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Author Topic: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores  (Read 2602 times)


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Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« on: March 08, 2020, 07:28:57 AM »
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2020, 07:58:03 AM »
I didn't post after the game. We got home from the game in record time I think. Traffic was so light.

I was struggling to think how to describe that game.

Gloucester were beyond determined to win that game. Every second, every play they fought hard and tough. If they were ever going to win a game, it was that one. If nothing else, it shows how far we have come that we were fighting and playing them toe to toe the whole game.

Watson had a howler of a game, and Fekitoa was not so good at times.

But, the rest of the squad all played well.

For a first start, Sopoaga played well at FB. With this Coronavirus thing, it may be a while before we see Minozzi, but, if we can get him back for the Saints game, I would see him on the wing.

Poor old Jimmy took another face bash. I think his good looks may be at risk.

Cruse yet again injured his heavily strapped right knee, so that didn't look good. But, in general, I think we escaped relatively unharmed from a bruising encounter.

A shout out for the one person on the pitch who showed how NOT to do it. Ian Tempest was singularly useless at managing the players. He failed to use the TMO when he should have, dismissing that thought with a jaunty that wasn't what I saw. Throughout the match he threatened to send players off for back chat and off the ball incidents. The niggle was getting out of control. Willis and chopped, pushed and thrown to the ground, off the ball, many times. He never reacted. At one point in the second half, he was flattened by a very physical off the ball tackle. Far worse than the one for which Fekitoa got sent off for. It was right in front of the blind ref. Not a blink did it get from Tempest. And then Tempest gave them a scrum.

I know it will happen one day, but not this weekend; I have yet to see that muppet have a good day on the pitch.


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2020, 08:28:12 AM »
Glad to see you confirm what I saw in that they continued to tackle off the ball yet it was us who got the first yellow card. The number of times they took out one of ours without sanction! There was far too much niggle especially Balmain which should have been stopped early on. The Ref-link was fun yesterday - some of his comments and asides were amusing but just a shame he didn't action his words.

I note the game today has Ash at hooker and a youngster on the bench so maybe we are getting concerned about injuries at this position.

Big shout for Charlie who has grown in these last few games and was immense yesterday. And the much maligned Lima showing he really is a good player.
Let me tell you something cucumber


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2020, 08:49:31 AM »
I didn't post after the game. We got home from the game in record time I think. Traffic was so light.

I was struggling to think how to describe that game.

Gloucester were beyond determined to win that game. Every second, every play they fought hard and tough. If they were ever going to win a game, it was that one. If nothing else, it shows how far we have come that we were fighting and playing them toe to toe the whole game.

Watson had a howler of a game, and Fekitoa was not so good at times.

But, the rest of the squad all played well.

For a first start, Sopoaga played well at FB. With this Coronavirus thing, it may be a while before we see Minozzi, but, if we can get him back for the Saints game, I would see him on the wing.

Poor old Jimmy took another face bash. I think his good looks may be at risk.

Cruse yet again injured his heavily strapped right knee, so that didn't look good. But, in general, I think we escaped relatively unharmed from a bruising encounter.

A shout out for the one person on the pitch who showed how NOT to do it. Ian Tempest was singularly useless at managing the players. He failed to use the TMO when he should have, dismissing that thought with a jaunty that wasn't what I saw. Throughout the match he threatened to send players off for back chat and off the ball incidents. The niggle was getting out of control. Willis and chopped, pushed and thrown to the ground, off the ball, many times. He never reacted. At one point in the second half, he was flattened by a very physical off the ball tackle. Far worse than the one for which Fekitoa got sent off for. It was right in front of the blind ref. Not a blink did it get from Tempest. And then Tempest gave them a scrum.

I know it will happen one day, but not this weekend; I have yet to see that muppet have a good day on the pitch.

However we are now as a group highlighting the odd average performance in the team, if we look back at the outset of the season, we were struggling on occasion to find the odd good performance. There seems to be a team spirit, that wasn't there until recently.

