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Author Topic: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!  (Read 2339 times)


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Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« on: August 07, 2022, 06:04:16 PM »

How to make friends and influence people! Looks like the SISU apple does not fall far from the supporters tree.

We must remember this is a tiny proportion of the sky blue support, but so far the reaction to the pitch issue and our ongoing problems is;

1: support SISU and Seppla in suing the club

2: disrupt rugby match day events

3: Harass, bully, intimate local people who have decided -freely- to support our club and forcing them not to attend.

4: Put up abusive posters/banners calling for us to go

5: Attempt to force sponsors to abandon their support by individually targeting them and not doing business

Some views there which would get the support of certain Russian or Chinese government autocrats!

CCFC are not really sustainable and more a house of cards, and to be fair unless we turn around our financial fortunes so are we….However our strength is in our measurable assets and multi income stream ability…..but it must improve. Yet before the pandemic we were heading to break even. Both CCFC and Wasps should be working together for the benefit of all as the separate models don’t really seem to be working!


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2022, 07:31:58 PM »
I've just read the SB thread, presumably written by very young children  who try to shock the elderly by using naughty words.  It's quite funny really.  Made me laugh anyway!  And it's all very old-fashioned too


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2022, 08:35:00 PM »
If they want control of things the answer for them is simple - get a stadium of your own. There is the odd sensible voice on there but in the main it’s depressing bile. I’d be gutted if a much anticipated opening game was called off - completely get it. But that’s what can happen when you’ve been run so badly that you put yourselves in the hands of others constantly.


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #3 on: August 07, 2022, 08:48:55 PM »
If they want control of things the answer for them is simple - get a stadium of your own. There is the odd sensible voice on there but in the main it’s depressing bile. I’d be gutted if a much anticipated opening game was called off - completely get it. But that’s what can happen when you’ve been run so badly that you put yourselves in the hands of others constantly.

Sorry - there is a new built stadium coming isn't there.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #4 on: August 07, 2022, 09:39:30 PM »
No. Absolutely no chance.


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2022, 09:52:04 PM »
'New stadium'  plus the last 2 words of Neils comment.

Come on Dai Young

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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2022, 12:17:04 AM »
I should preface this by saying that I couldn't give a rat's posterior about football, be it the sport in general or Coventry City FC in particular, but some (and I do mean SOME) of the options proposed at Sky Blues Talk constitute legitimate forms of protest, a right that's increasingly under threat in this country, and should probably be treated as such.

Being in favour of legal action, putting up (non-abusive) banners, and (politely) requesting that sponsors pull their support is fair enough; proposing that anyone wearing Wasps apparel in Coventry city centre should be subject to "aggro", and advocating buying tickets to rugby games with a view to being disruptive inside the Arena, is simply beyond the pale.

I've found a certain amount of dark humour in the fact that I actually agree with one of the oft-repeated mantras at SBT - namely, "f*** off back to London" - as that'd be my preference, too! (Moving back to London, I mean - not so much the "effing off" part of the equation.)

Yes, I know it's never going to happen, but the realisation that I'm (sort of) on the same page as many of their regular posters made me smile.


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2022, 07:31:17 AM »
I ask this  with genuine curiosity and some degree of  'humour' .....  are you sure you're a Wasp??


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2022, 08:04:50 AM »
CoDY I certainly agree with you, the right to freedom of protest should never be impinged upon, it is part of what makes a society democratic. It is however the nature of the protest that may step over the line between that of a civilised society to that of a baying mob worthy of a hegemony.

Voicing opposition and getting your opinion heard by many through protest, gatherings, posters/flags and being able to give your side of the argument without seeking to quash another’s through threats and violence is democratic. Marginalising, abusing others, or trying to cause harm,  whether through verbal, physical abuse or trying to place others in financial jeopardy through the simple act of sponsoring those who your feelings are contrary to. Forcing the narrative, deliberately and forcefully stopping opposing voices through threat and refusing to respect the others position crosses that line to more autocratic behaviour.

Like you I would of loved Wasps to remain in London, ideally in Sudbury. However I followed them to White City then to High Wycombe, and I do now to Coventry. Wasps runs in my blood, and as annoyed as I was at the move, when you hear testimony such as new wasp, it places perspective I probably did not really have, even though it was wonderful seeing new Wasps join our family.

We are now in situation where we must continue to grow our support, but we are also now part of the Coventry culture and future (as distasteful as that may be to some). I have absolutely zero interest in football -could not be a more boring sport out there! - but I respect those who love the game and their club as much as I do ours. CCFC and Wasps are better off supporting each other to be successful going forward rather than working against one another.

Come on Dai Young

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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2022, 08:46:29 AM »
I ask this  with genuine curiosity and some degree of  'humour' .....  are you sure you're a Wasp??

Pretty sure, yes, although I will admit that my enthusiasm for (and commitment to) the Club has waned since the move to Coventry.

Out of interest, which particular aspect of my post prompted you to ask such a question?

Wombles, I agree with the vast majority of your comments. Have my upvote!


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2022, 12:44:38 PM »
I think it was mainly the third paragraph.  I'm  not in favour of civill disobedience  however  mild  -  I'm too old to approve of supergluing  yourself to the motorway. But I have been  on a protest march (Countryside Alliance)  and strike broke 4 times.  Such daring!

Come on Dai Young

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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2022, 02:01:24 PM »
I think it was mainly the third paragraph.

Fair enough, I suppose!

Like many people here, I started following Wasps when they were London Wasps; in fact, I chose them to support in no small part *because* they were London Wasps.

Were a return to those days on the cards, I'd be 100% in favour of it, even if it could be seen in some quarters as "f-ing off back to London" (to use the Sky Blues Talk parlance).
« Last Edit: August 08, 2022, 02:15:59 PM by Come on Dai Young »


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2022, 02:56:26 PM »
Oh please!  It's great that you're  aboard but please - not quotes from SkyBlues in their original blue language!  If you want to know a bit about some of the  posters on here have look at Who Are You Really?  Interesting.  I think you and I might have got to go to matches  about the same time but we are mere beginners  compared to many on here, and I  think you know much more than I  -  but that's not difficult.  I did like HP but  wouldn't wish to renturn for many reasons      but it was fun.  Welcome!

Come on Dai Young

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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2022, 07:37:20 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome, Wonky - much appreciated.


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Re: Sky blues talk in a forgiving mood!
« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2022, 12:25:07 AM »
I preferred it as 'Wasps', never got the London thing - at the time everyone had to be' place animal' or 'place something' at least Sarries of all clubs and Quins bucked the trend.
If nothing else Wycombe Wasps actually sounded better, but just 'Wasps' suits me fine. Perhaps we should have moved to Wolverhampton!