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Author Topic: New training ground  (Read 3787 times)


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New training ground
« on: November 29, 2019, 01:19:04 PM »
Not seen much on here about this on here and wanted some info form those local to it who may have heard more.

It seems theres a local petition been set up to stop wasps acquiring the site, even though it would appear there are no other takers for the land, expect the dreaded housing developers.

Does anyone know how much the group protesting actually represent the local community or are CCFC using this as a stick to beat Wasps?
Their facebook page is remarkably anti Wasps, rather than protesting to those who are actually making the sale, theres also lots of comments about Wasps being a parasitic club etc etc. it all sound suspiciously like the CCFC peoples attitude to their club being in a mess, blaming someone else.

All that said, its sound like a bit of a PR disaster because from the outside, without the facts, it looks like nasty wasps are turfing out a load of grass roots sports clubs, harming children's health (yes really!!) etc etc.

Anyone have any local info on how people actually feel on the ground?


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2019, 01:28:57 PM »
Check the Bobby Bridge articles on CovLive. Quite good.
It definitely seems to be a CCFC loaded petition. You would hope the locals might be annoyed about this but I suppose it aids their profile.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2019, 02:01:29 PM »
Given that the number of people who have 'signed' the petition exceeds the local population, I am guessing the the majority who have signed it are not local, but instead are 'sympathy' votes.

The place has been hemorrhaging money for a long time, even back when it was a college. I was amazed when they built the sports centre, but it was something to do with the college becoming a ports college (in the days when the National Lottery Find and the Education Department were throwing money at that sort of thing). It hasn't been open long though.

It was an attempt to keep the college open, but it closed anyway, due to funding cuts. Then came the ansgt from the 'locals' (not really, as the secondary school across the road attracts most of the real local kids). Why on earth the local school did get the facilities I do not know. It was a political thing, to keep the college open.

But, it is a load of tosh to say the locals are going to be deprived of anything. The local secondary school is across the road and has more than adequate out of school hours facilities (pitches, hall, gym etc). There a load of very local alternative gyms with far better facilities. The best being at Stratford-upon-Avon, which has a big pool, an excellent gym, masses of gym space etc. And the council offer a really cheap parking deal for members, and as it is next to the town centre, makes it great for eating out and shopping. Other than the co-op, Henley residents have to drive somewhere to do their shopping anyway.

I don't understand why Wasps don't just get on with it and get the planning application in. The 'locals' will object whatever. There were a load objecting when the sports centre was built.

Hoping for a quick planning decision based on no local opposition is cloud cuckoo land. 'Oh, where will we go?' plead the little boys and girls, 'We will be homeless.' Utter tosh. Of course they will find somewhere else.

As to whether the evil little trolls who support CCFC, and the Observer, have drummed this up, of course they have. Get the planning application in on Election day and bury it under all the other tosh that will be filling column inches then.


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2019, 03:09:26 PM »
The petition doesn't add up to me, especially seeing where it has been circulated.

Here is the Coventry Live article;

And here is the local meeting;

A college sports facility built 10 years ago in a town with a population of 2000 and run just as a public sports facility for 3 years. It's not really a surprise that a large facility in a small town is just about 'washing it's face'. It also no surprise that it is being sold by WCG. I wonder where the community minded philanthropists have been for the past three or ten years, perhaps at the £1000 per year golf club and gym at the other end of the high street.

KES (King Edwards grammar school in Stratford) are mentioned, they want to build their own all weather surface on their own land, which would be available for community use. Funnily enough the locals there don't want it as the plan involves building six houses on unused land to fund it because there are no philanthropists willing to step in!

I get that locals may want to campaign to keep it, that's their right. I think if it were me I'd be glad it wasn't becoming housing, especially if I ran a local business. I wonder if Wasps A games will be played there, they can attract 2000 people.


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2019, 04:09:44 PM »
Given how many normally attend the A games, or at least when I have, there is no way Henley could accommodate that. It has not the car parking or hospitality ability, and no stands. Wasps might be forced to do what all the other teams do, and use their main pitch (at the Ricoh) - that will seem most odd being very empty. Sharing with Broadstreet did have its advantages. Well, one hurdle at a time, eh?


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2019, 04:12:42 PM »
I wonder how they might react to a SISU stadium suggestion.

Seriously though it is unlike Wasps, of old, not to be in discussions with interested sports parties. Also the slowness of Planning is strange.
Let me tell you something cucumber

welsh wasp

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Re: New training ground
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2019, 05:10:05 PM »
Planning all seems to take a time.
Being a sceptic, what often happens is:
1. Publicity that a large organisation is about to make a dreadful planning application - especially if it is building lots of houses or a new supermarket.
2. Local fury leading a new protest group or petition.
3. Planning professionals recommend approval because it is a sensible application.
4. Local councillors turn it down because they think they depend on the votes of those who are protesting. However, they know:
5. That the planning inspector will grant approval when an appeal is made by the organisation involved. Because it is a sensible proposal.
6. Local councillors tell their voters that it was out of their hands.

Steve from Cov

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Re: New training ground
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2019, 05:20:49 PM »
It’s hilarious that the majority of signatories to the petition are from c.18 miles away in Coventry, Sisu lovers, hate Wasps, never used the facility and have probably never set foot in Henley in Arden.

I feel sorry for those genuine facility users whose moderate campaign has been hijacked by these jokers.


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2019, 06:33:32 PM »
Planning all seems to take a time.
Being a sceptic, what often happens is:
1. Publicity that a large organisation is about to make a dreadful planning application - especially if it is building lots of houses or a new supermarket.
2. Local fury leading a new protest group or petition.
3. Planning professionals recommend approval because it is a sensible application.
4. Local councillors turn it down because they think they depend on the votes of those who are protesting. However, they know:
5. That the planning inspector will grant approval when an appeal is made by the organisation involved. Because it is a sensible proposal.
6. Local councillors tell their voters that it was out of their hands.

Precisely, so you might as well just go ahead and submit the plans anyway. So, I wonder, why haven't Wasps done that? Deja Vu.

welsh wasp

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Re: New training ground
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2019, 07:12:15 PM »
NWW: I forgot to add the stage before the formal submission of an application for planning permission. That is all the informal discussions with the planning people about what is acceptable; what changes the planning people want; and what they want Wasps to provide for the local community to have benefits.


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2019, 07:36:57 PM »
NWW: I forgot to add the stage before the formal submission of an application for planning permission. That is all the informal discussions with the planning people about what is acceptable; what changes the planning people want; and what they want Wasps to provide for the local community to have benefits.
Ah yes. I think you have to pay for their 'advice' these days. Shouldn't take too long though, and would surely have been done before the deposit was paid?


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2019, 07:53:35 PM »
Yes you do not get to meet them without the considerable fee. Gone are the days of walking in for advice. However I still cannot see why Wasps professionals have not done this yet. Hope of beginning next season are fading like all the other "training bases" envisaged.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2019, 09:01:10 PM »
In the article about Radradra's signing Lam was talking about their new training facility. Cannot think that they're also having similar issues?


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Re: New training ground
« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2019, 10:07:56 PM »
Yes you do not get to meet them without the considerable fee. Gone are the days of walking in for advice. However I still cannot see why Wasps professionals have not done this yet. Hope of beginning next season are fading like all the other "training bases" envisaged.

I would agree. Even as complete as it is, tendering for contracts etc, getting workers available, I would have thought any chance of opening next season is remote. Personally, until I see contractors turning up, I have doubts Wasps will seal this deal, the third of such 'announcements'.