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Author Topic: Agen match thread  (Read 11663 times)


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #45 on: January 12, 2020, 08:43:32 AM »
From scoreboard and description of the match performance, it sounds like Wolstenholme may deserve getting more game time especially while Vellacott is injured?

Both Porter and Wolst have done well when selected. The noticeable difference was Wolste wasn't hanging around preparing box-kicks (creating the endless caterpillar) ..  also if the ball was available at the base of a ruck, he was picking it up and  passing immediatley and it was up to the rest of the players to get into position.

Its a shame a repeat of the game isn't available as it cheared me up no end yesterday


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #46 on: January 12, 2020, 09:04:42 AM »
Will it be available to view again? I hope so because I only seen snipbits of it due to a busy house yesterday.


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #47 on: January 12, 2020, 09:06:37 AM »
Will it be available to view again? I hope so because I only seen bits of it due to a busy house yesterday.


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #48 on: January 12, 2020, 09:23:36 AM »
It looks like EPCR only posts 2 min highlight packages once the stream has been closed

I doubt BT or C5 are going to post/broadcast anything longer

The only chance is whether someone  grabbed the live video stream and then uploads it themselves at a later date


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #49 on: January 12, 2020, 12:07:06 PM »
Ok - having enjoyed the game live, I suppose the key questions/things to consider would include these!

A) Was that evidence of the plan we'd wanted/aimed to play all season, being produced?
B) If so, why was is 2020 before we saw it put in place?
C) Was that game being played at "full pace" or like another posters suggested, a little more like "contested practice"?
D) Can we back that up, especially vs Worcester in two weeks time?
E) Have (especially) Lima and Josh started to show some form?

I enjoyed the game for itself yesterday, we looked like a team that knew what it was trying to do, we had plans to use runners creatively, Lima's kicking to the wing was innovative, we looked sharp onto the ball and running lines were good - the forwards played well - though that's not been a key problem to date

So why yesterday? We have been ok in attack as others have correctly noted, but for me, too often, via individual plays rather than team plays - yet yesterday - even an old prop could spot what looked like a different game being played

So what do we think? Or should I just enjoy the game for itself and see!


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #50 on: January 12, 2020, 12:34:06 PM »
I think circumstances were a massive factor.

The game was a dead rubber where both teams had a mixed bag of players.

There's no pressure to think about the end result, perhaps allowing players a little more freedom.

With the lack of pressure, immediacy, our backs probably had half a second longer to make a decision and execute.

All of the above shouldn't  detract from a good performance but it has to be vewied in context.


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #51 on: January 12, 2020, 12:55:17 PM »
I think circumstances were a massive factor.

The game was a dead rubber where both teams had a mixed bag of players.

There's no pressure to think about the end result, perhaps allowing players a little more freedom.

With the lack of pressure, immediacy, our backs probably had half a second longer to make a decision and execute.

All of the above shouldn't  detract from a good performance but it has to be vewied in context.

Fair call. I didn't want to negative....I really enjoyed the game, I liked that I could see a gameplan.....but my nagging doubt was  - as you say - "context"


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #52 on: January 12, 2020, 01:20:25 PM »
One thing that has only just occured to me.. I didn't miss the commentary or ref mic.

It was quite nice just listening to the crowd (well done to the travelling supporters) or the occasional call from a player on the pitch


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #53 on: January 12, 2020, 01:30:59 PM »
Agree that context is important. But there are two key things that can be taken away. 1) Winning is a habit and a mindset and this is another win. 2) Player confidence. The likes of Bassett, Wolstenholme, Miller, Sopoaga, Vukasinovic, De Jongh will all be needed going forward and will have received a boost from their play yesterday. It started with 20 mins v Quins and was built on into Briz, Saints and Agen. We're starting to be more fluent in attack and that will win us games.


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #54 on: January 12, 2020, 01:35:06 PM »
One thing that has only just occured to me.. I didn't miss the commentary or ref mic.

It was quite nice just listening to the crowd (well done to the travelling supporters) or the occasional call from a player on the pitch

Last time I watched on the EPCR site they included the reflink as well.

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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #55 on: January 12, 2020, 02:28:26 PM »
I agree that building the habit of winning is vital, but also the fact that the players have seen that when it clicks they can dominate can only be helpful.

I think that we may have an absolute gem in Theo. Based on yesterday we really need to get him more game time.
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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #56 on: January 12, 2020, 03:26:06 PM »
And some luncheon vouchers


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #57 on: January 12, 2020, 03:41:49 PM »
Interesting how a player can hold his hand up for one game. And boy Theo did. However all other times he has played with the first team it has been decidedly below average. He was destructive going through the line out to win ball.
The player that has barely put a foot wrong all season is Tibo and again yesterday when he came on he was excellent and he played 80 minutes last week for Launch. Charlie has also come on well in recent games.
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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #58 on: January 12, 2020, 05:09:30 PM »

I was impressed with Theo in the 60 minutes I saw of the game.
Previously I've been underwhelmed by him, but accepted that he's about 6th choice. However yesterday's game shows that he has skills and if we can see more of that then he'll be pushing others for selection.

Overall, I felt that Agen allowed us to play a bit more than we've found in other games in the league.
That's meant that we can run through training ground moves with an extra split second of time to think, pass, move, look.

When you consider that our backs had Wusty, JdJ, Bacon and Miller who have all barely featured this season, it shows that there is a plan, a style, an approach to games that is being worked on in training.
We just need it to click more often in league games


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Re: Agen match thread
« Reply #59 on: January 13, 2020, 04:09:54 PM »
And the view from Agen, admittedly Google Translate may be awry - my O Level French is in the distant past, but funny nevertheless.,8657106.php

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We are very disappointed. All the conditions were met today to enjoy and play rugby. We weren't able to do it. We take a big spanking against a very small team at home. We are therefore annoyed, disappointed and a little bitter.
It was fine when I left it.....