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Author Topic: House of Cards  (Read 3055 times)


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House of Cards
« on: August 07, 2022, 07:20:37 AM »
Throw in everything that we know about instabilities within the club - finances, stadium issues, pitch and a block on recruitment - it has an ominous ring akin to a House of Cards.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2022, 08:31:57 AM »
Please NO?


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2022, 09:17:39 AM »
....  but whilst I am feeling rather gloomy about the future I do think that the SBs are trying  to fit us up with responsibilities  and  errors that are a) not of our making and b) for which we are not responsible.  Rather, I think any clangers have been dropped by others.  Largely the SBs.  Now they  (the trolls) are busy trying to spread doom and gloom everywhere.  And maybe make a quick buck -  or threaten  to.  I hope I'm right but it does appear that we might be the innocent  party.  I am sorry  for the footie supporters but someone (not Wasps)  never thought this through.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2022, 09:21:09 AM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2022, 09:33:21 AM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2022, 09:59:35 AM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

This is the only warning you, or any others will get.

“This place exists to provide a space for discussion about Wasps Rugby, and related subjects.”

In any discussion, there is likely to be more than one view expressed - or else it is a very short and boring interaction.

Some contributors think wasps are blameless and all is hunky dory. I don’t think that is the case and the apparent moratorium on further recruitment is but one piece of evidence that all is not well. Indeed, the OP of this thread is not convinced that all is well either.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2022, 10:02:20 AM by SBSam »


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #6 on: August 07, 2022, 10:02:09 AM »
Don't pull the tiger's tail, Sam.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #7 on: August 07, 2022, 10:02:57 AM »
Don't pull the tiger's tail, Sam.
In case I get stung :)

Vespula Vulgaris

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2022, 10:12:36 AM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

This is the only warning you, or any others will get.

“This place exists to provide a space for discussion about Wasps Rugby, and related subjects.”

In any discussion, there is likely to be more than one view expressed - or else it is a very short and boring interaction.

Some contributors think wasps are blameless and all is hunky dory. I don’t think that is the case and the apparent moratorium on further recruitment is but one piece of evidence that all is not well. Indeed, the OP of this thread is not convinced that all is well either.

You don't have to like it. I own this site, it isn’t a democracy, and you thinking you should be able to say anything you want is of no relevance.

Heathen and I have known each other years. I think he's wrong on this, but as a long term Wasps supporter I'm willing to cut him a lot of Slack.

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #9 on: August 07, 2022, 11:25:10 AM »
If you reflect in the cold light of day I suppose we should have expected a few problems. All sorts of businesses were crippled by covid - those relying on footfall most of all. To plug the gap it’s fairly obvious Wasps have had to cut their cloth in terms of for want of a better term “ancillary” services. Such as marketing, infrastructure, back office etc. I don’t see any block on signings. We’ve secured Koch, Odendaal, Haydon-Wood + others. The lack of activity there is Blackett not finding who he wants for me. And I think the club will turn things round - I think it’s far from all doom and gloom. By hook or by crook I thing the bond will get sorted. Smarter marketing (the nest) is starting to kick in. Don’t want to focus too much on the football club but unfortunately we have got into bed with a nest of vipers there and should never make the mistake of thinking real collaboration on anything is possible. See this choppy period through and we’ll be ok.

Steve from Cov

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #10 on: August 07, 2022, 11:42:20 AM »
Makes sense to postpone signings until we have our ‘mortgage’ on the ground in place.


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #11 on: August 07, 2022, 11:50:09 AM »
On the plus side, we are not 30 seconds from going down the tubes like we were in 2012!

Come on Dai Young

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2022, 12:17:36 PM »
At the risk of getting banned - which I *really* don't want to happen, by the way! - I can see SBSam's point, to some extent. Wasps aren't blameless in this situation, and (with all due respect to my fellow posters), it takes a certain amount of self-delusion to pretend otherwise.

Modern discourse is so polarised that everything becomes an 'us vs. them' scenario. Do I endorse the abject bile, vitriol, and hatred that's currently being spewed on the Sky Blues Talk forum, directed at Wasps and its supporters? Absolutely not. Should we be following suit, albeit in a much more civil and measured manner, by putting the blame solely at the doors of CCFC and Sisu? In my view, no.

I don't see a fundamental conflict between supporting Wasps (as in, rooting for the coaches and players to win their games each week) on the one hand, and criticising the Club (as in, the corporate entity that includes the rugby team) for the way in which they operate on the other.

Similarly, I think CCFC supporters should be able to make that distinction, and instead of openly wishing for Wasps to go bust - which would cost many people their jobs in the process, when they had nothing whatsoever to do with the pitch fiasco - they should focus their ire on those who are actually responsible. After all, they know a thing or two about having less than ideal corporate overlords!

I won't pretend to know how bad (or otherwise) the Club's financial situation is. It looks pretty dire from the outside, but with so many unknown/unknowable factors in play, it'd be as daft to proclaim that the sky is falling as it would be to declare "I see no ships!".

To end this post with a tired old cliche, only time will tell.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2022, 01:04:25 PM by Come on Dai Young »


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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2022, 10:16:09 PM »
Since the move we have seen the galctico era, enjoyed some of the most entertaining rugby in the world, seen the emergence of a crop of promising forwards who get bums off seats, and made the final twice. I count that as a positive whatever happens!

Sussex Wasp

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Re: House of Cards
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2022, 05:25:15 PM »
Is it possible to clutch straws with your head buried in the sand?

I'll be clear here. This is a Wasps forum, if you are solely here to spread negative rumours and run down Wasps you'll be banned.

This is the only warning you, or any others will get.

Oh dear. So there is one strand of opinions allowed and they have to be positive. F'raid VV you are taking a wrong un here and sure I will be banned but your threats are sad.
The forum needs balance and most here simply ignore, and have ignored for years, the stark financial Tsunami of woe that has been Wasps since the Coventry move. I've said it before but will again but how can we survive when racked up over £60m losses since 2015 and the move?
Defaulted on bonds, owe Derek another £20m, about to lose the stadium, rugby results and attendances at home collapsing. Now rumours the contractors won't relay the pitch due to credit issues and now recruitment on hold.

These are not "negative rumours" or any attempt to undermine Wasps. We all love our club and want it to last another 150 years. It just looks like it is about to go down the pan, and we need to do something about it as sure as hell Eastwood and Vaughan do not seem to be . Certainly not having a dialogue with Wasps fans on how to refinance and also turn an annual £10m loss making business into a viable entity
Long live the debate!