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Author Topic: EAs to be taken over by consortium in £32m deal that will end Wray's Ownership.  (Read 5605 times)


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I get the negativity in the past few comments on this thread, but also think Geech has a fair point.

I’m not convinced that the salary infringements were major and from what lots of (non-Saracens) folk have said about Wray he’s passionate about the game and his squad.  It sounds like all in all, he’s just sought to give his players the best opportunities for life during and post-rugby.

The lack of contrition or transparency is what really bothers me as that’s what fuels the continued resentment (from me and plenty of other fans) towards Saracens.  It’s left us in a position where it’s impossible to really know the truth.

We’ll never really know if the conversations were “Hey Maro, I’ve been thinking about a way for us to go into Business together to monetise your personal brand…” or “We’re strapped with the Salary Cap, so can’t give you a bigger contract.  Instead, why don’t we invest in your images rights and give you a lump up-front to compensate?”

There should be lots to be admired about them.  Frankly though, I couldn’t care less if they were in the Prem or not.  Their generally dull play and constant hollering in the face of opposition combined with constant chat to the ref grinds my gears.

Let’s be honest, Geech probably knows more about this than any of us.  I’m inclined to give Geech the benefit of the doubt.  If it really was that minor, then Saracens only have themselves to blame for making it such a major issue in the Sport.

I'm sorry but I cannot agree with that, Wray very much knew he was breaking the salary cap rules when he was making deals with his players.

I'm sure he is passionate about Saracens but he cheated, got caught and has now tarnished himself and his club forever.


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So if one of Sarries new owners is also the owner of the Sharks in SA and they gain Euro Cup entry via the URC next season what happens if the 2 teams are drawn against each other?

I thought there were rules stopping the same person owning multiple teams in the same competition? Isn't that why the takeover of Gloucester by Altrad was scuppered:-

I guess the Shark has under 20% of Sarries so all is fine???

Our sport is increasingly becoming like football, rich men's play things with the spoils going to the biggest bank balance.

Heidelberger RK were prohibited from playing in the Challenge Cup as a result of them being backed by the Stade Francais owner and Stade had also qualified for the Challenge Cup.

Marlow Nick

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I'm sure that Geech is correct that Nigel has done a lot of good for the game and is a thoroughly nice chap however that in no way excuses his deliberate and repeated offenses which significantly damaged the reputation of rugby and, one could argue, led to at least one club going bankrupt as they tried to keep up with Saracens-led wage inflation.  This is not a balancing act where a good deed cancels out a bad one. Just like the silly protestations that a player has good character, plays internationals and supports charities should not be considered when deciding the punishment for a red card, equally Nigel's good deeds should not in any way be used as an excuse or mitigation for the irreparable harm he brought on the premiership.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2021, 05:29:03 PM by Marlow Nick »

Bloke in North Dorset

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Hmmm, breaking the salary cap, allegedly, wasn’t their biggest crime IMHO. all that hollering, hooping, backslapping and mocking of opponents when they’ve made a mistake will do more to harm the game than breaking salary caps. 

In 20 years there’ll be a generation of rugby professionals who think that is the way to play winning rugby, and TPTB show no sign of clamping down.  I refuse to watch any of their games except when we play them, and that’s out of loyalty not love of the game.   


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At least we will be able to stop calling them Estate Agents and revert to their real name - Saffacens.


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I find it hard to be balanced about Sarries these days. As individuals, I like many of their squad and many of those who took the opportunity to play for other teams like Malins and Isiekwe etc. seemed to be well liked by their new teams.

But there is something about them collectively that seems to infiltrate the team such that they become the arm flapping, shouting ref hassling players that makes it so good to beat them. It's rare I support Tigers....I was delighted at the weekend. And loved it more that it pissed of their key people.

What really gets me, is their fans who I converse with elsewhere. When Farrell made the decision to lay out Charlie - the amount of mealy mouthed excuses for a senior player and England captain who'd just showed why people might dislike him....And many of the fans seem to embody a sort of Millwall meme "everyone hates us and we don't care"

It doesn't matter if the irregularities were "minor" as such. It's that the owner went out of his way - it seems - to promote schemes with the aim of getting an edge. Not by smarter training but by - if what we know is correct, cheating. What satisfaction can you get from winning when cheating? It wasn't like it wasn't in full view. At one time Sarries had at least half of a Lions starting pack....and several other key Lions too. As a fan, having that resource at your disposal and going off to beat up Worcester (say) what satisfaction can you have in a sport where such inequalities matter more than in other sports.

I can't see any mitigation in loving the game. You can't love the game if you are happy to win by cheating......


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"I can't see any mitigation in loving the game. You can't love the game if you are happy to win by cheating....."

That is the best, most succinct answer to all the whataboutery that accompanies any criticism of Saracens Rugby Club.


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Plus 1, with bells


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Let me tell you something cucumber


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I believe we have it surrounded.
Plus 3.


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Hmmm, breaking the salary cap, allegedly, wasn’t their biggest crime IMHO. all that hollering, hooping, backslapping and mocking of opponents when they’ve made a mistake will do more to harm the game than breaking salary caps. 

In 20 years there’ll be a generation of rugby professionals who think that is the way to play winning rugby, and TPTB show no sign of clamping down.  I refuse to watch any of their games except when we play them, and that’s out of loyalty not love of the game.

Totally agree with this. The greatest champions show as much humility in victory as they do in defeat. The EAs players carry on like a bunch of spoilt, leering brats with a sense of entitlement and absolute, utter contempt for their opponents. I won’t forget them mocking Glasgow celebrating a try that was disallowed.

Last season Ben Earl was terrific for Bristol and earned a lot of respect. I’ve seen him twice this year - one against Bristol - and his personality has changed so drastically that he’s become chief leerer and goader of the opposition at scrum time.

What goes on at the EAs to create this kind of mindset? It’s a race to the bottom. I think as much as the cheating its the overall arrogance of the club I can’t abide.


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Agreed. Something culturally wrong at that club, on the playing side. I’m beginning to think McCall and the coaches need to be rooted out before I can watch them again.

Marlow Nick

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Agreed. Something culturally wrong at that club, on the playing side. I’m beginning to think McCall and the coaches need to be rooted out before I can watch them again.

I agree however the infection is spreading with Sanderson at Sale. Perhaps all Saracens should be required to self isolate for 10 years before joining another English club


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Oh come come .......  how could you?  Ten years is nowhere near long enough.


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Personally, I'd have put them all up against the wall and shot them ;)