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Author Topic: Team's Up for Budgies - Jack Starts  (Read 4233 times)


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Re: Team's Up for Budgies - Jack Starts
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2019, 04:16:03 PM »
Mitigating circumstances perhaps, but they don't change the result.

He's been caught for a couple of clangers..not that he's alone of course. Maybe a refocus is on the cards..who knows.

Not providing excuses, just that he'd been asked to take a lot on for a first season in the Prem - and given he's not been the worst - I'd have thought if fit you get him back on the horse. I like Gaby - but its not really been a flawless ride!


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Re: Team's Up for Budgies - Jack Starts
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2019, 05:36:59 PM »
Not sure top 4 would be that much of a prize. Top 6- absolutely. Top 4- an away trip to Chiefs, or Sarries. Hmm, perhaps not.
Might give Daly the chance to measure up the coffee shop :-\, not much else.


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Re: Team's Up for Budgies - Jack Starts
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2019, 07:06:32 PM »
Think it might only be Atkinson, Myall and possibly MLB that are the only other fit senior players.
Think Langley, Thornton and Porter travelled up last week too