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Author Topic: As Wasps Fans we should be wishing the Best to Clubs Financially? WWalesW?  (Read 5022 times)


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Some may remember a keyboard warrior who was called the 'Knut from Kent' on a now defunct Wasps fans site!

Rifleman Harris

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Sorry you suffered that abuse Wonky W but I say again you cannot dismiss one clubs fans as dross due to a few idiots as all clubs have them.
Clearly WWW hates Leicester and I am no fan of theirs but they regularly get many more supporters than we ever did attending their matches and they have won a lot more silverware than us so they must be doing something right? I still feel our demise was avoidable with better financial controls and us the supporters plus the players and backroom staff are the real losers in our going belly up! Not sure who Grendel is, being new to this forum?

I think you will find that is called cheating.  As Sarries prove, if you cheat enough you will win stuff.  The same applies for Tigers (as explained above).

Rifleman Harris

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Some may remember a keyboard warrior who was called the 'Knut from Kent' on a now defunct Wasps fans site!
I think there would be far more 'I told you so'  and 'we should have brought a ground in London' going on if it is who I am thinking of.


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Wasps went under because the only person with enough money to get us temporarily out of the hole we were in did not have enough money (to pour down a black hole) to acquire a ground and provide a finance stream big enough to sustain the club. Instead, the purchase was heavily leveraged and that gamble did not pay off. The additional income streams did not arrive quickly enough. Had we been a club that had land and had organically grown from scratch, we probably would have gotten there with a more modest investment. In effect, as Exeter have done.

But, we started out where we were at AP. In a deep hole with no prospect of getting out and no prospect of being financially stable. The gamble was highly unlikely to succeed. Was there financial mismanagement that made it worse? Who knows, maybe. Was buying the Ricoh the right decision? I highly doubt it. It was worth then probably less than Mike Ashley reportedly paid for it last year (not a lot). It was certainly not worth a quarter of what we paid. Not to Wasps. Remember, something is not worth what it cost, but only what a buyer will pay. When we went bust, CCFC still couldn't afford to buy it even at that knock down price (despite all that their fans might say, CCFC never made a firm or realistic bid).

So, way back then, when Wasps bought the Ricoh, CCFC did want to buy it, but for far less than Wasps offered. At that time CCFC might have had the money, and it would have been a fair price. A massive loss to the Council, but a ton of money that went in to building it came from EU grants and Tesco. It should never have been built though. CCFC were gifted a stadium when they lost Highfield Road through totally inept financial management of the then owners (that was when I stopped supporting the Sky Blues). The council should never have stepped in to 'help' them.

Wasps should have gone bust a decade ago, and reformed. Where would they be now? A Championship club? What did we win in the interim? Was it worth it to all those who lost a ton of money? I can't help but think the answer to that is not.

You might call it hindsight, but it isn't. It was never going to work.


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Sorry you suffered that abuse Wonky W but I say again you cannot dismiss one clubs fans as dross due to a few idiots as all clubs have them.
Clearly WWW hates Leicester and I am no fan of theirs but they regularly get many more supporters than we ever did attending their matches and they have won a lot more silverware than us so they must be doing something right? I still feel our demise was avoidable with better financial controls and us the supporters plus the players and backroom staff are the real losers in our going belly up! Not sure who Grendel is, being new to this forum?
No, I don't hate Tigers.

I hate the fact they got away with fiscal doping and should have been relegated and instead were allowed to compete penalty free and win a title when they should have been in the championship. And I want any unpunished team punished.

Not entirely sure Tigers have won a lot more silverware than us.  More, not by much though. We have about 5 pro era titles and two euro titles they have about 8 and 2, not including the last one for obvious reasons already stated. Both pretty impressive records really. Certainly no jealousy involved, they are just part of the unpublished  fiscal doping problem.

You seem curiously interested in supporter numbers and trophies when we are talking about unpunished cheats still being involved in rugby whilst three non cheating clubs are not, thus increasing the proportion of unpunished cheats in the league.

« Last Edit: July 27, 2023, 06:11:20 PM by westwaleswasp »


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I never had a problem with free tickets. Makes the crowd in a large stadium look better and anybody who goes to a rugby game would probably like a drink or two, whether their tix were free or not. I would have carried on with them.


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I suspect Reutmark may be Grendel or similar.


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I suspect Reutmark may be Grendel or similar.

Certainly has that kind of stink about it.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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I suspect Reutmark may be Grendel or similar.
Maybe, but all points have been answered, so we can let the thread sink unless there is new material.

Vespula Vulgaris

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Reutmark33 this is a pretty tight knit group of people. As fans we've been through a lot, and despite not always agreeing with each other we all try and treat each other with respect.

We certainly don't come here to specifically target individual posters and try to start arguments.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt because I'm feeling generous, but that's unlikely to last.

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I sincerely apologise as I am a Wasps supporter and it was never my intention to cause any offence and rest assured that I take due note of your words Vespula Vulgaris. I am just, like all of us, so saddened and frustrated by what has happened to our club.