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Author Topic: Wasps & Refs  (Read 1036 times)


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Re: Wasps & Refs
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2021, 09:16:57 PM »

Seems like a fair article.

I'm surprised that Lee states that Ridley picked up on us being offside at kicks off the 10.
I'd have thought that was something the coaches wouldn't have any problems identifying themselves

Marlow Nick

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Re: Wasps & Refs
« Reply #2 on: March 22, 2021, 05:16:08 AM »
I agree with Rob Baxter.

If you want to know why you're giving away too many penalties watch the video low lights.
If you want to change the referees' interpretation of the laws ... Well that's a different thing altogether and you need to speak to their boss
« Last Edit: March 22, 2021, 05:20:44 AM by Marlow Nick »


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Re: Wasps & Refs
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2021, 08:21:56 PM »
Blackett and Baxter are both right. What works for one, may not work for another. Each club has its unique culture and circumstances.

Exeter are fortunate to have a large & stable squad (and coaching set up) who have progressed together for over a decade. They know and understand one another which means they’re at a more advanced stage with their game play. Wasps on the other hand have had to deal with an ever changing squad & a new coaching set up so foundations are still being built. Yes we have club stalwarts likes of Launchbury, Robson, Young, Bassett, Gopperth, Rowlands & McIntyre but we also have more recent experienced additions like Shields, Kibirige, Fekitoa & Brookes and then a raft of very recent young talent like Barbeary, Umaga, West, T Willis, Wolstenholme, Odogwu & Oghre. It’s an exciting set up but certainly transitional when compared to stable Exeter. Similarly Baxter is a seasoned DOR while Blackett is just a year into his first stint as a Premiership Head Coach. Add to that, they both have different approaches.

These issues clearly effect the approaches taken by both men and their opposing views on using referees. Blackett has identified a way to assist the entire set up after a clear pattern of continuous indiscipline. I agree some are basic issues but I would rather Blackett seek the support required rather than us continue in this vicious 2+ month long cycle. I applaud him for acknowledging the issue, putting his hands up (publicly) and securing outside help to provide a fresh pair of eyes and impartial advice. No shame in that at all and in fact it’s a part of his own development as a Head Coach.

Anyway the proof is in the pudding as its clearly had an impact - we only conceded 10 penalties last week (versus an average of 16 in our previous 4 games and 12.5 for the season ... the average for all clubs this season is 11). In fact Newcastle who are the 2nd most disciplined club this season conceded 16 penalties in the game.