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Author Topic: 10.  (Read 8434 times)

welsh wasp

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Re: 10.
« Reply #75 on: December 03, 2021, 12:00:55 PM »
The challenge for all number 10s is that they are so much the centre of attention. Just a couple of comments about Umaga's two tries last Friday but lots of critical comments. I hope he doesn't read threads about him - and the same for other players.
The last couple of contributions about the absence of Mills seems to identify a key point. Le B used to be much criticised but the general view of him seems to have improved this season.
I am slightly amused that one contributor says very optimistically that Atkinson is the man for the future - based on not too much evidence (which is not a criticism of him).


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Re: 10.
« Reply #76 on: December 03, 2021, 08:34:41 PM »
This is still rugby, not American football.
A fly half is very important, but it's not a 1 man team.

At our best, we've had multiple playmakers on the pitch at the same time
Cips, Gopperth, Beale... Or WlR.
That was some team.

Yet even those very experienced players often struggled at 10 if injuries affected the other play makers and resulted in a rejigged back line.

Umaga does have areas to improve. However, if there's games where the pack is weak, the scrum half is having an off day, and the centre pairing is new and one isn't a centre, then it's ridiculous to lay the blame on 1 player


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Re: 10.
« Reply #77 on: December 04, 2021, 05:53:44 PM »
Don’t think anyone has just blamed Jacob for the Gloucester defeat. He need to better with the basics of the game especially when he plays in one of the most pivotal positions


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Re: 10.
« Reply #78 on: December 05, 2021, 01:00:12 PM »
The Worcester game was a perfect summing up of the current Umaga for me. Moments of absolute top notch quality. Moments that lacked quality. An unshakable desire to attack combined with some naive play from everywhere stuff. Sometimes putting us in position A with great bravery. Sometimes missing touch. He was unquestionably better with the trio of West, Barbeary and Wolstenholme on the pitch and wind was behind in that half as well. You have to admire his courage in sticking to the way he plays - it will always be a rollercoaster.


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Re: 10.
« Reply #79 on: December 06, 2021, 07:38:43 PM »
Hymenoptera - to be fair I think most of us a year or so ago were recognising the flaws but hoping that time/more experience would iron them out and we would be left with a seriously talented 10. He is a talented 10. If you look at the bare stats from Friday he could be motm. Unfortunately we’re still seeing some of the inconsistency or rather poor decision making that we were a while back and the game management continues to cost us points. As a footnote not everyone agreed I’m sure those who did just felt the same way as I did.
Trust what you see and ditch the hope...hope got you to the end of last season before acknowledging the state we were in.
He's a good player for sure and isn't solely the reason we are not winning, but is he a good enough long term 10...not for me. He's a space player, he'll do great things in space but the prem doesn't give you much if any space, there is so much more required from a 10 in terms of management..that's without going into the place kicking and basic mistakes. Charlie looks a more rounded 10 already.
Umaga is the new Rob Miller, good multi positional back coverage that is just below being good enough to command a position.


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Re: 10.
« Reply #80 on: December 06, 2021, 08:24:30 PM »
Look, I agree Jacob has got to continue to grow and develop.
I really like him as a player and creative influence.

But the current status quo is tough for him.

1) Let’s start with the unfortunate injury situation. Being without the likes of Robson, Mills, Fekitoa etc around you is going to place a load more responsibility on young shoulders. I really do hope Mills can come in soon and they can co-create together.

2) Marcus Smith has been learning and improving well. But let’s remember that he has Nick Evans as a coach. Who better to turn to and be lead by? Wasps could probably do with an Evans/Alex King style coach to broaden the playmakers young minds.

3) Lack of rotation. When things aren’t working well, you can get quite a tired, overwhelmed mind if there’s nobody else to share the workload with. Even to chew the fat with. I’m sure Jimmy helps out and has been a good influence, but he’s very much a part time 12 these days.

4) The other thing we tend to forget is that opposition teams have very good analysts these days…and just as you get comfortable playing one way, with success…you suddenly find out that teams have found out how to shut you down. So, you need to start playing another way and look for new corridors. All that much harder when you have a terrible injury list, with wings at centre and scrum halves on the wing.

I’m just not sure which coaches are working with Jacob.
Who’s responsible for evolving his style and capabilities?
People tend to grow and develop in direct correlation to their environment.
Some of our forwards seem to be growing majestically.
Are we seeing that same rate of growth in the backs?

Once again, I’m not trying to pin blame. But maybe we haven’t got that mix of ideas, input and effective strategies nailed down yet.
All players have potential.
Yet, it’s the coaches that help them realise it.

With Gleason going to England, there was always going to be a period of transition and bedding in a new style of backs play….compounded 10 times over with the number of injuries, and key positions they play.

I don’t think we should be looking to ‘blame’ anyone.
I think we should be looking to how do we grow and develop the players we have available.
And maybe even bring in the likes of a Johnny Wilkinson for a week’s one on one with Jacob, to work with him and expand his horizons.
Maybe a specialist full back too?

There needs to be good wisdom and advice on offer for players to keep growing.
Some times that’s hard to have for each position.