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Author Topic: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.  (Read 4704 times)


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2021, 10:59:46 AM »
I have just watched the short highlights reel on BTSport. Clearly they had to show the tries, and not much else (aside from Brad's offences), but from the reel the game looks entirely one sided.

So, what did I notice? Clearly the defence, and how cohesive it was, and how quick it was to recover. Very few missed tackles, and how we forced the Bears errors.

But that wasn't all. A good defence doesn't win games.

On field decisions were being made, in the main, correctly. No silly tap and goes at penalty time. Positionally, the backs seem to be getting it right at last in broken play. Here, the one thing that really helped was Crossdale. He is a true full back. It was his positional play, being in the right place at the right time, his nouse in going forwards, that gave us an extra man. I can understand why he got MOM.

More than that, Umaga had an almost perfect game. He was making the right calls time after time, as was Robson. The only thing that let Jacob down was his bogey, the placed kick. He really needs to spend weeks in Jimmys school of kicking.

Fifita put in a heck of a shift, but hasn't learned to be in the right place in our attack in broken play. When the full game video appears, watch and mark where he is when we break Bears and go into the broken attack phases. He is in the wrong place. He spent too much time doing what we have other guys can do by turning the ball over. We have enough grafters like Oghre, Willis, Shields, Cardall, Stooke, Morris and Alo (in this match) to do that. The coaches need to get him sweeping out to the centre. He almost got the idea at times, but he rushed forwards far too much, often overruning the pass line. He needs to sweep around behind our defence instead. The other thing I noticed that Dickson did not pick up at all was the number of times that Fifita was in the air in the lineout and got hit.

If you watch Dickson, his peripheral vision is what he lacks. He gets too focussed on one line for too long. I hope he will learn and remember to scan the field more.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2021, 11:27:58 AM »
On field decisions were being made, in the main, correctly. No silly tap and goes at penalty time.

As much as I hate it, if the prospect of a goal line drop out when held up over the line stops the pointless tap and goes only to get held up when we get a 5m penalty I'm happy.

Bloke in North Dorset

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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2021, 11:39:25 AM »
On field decisions were being made, in the main, correctly. No silly tap and goes at penalty time.

As much as I hate it, if the prospect of a goal line drop out when held up over the line stops the pointless tap and goes only to get held up when we get a 5m penalty I'm happy.
That and the new latching laws seems to have done for the interminable 5m line pick and go, so far.

I wonder how much of that has got in to Exeter's heads and disrupted their game plans and even the balance of their squad?


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2021, 11:52:06 AM »
I didn't just mean the 5m tap and goes. The ones in the middle of the field so beloved of Dan Robson. I recall when Fekitoa did look at doing just that at one point. The big problem is that you have to be sure you will score from it, otherwise you will get turned over as your own players won't be in place to support you. The rules now mean it is almost always best to go for touch or goal from a penalty, especially as we now have Stooke and Fifita in the lineout.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2021, 12:11:17 PM »
I wonder how much of that has got in to Exeter's heads and disrupted their game plans and even the balance of their squad?

I wonder if the new laws will have a similar impact on Exeter as the 2008 Experimental Law Variations had on us.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #35 on: September 26, 2021, 12:14:59 PM »
Nelly, completely agree with comments about Fifita and our overall game psychology. I'll add Fifita in lineouts was fantastic, but wasn't able to showcase offloading. I also wasn't sure about his defence, sometimes gave too many tackles to teammates which resulted in the odd line break for Bristol. But on the whole, he looks to be adjusting well especially considering its his first prem match start.

What excites me is we have found solution for engine room lock and athletic lock, which has great potential as pairing/strategy.

Tell you what I'm now more excited for Europe.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #36 on: September 26, 2021, 12:37:29 PM »
I missed the Programmes, liked the pop-up shop, missed the 'Wasp Buzz' and the Ride of the Valkyries, very much enjoyed all the Allezs that echoed round the Arena again and again and again. Haven't heard so many at one game for ages. Lovely to meet long-unseen friends again and to make new ones. Apologies and thanks to everyone for their kindness and patience concerning my wheelchair!!     


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #37 on: September 26, 2021, 12:41:38 PM »
I wonder how much of that has got in to Exeter's heads and disrupted their game plans and even the balance of their squad?

I wonder if the new laws will have a similar impact on Exeter as the 2008 Experimental Law Variations had on us.

Marley, could you kindly elaborate on this? Which ones do you feel affected Wasps?


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #38 on: September 26, 2021, 01:35:00 PM »
The 5m gap between a scrum and the defensive line in particular seemed to nullify our blitz defence.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #39 on: September 26, 2021, 01:41:53 PM »
Many thanks.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #40 on: September 26, 2021, 06:35:25 PM »
Did the 2008 ELVs allow the maul to be dragged down?
Been so long I have forgotten  what changed when.


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Re: Wasps v Bristol: Post match thoughts.
« Reply #41 on: September 26, 2021, 07:31:47 PM »
From Wikipedia:
The proposed law amendments were:

In the original version of the laws, players were allowed to use their hands at all times at the breakdown. A slightly different rule, prohibiting hands in the ruck but making it only a free kick, has been trialled as well. The final rule regarding hands in the ruck has not been established. In any event, players must come into the breakdown in an onside position, and only players who are on their feet are allowed to play the ball. The side that takes the ball into the breakdown loses it if they do not recycle possession.
- At the scrum, all backs except for the two scrum-halves must be at least 5 metres behind the hindmost foot of the scrum, instead of level with it as allowed in the previous laws.
- Either side can use as many players as they like in the line-out, at any time, providing they fit between the 5-metre line and the 15-metre line.
- The opposing hooker in a lineout no longer has to stand between the 5-metre line and touchline; he can stand anywhere he wishes as long as he conforms to the laws.
- On a quick throw in the ball can be thrown straight or back towards the defenders' goal line, but not forwards towards the opposition goal line.
- Where touch judges are trained referees, they will be referred to as assistant referees, with responsibility for policing the offside lines.
- Penalty kicks are generally to be given only for offside and foul play. Most other penalties will become free kicks, with the option of taking a scrum as in the current laws, which cannot be used for a kick at goal or a dropped goal.
- If the ball is passed or run back into the 22 and then kicked out on the full before a tackle, ruck or maul is effected, the resulting lineout is taken from where the kick was made. However, if the kick bounces into touch, the lineout is taken from where the ball went into touch, as in the previous laws.
- The maul can be collapsed by defending sides without incurring a penalty if the forward momentum of the attacking side has been neutralized or reversed.
- The corner flag, currently situated where the try line meets the touchline, will become part of the field of play. Under the current laws, a try is still allowed if a player touches the corner flag while attempting to touch the ball down.