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Author Topic: Dai gives lowdown on Wasps' new coaching team - including his hands-on role.  (Read 1471 times)


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Two new coaches have joined senior set-up ahead of Gallagher Premiership season

By Bobby Bridge.


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Bit confused by some of his comments as I am sure it is well documented that Ian Costello is responsible for all of the worlds ills, and is the fifth horseman who was cut from the book of Revelation for being just too bad.

Or, were some commentators being a tad unreasonable about him?


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As many here have pointed out, the biggest drop off the season just gone was in attack.

If you're struggling to hold onto the ball and apply pressure to the opposition then almost naturally you're going to be under pressure, being pulled from pillar to post, chasing the ball. Eventually players are going to tire and either fall off tackles or not be in the correct position around the ruck or covering across the pitch.

Conversely I thought there was a little bit of lack of invention in the backs from 1st phase ball which is something that can and should be practised on the training paddock.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2019, 10:56:47 AM by BG »


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It became a self-fulfilling prophecy. Attack was failing, people tried harder and over-tried, attempting to force things, and so attack failed....

I don't think squad stability issues helped with this, and any team that performed well with the likes of DC, Wade and Gopperth playing will be diminished by suddenly not having them, and take a while to adjust.