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Author Topic: Championship Clubs v RFU  (Read 1542 times)


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Championship Clubs v RFU
« on: October 06, 2023, 02:44:02 PM »
At last it looks like the championship clubs are willing to stand up to the RFU and PRL and fight for a fairer share of funding and recognition of our part in the development of future England players.
In my opinion this is long overdue and unless we get what we deserve we should refuse to be a part of this new agreement and go our own way.
This would be hugely embarrassing for the RFU and Sweeney on the back of a world cup.

The Championship clubs together with their various owners and benefactors met in emergency session on the morning of Wednesday October 4th to discuss the way ahead in the context of both the progress of the Professional Game Partnership and the sad news relating to Jersey Reds.

They agreed on the following points:

The group as a whole expressed very low levels of confidence in the RFU and its representation of our interests in discussions over the Professional Game Partnership (PGP). Any such partnership must serve the interests of our clubs and communities or it will not be a ?partnership?.
The Championship does not accept any construct of the PGP that excludes our clubs from discussions of funding levels and other matters crucial to the recovery of the game in this country, such as the player-pathway. These all impact our participation in a potential Premiership 2 (P2), which was supposed to be part of a new whole-game restructure for Professional rugby.
The owners and benefactors of Championship clubs have however agreed to continue to analyse the viability of P2, as requested by the RFU, to the extent that they can.
The clubs in attendance shared their views on their willingness and ability to continue in the light of the dramatic cuts to their funding, which surely made the collapse of Jersey Reds more likely.
As clubs who are crucial, among others, to the development of the next generation of England internationals, we are deeply concerned that issues vital to that pathway have not been discussed with us. We believe that our very role in those plans has effectively been sold off in the PGP discussions. We also believe that the player-development role that Championship clubs can most effectively play depends entirely on our clubs having greater control of young players on that pathway than is currently the case. Consequently, we propose to actively review our relationships with Premiership clubs and our role in developing their young talent.
A clear necessity forced on us by recent events is that we must take steps to ensure that we are in control of our own destiny. In that regard we are delighted to welcome Ben Blanco, former global sponsorship lead at Heineken, as commercial consultant, and Simon Cohen, former chief executive of Leicester Tigers, as our independent member. Having two individuals of such experience and standing in the game will hold us in good stead as we analyse all opportunities ahead, bearing in mind that we now own our commercial and broadcast rights for the next two years at least.
The clubs agreed that a statement outlining these points should be released as soon as practicable.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Championship Clubs v RFU
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2023, 03:39:48 PM »
Maybe look at the US Baseball model if P2 does get set-up. With an equal number of P1 and P2 clubs every P2 club is declared the affiliate of one P1 club and players can move between the 2. Allows gametime for returning from injury P1 players in the P2 club, gametime for young up and comers, but also direct cover to draw from in the event of a P1 injury crisis.

Doesn't have to be a permanent arrangement, reviewed and swapped every 3(?) years, or allow affiliations to be swapped on an agreed basis?

I know some Prem clubs have good relations already with some Championship clubs, this would formalise it and ensure every club has a minor league affiliate.


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Re: Championship Clubs v RFU
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2023, 05:06:15 PM »
Problem with that is it keeps prem 1 as prem 1. The clubs in prem 1 need to have a chance to be relegated to prem 2. Loan agreements rapidly lead to prem 2 becoming feeder clubs, and then those clubs give the players back if promoted.
I would not pay a penny to watch Wasps play in my back garden if there was no meaningful path to promotion and prem 2 is a sham league.
 I suspect many would feel the same.
Equal footing is needed between clubs, and that means the finances to sign top players for all clubs in D2, rather than relying on players from other clubs in Prem 1


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Re: Championship Clubs v RFU
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2023, 08:56:44 PM »
Glad to see the Championship clubs speaking out. But will Sweeny et Al listen? Not, I suspect until his ridiculous salary is threatened.
Totaly agree with WWW - thereust be relegation/promotion between P1 and P2. For numerous readons, including the attractiveness to potential investors, ambitions of players, and paying fans. Yet RFU and PRL seem to be pursuing a closed shop for P1 at least