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Author Topic: Local Team gets its digs in -  (Read 5417 times)

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: Local Team gets its digs in -
« Reply #45 on: December 21, 2022, 06:58:45 PM »
To be honest I'm not sure how much of a say Stephen Vaughan got on some of the "big" decisions. He did some good Commercial Deals, was a good promoter of the club and a decent guy in my opinion.

I think a lot of the work on those deals was done by Adam Benson the Chief Commercial Officer.

I only ever met Steve in passing, though he did fail to turn up for a meeting he'd insisted we had. I drove to the EPIC from Hampshire to find he wasn't going to be there after all, when a phone call or ema would have resolved it. So I'm less than convinced he was the all round good guy he has tried very hard to paint himself as.

However (as with vetoing the bid and his repayments from the bond) I think Derek did what Derek wanted to and as he owned 98% (via Moonstone I think) then who could stop him?

I don't know any of the details of the bid, but I know Derek was pouring his own money into the company until the very end.

I have been told that Derek owed money to Chris Holland and the Training Ground situation may have been part of that maybe as a settlement?

Derek? Or Wasps?

I've not met Chris Holland, but do have a business contact who has dealt with him in the past and says that he is a decent guy so unless I know any different, I'd take that at face value as being genuine.

I've met him a few times. He seemed like  decent bloke. I'm very happy to assume the best until there's reason to do otherwise. But I'd be very wary of anyone trying to paint him as not having been part of the old establishment.

It's very easy to point the finger at Derek for all the issues with the club, but that’s clearly not accurate, and his main problem from what I can see is that he wasn't personally rich enough to keep bailing the club out. He's lost more money than anyone out of this.
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Re: Local Team gets its digs in -
« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2022, 09:40:48 PM »
I agree about Adam he was a very decent guy and did a lot of hard and good work for the club. I know he was absolutely gutted when it all fell apart at the end.

I was always a 100% supporter of Derek, but I feel that he needs to speak out and tell us all the truth and then we can make out own judgements on the facts as we all trusted him.

I don't disagree that he probably didn't have enough money in the end to ride it through, but if wrong or ill informed decisions were made as well then it doesn't matter how much money you have, it will eventually run out at some stage.

I still think that Covid and the subsequent Economic/War situation is the main reason for Wasps problems as without that we wouldn't have taken on even more debt and would (most likely) have been able to refinance the bond as well.


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Re: Local Team gets its digs in -
« Reply #47 on: December 21, 2022, 10:19:36 PM »
I have never met Adam but completely agree with Colonel Wasp's view of Derek and the financial situation.  I cannot see Derek as a hard-hearted baddie as I think he's anything but, but maybe wrong guidance was suggested and wrong decisions made.  Hindsight is wonderful but foresight would be a great deal better.  Right now we have to trust Chris Holland; we have no other option.  The Legends must have the Club's best interests at heart, considering their Club histories.


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Re: Local Team gets its digs in -
« Reply #48 on: December 21, 2022, 11:27:09 PM »
It is easy to point fingers at Derek, and that is 100 pc Derek's fault for saying nothing whilst stories pop out not painting him in a good light, and the small fact that the club just went bust with the loss of 167 jobs.
When the Titanic sinks, the captain needs to explain why it wasn't his fault.