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Author Topic: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie  (Read 3415 times)


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #30 on: February 24, 2022, 03:19:22 AM »
I’m pretty sure there’s an understanding whereby (overall) there’s an attempt to balance things out a bit throughout the season.

Quite. Seems completely logical to me, and defensible at least in terms of fairness on the teams. Rather sad that there's such a total lack of transparency over how these things really operate, with coaches having to come up with these cock and bull stories about selections, call ups, and releases etc. all the time, and the understandable frustrations it generates among fans.


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #31 on: February 24, 2022, 08:50:42 AM »
But that approach is terrible from a players point of view. Called up as ballast to hold tackle bags. All this requires is consistency from Jones. Let’s be clear, he does not need to factor in the wants and needs of Prem clubs - that’s not his job. He just needs to be consistent and equitable. As I’ve said before the real solution is to not have international and club games overlapping.


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #32 on: February 24, 2022, 09:27:17 AM »
The realpolitik is surely that he does need to factor these things in though. Clubs hold a lot of sway in the prem.  If you're saying he shouldn't have to do that though, I agree personally, although I can see see why some might think the national team should not be dominating everything. 

The thing about holding tackle bags is daft. Perhaps you are being a little tongue in cheek there, and Austin Healy was (I hope!) but the problem is it gets repeated so much people start taking it literally. Apart from the fact that there's not a shred of evidence that it actually happens, it makes zero sense that a multi-million pound operation like the England set up would steal elite athletes away from their clubs and pay them small fortunes to do nothing but hold tackle bags instead of focusing the time primarily on developing them.  The players sometimes talk about being the tea boy and such because they are the new boy, but it's not primarily what they are there for.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 09:31:28 AM by califauna »


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #33 on: February 24, 2022, 09:46:09 AM »
I can see see why some might think the national team should not be dominating everything.

but it has to because the money made by the national team is what keeps the prem game a float.
Like wise the National side can't function without a strong prem developing players. That's why the PRL did the deal with the RFU, they need each other to survive!


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #34 on: February 24, 2022, 09:46:34 AM »
Apologies, not clear enough. My point was that if there is a policy within the England set up to “rotate” players called up but with little or no chance of playing then that is really unfair in those players. Personally I don’t think that happens.

DGP Wasp

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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2022, 10:38:20 AM »
Apologies, not clear enough. My point was that if there is a policy within the England set up to “rotate” players called up but with little or no chance of playing then that is really unfair in those players. Personally I don’t think that happens.

I agree.  Seems ludicrous that England would parachute players in simply based on maintaining some level of parity between the clubs.  Not fair on the players or their clubs.  I can't think of any examples to support this.  If anyone thinks that's what happened with Alfie and Joe, then they are probably a little paranoid.

Marler had had 2 short stints off the bench for England.  Made sense for him to get some game time.  He may well have been asked his preference, and no harm in that in the circumstances.
Launchbury was very probably under serious consideration for the Wales game, in which case more time in camp, having only joined up briefly the week before makes complete sense.  Released now as Lawes appears to have recovered and probably still question marks over Launchbury's own match fitness.
Barbeary is an emerging player who almost certainly has a future for England.  Having more time with him to determine where or when that might be is again pretty sensible.
I am as big an Eddie critic as any, but in this case I think some are seeing issues that are just not there.  Just the rub of the green.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 01:05:54 PM by DGP Wasp »


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #36 on: February 24, 2022, 12:57:28 PM »
Money cares little over how ludicrous or unfair rugby sometimes is, nor how paranoid the fans are.   No shortage of examples of that in my view.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2022, 01:02:17 PM by califauna »


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Re: Joe and Alfie released by Eddie
« Reply #37 on: February 24, 2022, 04:25:51 PM »
Seems ludicrous that England would parachute players in simply based on maintaining some level of parity between the clubs.

I think if you were to look back over all squad selections over the past couple of years, you would see certain players being selected who were never going to get a game within the following two years at least.
But, being around the squad, Eddie can meet them and see what they’re all about.

Look at Bailey being selected the other week.
Or indeed or own Umaga, Atkinson etc.

I’m not saying it’s done meticulously, but I have heard there is an unspoken understanding of some sort of parity over the duration of a season or two.
It makes sense to me. And it’s a learning opportunity for the players (whether a good one or not, only they can tell you).