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Author Topic: Morning All  (Read 998 times)


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Morning All
« on: March 29, 2022, 07:35:09 AM »
Morning All

Weird weird weird - Tuesday night match. I doubt few will attend due to time or distance but the lads are playing.

Raining here after days of great weather and I think the forecast for the Midlands isn't too good.

Hope the team put together for this all put their hands up for weekend selection and put a spark under the first team.

Safe journey to any attending.

Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2022, 07:42:25 AM »
Totally bonkers, but good morning people.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2022, 07:43:47 AM »
Morning Neils and WWW. Murky weather, just starting to spit with rain.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2022, 08:02:28 AM »
Yes, strange to be morning all on a Tuesday. Weather in S Bucks is grey and drizzly. A tad chilly too when I let the hound out at 6.30.

Hopefully we get to see the highlights of the game. Could be high scoring if the Sale game was anything to go by.



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Re: Morning All
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2022, 08:07:58 AM »

Dry in Coventry at the moment, we are going tonight, hoping for a win to back up the one in the last round.

Even with a good bonus point win I don't think it will take us into the semi-finals, unless both Tigers and Falcons lose tonight without any bonus points, so feels a bit of a pointless match.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2022, 08:21:25 AM »
Good morning all. That took me by surprise.! Pity the club haven't entered the Internet age yet and sorted a live stream for this sort of game. Probably too expensive to justify, but I,'d have bought a' ticket' for one. Hope I'll be able to catch it later.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #6 on: March 29, 2022, 08:39:44 AM »
This is all very peculiar.  Can't get my head round not wearing black and yellow on a match  day.  It's Tuesday for heaven's sake ....  it's a day for doing laundry, and the boilerman is calling today.  Nah - it's early April 1st.   Isn't it?  Oh.  Right - it's looking misty and ominous, and it's cold, and  the team selection has me sitting (uncomfortably ) on the fence, but still hoping for the best.  Can't get up to the match unfortunately but will wish them  well, and good luck too boys;  I hope you have a brilliant game and enjoy it too.  Allez x 3, and C O Y W  .............................


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #7 on: March 29, 2022, 08:53:29 AM »
Morning all from a grey Guildford! 2 morning alls in one week is new but thankfully I have 2 pairs of wasps oddball boxers and 3 new pairs of wasps socks from Christmas to cover such eventualities! As I have a interview tomorrow morning with a new practice close to where we are moving house in the next 3 months it is good to have a distraction that is the best sport in the world! (I still get nervous on interviews just as I did as a teenager back in the 90s).

Tonight is all about having fun and getting a win. Winning breeds confidence and our whole squad is going to need this going into the tail end of the season. Top 8 is crucial and we still have a chance at silverware in the challenge cup so much to aim for.

Come on you Wasps!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp!


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #8 on: March 29, 2022, 08:56:17 AM »
Good morning all. That took me by surprise.! Pity the club haven't entered the Internet age yet and sorted a live stream for this sort of game. Probably too expensive to justify, but I,'d have bought a' ticket' for one. Hope I'll be able to catch it later.


Good morning all - grey and drizzly in S Glos though it seems to be brightening up. dog asleep and ignoring me (fair option)

Suffering a bit this morning from seeing my osteopath - so tea and painkillers before levering the dog out of the door. Really hope there is a record of the game and hope we see off the EA's.

Steve from Cov

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Re: Morning All
« Reply #9 on: March 29, 2022, 09:08:11 AM »
Good morning all,
Yes - its a fairly overcast this morning so far but it should get better later today.
We will be there and we are both looking forward to it.
I'd attended quite a few of the A team games at Broadstreet and really enjoyed getting a close up view of the youngsters and fringe players.
Really looking forward to seeing Mills (and Nizaam) pulling the strings with speedsters like Mehson and Crossdale.
Particularly looking forward to seeing young Rob Hardwick get some game time.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2022, 09:56:04 AM »
Morning all from a grey Guildford! 2 morning alls in one week is new but thankfully I have 2 pairs of wasps oddball boxers and 3 new pairs of wasps socks from Christmas to cover such eventualities! As I have a interview tomorrow morning with a new practice close to where we are moving house in the next 3 months it is good to have a distraction that is the best sport in the world! (I still get nervous on interviews just as I did as a teenager back in the 90s).

Tonight is all about having fun and getting a win. Winning breeds confidence and our whole squad is going to need this going into the tail end of the season. Top 8 is crucial and we still have a chance at silverware in the challenge cup so much to aim for.

Come on you Wasps!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp!

Outside of everything else, good luck with your interview, Chris!


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2022, 02:28:18 PM »
Steve ... could you give us any feedback later on?  It would be great, and very kind, if you could manage to. I might well be asking too much .................  but I hope you really enjoy the match either way.

Steve from Cov

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Re: Morning All
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2022, 03:54:18 PM »
Steve ... could you give us any feedback later on?  It would be great, and very kind, if you could manage to. I might well be asking too much .................  but I hope you really enjoy the match either way.

Hi WW,
I'll post some/my thoughts once I get home. I'm really looking forward to it.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #13 on: March 29, 2022, 05:02:06 PM »
Thank you very much.  Have a great time, and safe journey.