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Author Topic: Lions Down Under 2025  (Read 1254 times)


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Lions Down Under 2025
« on: July 19, 2023, 11:40:27 AM »
Given the relative timeframes between tours, this might be a bit of a moving target.

Any of our parish toured before, was it with an organised tour or DIY? If the latter, how/easy difficult was it to get your hands on tickets particularly test tickets?

Eyeing up a Family Trip to follow the 2025 tour in and amongst a chance to see parts of Oz.  I've been a couple of times (albeit a long time ago), family haven't.  Down sides (aside from cost) are that it's over the School Term and Southern Hemisphere Winter (albeit north of Perth, Darwin and Cairns will all be warm).


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Re: Lions Down Under 2025
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2023, 04:17:17 PM »
It's a tricky one regarding taking the kids out of school. I don't think they are as hard on it now, suspect it depends on age. Taking kids out of school to go on holiday would not sit well with me, but each to their own.


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Re: Lions Down Under 2025
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2023, 04:49:15 PM »
I haven't been before but I was seriously looking at going at one point.

When I was looking, I was only really interested in going through the official travel packages. My reasoning was:

1. I'm less likely to mess up the travel itinerary if my booking is through one provider who takes care of everything (travel, hotels, tickets).
2. My personal opinion is that my experience would be enhanced by being part of a larger group of Lions fans - along with the other experiences that I read up on (e.g. meeting players etc.)
3. My personal opinion is that, having never been to Australia at all, I wouldn't feel like I've missed something out due to the official tour not passing by. All I'd do is note it down for a future trip. I appreciate that this might be different for someone like yourself who has visited before and may have particular areas they want to visit whilst in the country.
4. I would have only been booking for 2, so it probably wouldn't have been as expensive (relatively) as someone booking for more than that. I imagine for a larger group there is more scope to saving money when booking your own tour.