The level of confidence and experimentation on the pitch has in my eyes increased, and handling errors have reduced massively. On occasion there seems to be influences of the 13 man code in some of our attacking play particularly the kicking and swarming behind the leading attacker, is that an element Gleeson has introduced, and he is being given a little more freedom now?

We look like a top 4 side, and we have players to come back, I am truly uplifted from yesterday and hope we can kick on and keep producing. This group of players look like a tight unit and are happy to be playing together.
It was fine when I left it.....


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2020, 09:01:54 AM »
We look like a top 4 side, and we have players to come back, I am truly uplifted from yesterday and hope we can kick on and keep producing. This group of players look like a tight unit and are happy to be playing together.

I agree. Our next game could be the critical one. I don't know what the stats are for us away at Franklins Gardens. Under normal circumstances, I would be riding up there on my bike, but, sadly, my recent heart attack has meant baby has been garaged now for a very lonely, long time, and I am very reluctant to buy tickets in advance (especially with this Coronavirus thing- who knows if the game will be happening, or if it might be behind closed doors?).


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2020, 09:14:34 AM »

Dan mentioned that he was getting the Capt thing now and that having senior players like Brad and others made it easier.

Whilst I only saw the game on a tiny live feed, it seemed that players were taking responsibility. I was most impressed to see Charlie M seemingly "laying down the law" in a break in play - its when you get player led input that you get a team that plays. I remember Lol if we were pissing about, back in the day. Loved playing, hated losing and made sure everyone else was on the same page

Are we starting to get that player led benefit now? It was part of the reason I was pleased we signed Brad - leader for the 'Canes and experienced SR player.

Pressure on slightly now - but in a good way. I'm starting to expect that we can score anytime!


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2020, 09:28:48 AM »

I do hope Gleeson is adding to our attack. He's an excellent attacking rugby brain. If he has contributed he deserves to be acknowledged.

Steve from Cov

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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2020, 11:18:20 AM »
I didn't post after the game. We got home from the game in record time I think. Traffic was so light.

I was struggling to think how to describe that game.

Gloucester were beyond determined to win that game. Every second, every play they fought hard and tough. If they were ever going to win a game, it was that one. If nothing else, it shows how far we have come that we were fighting and playing them toe to toe the whole game.

Watson had a howler of a game, and Fekitoa was not so good at times.

But, the rest of the squad all played well.

For a first start, Sopoaga played well at FB. With this Coronavirus thing, it may be a while before we see Minozzi, but, if we can get him back for the Saints game, I would see him on the wing.

Poor old Jimmy took another face bash. I think his good looks may be at risk.

Cruse yet again injured his heavily strapped right knee, so that didn't look good. But, in general, I think we escaped relatively unharmed from a bruising encounter.

A shout out for the one person on the pitch who showed how NOT to do it. Ian Tempest was singularly useless at managing the players. He failed to use the TMO when he should have, dismissing that thought with a jaunty that wasn't what I saw. Throughout the match he threatened to send players off for back chat and off the ball incidents. The niggle was getting out of control. Willis and chopped, pushed and thrown to the ground, off the ball, many times. He never reacted. At one point in the second half, he was flattened by a very physical off the ball tackle. Far worse than the one for which Fekitoa got sent off for. It was right in front of the blind ref. Not a blink did it get from Tempest. And then Tempest gave them a scrum.

I know it will happen one day, but not this weekend; I have yet to see that muppet have a good day on the pitch.

I think we might have been watching different games NWW?

I thought Watson’s involvement in Jacob’s try was excellent- many wingers would have butchered that. I thought Fekitoa played really well and showed he is a real threat. Very strong running and big tackling.

I was pleased to see Tempest march Gloucester 10 yards because of their back chat - he set out his stall very early and was consistent. I can’t recall any dodgy decisions either to be honest.


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2020, 11:36:15 AM »
I didn't post after the game. We got home from the game in record time I think. Traffic was so light.

I was struggling to think how to describe that game.

