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Author Topic: Ringfencing  (Read 5525 times)


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Re: Ringfencing
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2019, 09:29:08 AM »
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a big fan of it, but I think its probably the least worst solution to an issue which will keep cropping up if not dealt with.


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Re: Ringfencing
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2019, 09:32:07 AM »
Hopefully the play off scenario won't deter would be investors in championship clubs from ploughing money in due to them considering a too difficult path to progression

I don't think it will. Given that no one but the relegated team has been promoted for what seems like ever, it hasn't stopped rich rugby fans parting with their cash. Lets face it, its a mugs game anyway, at least this keeps a glimmer of hope to those who dream of taking their club to the top level.

Marlow Nick

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Re: Ringfencing
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2019, 11:11:54 AM »
A double header prem play off/prem title at Twickers is a great idea.

Should be a good earner for the RFU too.
Of course what is should be is a good earner for the championship team so even if they lose they are in a stronger position the following year. It should also be used to generate more money to develop all championship clubs but I suspect you're right it would simply be a money earner for RFU


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Re: Ringfencing
« Reply #18 on: July 05, 2019, 03:41:36 PM »
The slight problem I have with the play-off idea as that a team in the Championship could end up 15 - 20pts clear at the end of the season (and in theory know they should be in the top league the following season by the middle of April) but due to a play-off game can't put plans in place until the game 6 weeks later, which impacts on playing/coaching/admin staff signings.

St Bruno

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Re: Ringfencing
« Reply #19 on: July 05, 2019, 04:38:00 PM »
Surely the top Champ side will already need to have a goodly supply of decent players before the playoffs to combat the late recruitment issues you mention. Even that is no guarantee of winning promotion. Bristol failed 4 (?) times before getting over the hurdle of playing the second Champ side and there is a huge gulf of ability between Champ sides and Prem ones.

Marlow Nick

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Re: Ringfencing
« Reply #20 on: July 05, 2019, 06:39:06 PM »
A bit artificial I know but maybe if you get promoted you have to be safe from relegation the following year. That gives you a full season to build a squad strong enough to stay up rather than having to recruit in a rush over a summer