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Author Topic: Competitiveness of competitions  (Read 2002 times)


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Competitiveness of competitions
« on: September 16, 2017, 11:58:55 AM »
There's often talk about replacing Italy in the 6 nations with the "next best" European team, given that their progression may have plateaud.

However, after a 57-0 thrashing, maybe the rugby championship should be looking for replacements for south Africa


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Re: Competitiveness of competitions
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2017, 01:06:14 PM »
All that SA rugby faces is a woeful lack of quality management and leadership. The sport has widespread participation in the country, it has widespread support, and it has a depth of potential talent. Sadly, South Africa as a country went from a despicable and divisive political system, that, in its own white-centric way, supported South African rugby to success, through to a political system that is centred on making one family and its supporters rich at the cost of the majority, and rugby has become sidelined. To 'punish' those who play rugby in South Africa for these failings would be harsh. Instead, World Rugby needs to ask itself how it can support regions where these problems exist how they can help turn things around. For Italy, South Africa, and other countries who want to step up.

Rugby is an inclusive sport, not exclusive. Rubgy is about the next game. Not about the winning, but about the way the game is played.