and the EAs have basically distorted the Prem and its players

If I was Newcastle - I'd be wondering if the distortion of the market for players meant that we'd earned less points and got relegated - due to such a distortion? (Though I could argue to opposite too!)

But in paying to watch rugby on TV or in person - we've all had what's in front of use distorted by one club having 25+ internationals  - players that might have been distributed better and for better entertainment and allowing better opportunities for international calls too.


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Re: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal
« Reply #31 on: January 05, 2020, 08:08:45 AM »
Fundamentally, I think Wray has tried to do things for the game - Salary aside, Saracens are definitely the benchmark on player welfare and for helping prepare them for life after the game.  They do also have a productive academy that tends to churn out some pretty decent players.

I also think that there needs to be a change to the EPS rebates and Academy credits to provide a greater ceiling for players nurtured by a club and perhaps a combined increased ceiling for an academy product who becomes an England international - a double bubble.

The £80k was brought in when the ceiling salaries in the prem were typically £350k or so for the England squad.

Despite being pretty sympathetic to some of the struggles, or plights he’s spoken about in the press I have zero sympathy for the consequences of the way that Wray has chosen to go about it especially given the prolonged period of time which this has gone on for. 

There’s no mention of Wray having tried to raise academy and EPS allowances with the other owners or the league, who also might have been sympathetic to the suggestion.  He’s just gone and done whatever he felt like, with no remorse and no appreciation of the potential imbalances he’s created for the rest of the league.


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Re: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal
« Reply #32 on: January 05, 2020, 09:53:20 AM »

I also think that there needs to be a change to the EPS rebates and Academy credits to provide a greater ceiling for players nurtured by a club and perhaps a combined increased ceiling for an academy product who becomes an England international - a double bubble.

The £80k was brought in when the ceiling salaries in the prem were typically £350k or so for the England squad.

I mentioned this earlier in the thread (I think it was this thread). The EPS and academy rebates aren't physical payment rebates though, they are monetary credits which allows a club to spend more within the cap.

The problem for a lot of clubs is they probably don't physically have the money to spend anyway.

The salary cap was brought in to stop clubs spending themselves into oblivion (guarding against sugar daddies simply ploughing personal money into the club until they become bored and pull he plug),  and to try and keep a fairly even spread of mainly EQP talen around the clubs.

Maybe PRL need to think of an additional mechansim.. something along the lines of some ratio when looking at the Profit and Loss and Balance Sheets of the club.

Trading losses can't exceed a certain % of turnover etc (I'm sure a more qualified forum member can think of a better way?)

Wray is estimated to either be owed or has personally written off £40m of his own money. I commend his committment but isn't the salary cap sort of in place to stop this type of skewed ownership/trading.


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Re: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal
« Reply #33 on: January 05, 2020, 10:12:54 AM »
Whilst recognising the commitment of any individual putting money into rugby - the "problem" is that often, such successful, rich people are used to getting their own way. It looks - to me anyway - a little like the Sarries' position is at least part down to the owner not wishing to comply with the rules - almost "just because"

With the Bath and Bristol owners similarly having access to lots of funds - its not a competition that "rugby" can win. It is a game where the big teams will win by loads, unlike soccer where a lesser team is rarely "put to the sword" hence the interest in the FA Cup over the years (I know less now...but anyway) but one sided rugby is a rather dull spectacle.

But whilst there is a case for improving player long term welfare  - that needs to be a wider conversation across rugby in the UK/England. There does need to be an interest in players' futures, BUT...that doesn't mean "doing an EA" and making excuses


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Re: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal
« Reply #34 on: January 05, 2020, 12:10:57 PM »
Post rugby career welfare normally takes the form of giving admin or coaching roles (U18's, academy etc) to players within the club.

Education/college fees are exempt from the Salary cap so players with a bit of foresight and direction can be training for something whilst playing for their club.

Front loading investment in trading companies for players or giving players free (or at a peppercorn rent) ground franchises is a step too far and is effectively creating another income stream.

Before this story broke my suspicions were raised a few seasons ago by a pre-match interview between Bayfield and Barritt. Barritt was proudly  holding a cup of branded coffee, sold from his franchise/pitch with in the Allianz Park ground.

Immediately the thought crossed my mind .. "What if Sarries are charging Barritt £1 per year rent for his coffee/food stall... that's basically free income".

I've read a quote on another forum quoting an article in The Times by Owen Slot.. I don't subscribe so I can't confirm (date of article) but it looks to have been copy and pasted.

Amongst other things, Slot says that Wray retiring isn't the endgame, as there are more things to come out in the wash... which backs up what Laura Lambert has recently said.

So does that refer to Sarries, other clubs, or PRL themslves?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2020, 12:15:51 PM by BG »


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Re: Nigel Wray 'disillusioned with other owners' in wake of salary cap scandal
« Reply #35 on: January 05, 2020, 12:43:54 PM »
If Wray is so interested in player welfare then why is his interest confined to his own club players?