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Author Topic: Morning All  (Read 838 times)


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Morning All
« on: November 13, 2021, 07:32:48 AM »
Quite surprised not to see this already!

Having watched last nights match where a team of seasoned regulars annialated a team of youngsters what happens in today's matches could be a similar lottery. I like the look of our team - I note BB said Tait had 252 Newcastle caps and the whole Wasps 23 had a total of 83 - I hope they have had time to gel on plastic!

Anyone travelling have a good day.

Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2021, 07:51:27 AM »
Morning all.

Well at least our lads have had a plastic pitch to train on!

Whatever will be, will be. This competition needs a radical rethink. I have read on other social media sites, it would be a good idea to include the Championship teams. Clubs must have a break even point for staging these games - there cannot be a lot of cash generated.

I will have a look at the Prem Rugby site when the full match is posted on Monday.

Just hope that our lads give a good account of themselves and no more injuries PLEASE!


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2021, 08:42:59 AM »
Morning from a bright S Glos - much nicer than last, and I'm hoping that the game, as noted above, doesn't turn out like Bath's that doesn't do anyone much good....

As noted above - the comp needs a rethink, lets get some experience and hopefully, no one hurt.....

Have a good day, one and all


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #3 on: November 13, 2021, 09:13:11 AM »
Good morning everyone.  No rushing  about this morning to collect tickets, flags, sarnies, soup, relat6ives etc.  In fact, quite leisurely.  What does loom ahead is loads of  laundry  and much Christmas card writing instead.   I watched  the first half of the unequal  match yesterday and wondered how it was that one side could put out a team composed of players  chosen within the spirit of the 'Cup' and the other team could be so desperate to win that they put out almost all their First Team. No surprise at the result.  Well done Bath, and congratulations on your bulldog spirit, grit and never-give-upness.  No comment on our forthcoming match, but it will be an experience  for our team,  and hopefully a good one even if there is no W.  Most important - stay safe.  No  injuries.  Safe journeys to you all  and  Allez x  3 ....  C.  o.  Y.  W.           


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #4 on: November 13, 2021, 09:48:33 AM »
Morning Neils, Mike, Heaths, WW and all Wasps from a mild Guildford. Coffee already enjoyed and just about to head out with the hound to meet up with my mother and her hound to walk in the beautiful Surrey hills.

Big rugby day ahead today, Autumn internationals aplenty and a fascinating game for our youngsters in the prem cup, it doesn’t get much better.

Today is not about a win it is about seeing our wider squad and youngsters get experience, whilst also identifying those lads who could become hugely successful and push our club ever upward!

Come on you Wasps!


Once a Wasp ALWAYS a Wasp!  ;D


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #5 on: November 13, 2021, 09:53:59 AM »
Morning all, intending to plant myself in front of the international rugby and Cheltenham racing today with the other eye on the efforts of the young wasps at Newcastle, hope they enjoy the experience.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #6 on: November 13, 2021, 10:03:50 AM »
Morning all. Best wishes to our youngsters who are heading north. Hoping for a decent performance and absolutely no injuries.

Steve from Cov

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Re: Morning All
« Reply #7 on: November 13, 2021, 10:27:44 AM »
Morning all,
Today’s game is going to be tough but it presents an opportunity for the youngsters to show whether they have the talent to play elite rugby.
We have some experienced forwards that should create a platform to allow the youngsters to play their natural game.
Big opportunity for everyone.


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Re: Morning All
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2021, 11:50:50 AM »
Morning all. If two or three put their hands up for selection today we’ve won. The Glaws Bath game was pitiful as a spectacle but I did like the live feed from the ref to the stands for TMO referrals.