Gloucester were beyond determined to win that game. Every second, every play they fought hard and tough. If they were ever going to win a game, it was that one. If nothing else, it shows how far we have come that we were fighting and playing them toe to toe the whole game.

Watson had a howler of a game, and Fekitoa was not so good at times.

But, the rest of the squad all played well.

For a first start, Sopoaga played well at FB. With this Coronavirus thing, it may be a while before we see Minozzi, but, if we can get him back for the Saints game, I would see him on the wing.

Poor old Jimmy took another face bash. I think his good looks may be at risk.

Cruse yet again injured his heavily strapped right knee, so that didn't look good. But, in general, I think we escaped relatively unharmed from a bruising encounter.

A shout out for the one person on the pitch who showed how NOT to do it. Ian Tempest was singularly useless at managing the players. He failed to use the TMO when he should have, dismissing that thought with a jaunty that wasn't what I saw. Throughout the match he threatened to send players off for back chat and off the ball incidents. The niggle was getting out of control. Willis and chopped, pushed and thrown to the ground, off the ball, many times. He never reacted. At one point in the second half, he was flattened by a very physical off the ball tackle. Far worse than the one for which Fekitoa got sent off for. It was right in front of the blind ref. Not a blink did it get from Tempest. And then Tempest gave them a scrum.

I know it will happen one day, but not this weekend; I have yet to see that muppet have a good day on the pitch.

I think we might have been watching different games NWW?

I thought Watson’s involvement in Jacob’s try was excellent- many wingers would have butchered that. I thought Fekitoa played really well and showed he is a real threat. Very strong running and big tackling.

I was pleased to see Tempest march Gloucester 10 yards because of their back chat - he set out his stall very early and was consistent. I can’t recall any dodgy decisions either to be honest.

I'm with Steve on this. Also liked Tempest's grabbing the game and not allowing the backchat - even if it was from Wasps!

Myonly gripe was that all the officials missed a lot of off-the-ball stuff, especially on Willis. However it also worked to our advantage because there were several occasions when their players left mauls to grapple with our players giving us the chance to turn them over.


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2020, 11:37:09 AM »
Credit should be given where it is rightly due - I thought the ref did a good job, installing discipline, apologising where he felt he had got something wrong but most of all getting on with it by not asking for replay after replay and telling "water boys" to get off and stop stalling the game.  Nowadays, with all the camera angles and slo-mo's, no ref is going to get everything right but at least Tempest was consistent and his performance was far from a shipwreck ;)

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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2020, 11:42:33 AM »
I'm with them.  I thought Sir was pretty good overall, lots of missed stuff, but none of it massively serious, one or two dodgy calls, but he set his stal out early, made sure everyone knew he wasn't going to be pushed around by players on either side, and did a pretty fair job.

For my part the best bit about it was that our guys seemed to get on his wavelength early and play to the way he was reffing. Glaws not so much.  It's been a long time since I've seen a Wasps squad do that.
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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2020, 12:07:49 PM »
I'm with them.  I thought Sir was pretty good overall, lots of missed stuff, but none of it massively serious, one or two dodgy calls, but he set his stal out early, made sure everyone knew he wasn't going to be pushed around by players on either side, and did a pretty fair job.

For my part the best bit about it was that our guys seemed to get on his wavelength early and play to the way he was reffing. Glaws not so much.  It's been a long time since I've seen a Wasps squad do that.



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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2020, 12:26:17 PM »
No problem with the ref instilling discipline - the game needs a bit of that. He still missed loads of people going off their feet but he's far from alone in that. We just look a different team now. The three distributors works well and as Glaws had Twelvetrees peppering kicks all over the Ricoh we had three good kickers available. Form and confidence has returned at the right time for a top 4 push.


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Re: Bobby's CovLive Player Scores
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2020, 01:10:35 PM »

I'll airways credit a ref who makes good use off penalising a team 10metres.

Overall I felt that he didn't affect the outcome of the game.

There were a few scraps, and although Balmain seemed to be involved in a lot, it could have descended far worse than it did.